Proyectos de Investigación

Research opportunities

Studentships and external practice hours

If you are a student of the "Máster Universitario en Música española e hispanoamericana", at the Complutense University of Madrid, you can choose to do your Master dissertation on processional chant, processional books or a related topic within our CPH project. The same is true for the Prácticas externas (external practice hours), 6 ECTS; you can choose to do this within our CPH project.


PhD fellowships at the Complutense University of Madrid

The CPH project supports applications for the FPU fellowships (PhD national programme) and also for regional funding programmes of PhD fellowships.


Let us know your proposal at

Job opportunities

July 2022, Research assistant
(Programa Investigo)
Tasks: to index chant in an international chant database and research collaborations
Full-time job, salary around 1,750 EUR gross per month, 12 months
Position unfilled!!


We are seeking for funding to open a new similar position, be alert if you are interested.