
Introduction to Twistor Theory

(London Mathematical Society and U. Plymouth)



3 nov 2023 - 19:11 CET

Profesora UCM responsable del curso: Marina Logares
Duración: 8 horas
Fechas: del 20 al 24 de Noviembre de 2023
Horario: Lunes de 15h a 17h, martes, miércoles y viernes de 16h a 18h.
Lugar: Aula B14
Summary:  The course will be an introduction to the elements of twistor theory aimed at research students who have not studied the subject before. Pre-requisites include undergraduate complex analysis, special relativity, and a bit of projective geometry. Here is a possible list of topics, which might change a little as I prepare my lecture notes:
Spinor fields
Compactified Minkowski space
Twistor geometry
The Penrose transform
If there is time, I might also discuss the following:
The twisted photon
The non-linear graviton