Bibliographical references
The critical apparatus is presented in abbreviated note form in a footnote and in a full bibliographical reference at the end of the paper. The references shall meet the following criteria:
a) Footnotes:
The general rule is LAST NAME (S), First name (year): pages.
Ex.: BASCHET, Jérôme (2008): pp. 23-24.
Medieval literary workswill benefit from the commonly used abbreviated references, preceded by the name of the author and title of the work:
Ex.: SAN ISIDORO, Etimologías, II, 3, 5, understanding book II, chapter 3, section 5.
In the case of using modern editions of the medieval literary works, they shall follow the format specified in the previous example.
Biblical texts will be cited as follows: Exodus 5, 1-2, Revelation 12, 7
The author may choose to use conventional abbreviations of the books: Ex. 5, 1-2, Rev. 12, 7.
b) Bibliography:
Monographs and collective works
LAST NAME (S), First name (year): Title. Publisher, place of publication, [vol.].
Ex.: BARNAY, Sylvie (1999): Le ciel sur la terre. Les apparitions de la Vierge au Moyen Âge. Éditions du Cerf, Paris.
If there are multiple authors, each name(s) will be separated by semicolons. If it is a collective work cited in its entirety, indicate “ed. / Dir. / Coord,” between the compiler"s name and year of publication.
Ex.: CARRERO, Eduardo; RICO, Daniel (eds.) (2004): Catedral y ciudad medieval en la Península Ibérica. Nausícaä, Murcia.
Journal articles
LAST NAME (S), First name (year): “Title”, Journal, volume, number, pages.
Ex.: YARZA LUACES, Joaquín (1974): “Iconografía de la Crucifixión en la miniatura española, siglos X al XII”, Archivo Español de Arte, t. XLVII, nº 185, pp. 13-38.
Book chapters, conference proceedings contributions
LAST NAME(S), First name (year): “Title”. In: LAST NAME(S), First name (ed. / dir. / coord.): Title of book or proceedings volume. Publisher, Place of publication, [volume], pages.
Ex.: KENAAN-KEDAR, Nurith (1974): “The Impact of Eleanor of Aquitaine on the Visual Arts in France”. In: AURELL, Martin (dir.): Culture Politique des Plantagenêt. Université de Poitiers, Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médievale, Poitiers, pp. 39-60.
If the author of the chapter matches the book"s author, the name is not repeated, it is understood.
Ex.: SAUERLANDER, Willibald (1974): “Über die Komposition des Weltgerichts-Tympanons in Autun”. En: Romanesque Art. Problems and Monuments. The Pindar Press, London, vol. I, pp. 223-267.
Exhibition catalogs
Title (year), exhibition catalog (Location-Year). Publisher, Place of publication.
Ex.: The Year 1200. A Centennial Exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1970), exhibition catalogue (New York, 1970). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
In case of citing a specific contribution within a catalog, proceed under the previous standard including precise information of the exhibition according to this standard.
Ex.: CUADRADO, Marta (2001): “Vírgenes abrideras”. In: Maravillas de la España Medieval. Tesoro sagrado y monarquía, exhibition catalogue (León, 2000-2001). Junta de Castilla y León, vol. I, pp. 439-442.
Dissertations and unpublished research papers
LAST NAME(S), First name (year): Title. Doctoral thesis / unpublished research report, University / Research Center.
Ex.: PÉREZ HIGUERA, María Teresa (1974): Escultura gótica toledana. La catedral de Toledo (siglos XIII-XIV). Unpublished Ph.Diss., Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Editions of primary and literary sources
FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME(S) (year): Title. Editor LAST NAME, First name (year of the modern edition): Title of publication. Publisher, Place of publication, [volume].
Ex.: JOHANNES GERSON (1363-1429): Opera Omnia. Edición de DU PIN, Louis Ellies (1987): Johannes Gerson. Opera Omnia. George Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, vol. III.
If you could not precise the exact date of the primary source, you may write the approximate century, and if you could not either precise the century, you may make a gape and just indicate the modern edition date.
Digital resources and editions
Indicate the web address and the date accessed in brackets.
Ex.: RICCIONI, Stefano (2008): “Épiconographie de l’art roman en France et en Italie (Bourgogne/Latium). L’art médiéval en tant que discours visuel et la naissance d’un nouveau langage”, Bulletin du Centre d’Études Médiévales d’Auxerre, nº 12 [ Consulta de 10-10-2008].
Each article will incorporate a selection of images representing the chronological and geographical area covered by the subject of study. Attention will be paid to provide examples with the iconographic variants described throughout the text. The images included will not be copyrighted. We will accept photographs taken by the authors, or reproductions of images that have been previously published and whose original source will be properly cited indicating the bibliographical reference and the corresponding page. In the case of images taken from the Internet, specify the web address and date of capture.