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- Davinia Sánchez-García
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Most relevant publications
Articles in refereed journals:
Sánchez-García, D. (2024). Lessons learned from Mentor-ING: an EME teacher education programme based on peer observation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-15. (Link here).
Sánchez-García, D. (2023). Potential professional growth of English-medium education teachers in a transnational teacher education program. International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 1-24. (Open Access here).
Orduna-Nocito, E., & Sánchez-García, D. (2022). Aligning higher education language policies with lecturers' views on EMI practices: A comparative study of ten Europeanuniversities. System, 104, doi; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102692 (Open access here).
Valcke, J., Nashaat-Sobhy, N., Sánchez-García, D., & Walaszczyk, J. (2022). Teacher development to mediate global citizenship in English-medium education contexts. Journal of English-medium Instruction, 1(1), 65-84. (Link here)
Sánchez-García, D. (2020). Mapping lecturer questions and their pedagogical goals in Spanish- and English-medium instruction. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education (JICB), 8(1), pp. 28-52. (Link here).
Nashaat Sobhy, N., & Sánchez-García, D. (2020). Lecturers’ Appraisals of English as a Lingua Franca in European Higher Education Settings. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning (Special Issue), 2(2), pp. 55-72. (Open access here).
Sánchez-García, D. (2019). ‘I can’t find the words now…’: Teacher Discourse Strategies and their Communicative Potential in Spanish- and English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education, CLIL. Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education, 2, 43-55. (Open access here).
Sánchez-García, D. (2018). Codeswitching practices in the discourse of two lecturers in English-medium instruction at university. ELIA, 18, 105-135. (Open access here).
Sánchez-García, D. (2018). Teacher Questioning: Exploring Student Interaction and Cognitive Engagement in Spanish and EMI University Lectures. Porta Linguarum, Monográfico III, 103-120. (Open access here).
Sánchez-García, D. (2016). [Review of the book Content and Language Integrated Learning. Language Policy and Pedagogical Practice, by Y. Ruiz de Zarobe]. Estudios Sobre Educación, 31, 181-184. (Open access here).
Dafouz, E., & Sánchez-García, D. (2013). Does everybody understand?' Teacher questions across disciplines in English-mediated university lectures: An exploratory study. Language Value, 5(1), 129-151. Jaume I University ePress: Castelló, Spain. (Open access here).
Book chapters:
Sánchez-García, D. (2022). The Elephant in the Room: Language Assessment in English medium Education in Multilingual University Settings. In Osman Z. Barnawi, Mohammed S. Alharbi, & Ayman A. Alzahrani (Eds.), Transnational English Language Assessment Practices in the Age of Metrics. Routledge. (Link here).
Sánchez-García, D. (2020). Internationalization through Language and Literacy in the Spanish EME Context. In S. Dimova, & J. Kling (Eds.), Integrating Content and Language in Multilingual Higher Education. Cham.: Springer. (Link here).
Sánchez-García, D., & Nashaat Sobhy, N. (2020). TESOL through the reflections of transnational EMEMUS lecturers: A ROADMAPPING approach. In O. Barnawi, & S. Anwaruddin (Eds.), TESOL Teacher Education in a Transnational World. Routledge. (Link here).
Sánchez-García, D., & Dafouz, E. (2020). Equipping Educational Developers for Inclusive International Programs in Higher Education. In M. Sánchez-Pérez (Ed.), Teacher Training for English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education. IGI Global. (Link here).
Sánchez-García, D., Sánchez-Hernández, A., & Dafouz, E. (2025). Navigating Disciplinary Literacies in English-medium higher education: Insights from lecturers, students and professional developers. Routledge.