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If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? (Albert Einstein)
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Blog "Secretos de familia" (ONG Acción Familiar)
Iniciativa conjunta de Acción Familiar y el Grupo de Investigación “Políticas Públicas: Análisis Económico Aplicado” de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2025: Two different eurozones: disentangling the labyrinth of the European economic dynamics, Journal of Economic Studies, forthcoming.
Our findings highlight the continued division between “core” and “peripheral” Euro area countries, with monetary policy variables playing a crucial role in the economic growth of “core” nations.
2023: Recursos financieros y eficiencia del gasto público en las comunidades autónomas, Ekonomiaz, 103: 248-283
El éxito de las políticas desarrolladas para realizar estas funciones requiere tanto disponer de recursos financieros suficientes como hacer el mejor uso posible de los fondos asignados.
2023: Desigualdad, pobreza y carencia material en la Unión Europea: Un análisis con datos macro del rol de las políticas fiscales, Cuadernos económicos ICE, 105: 63-92
en este artículo analizamos para el periodo 2008-2019 las relaciones existentes entre las principales dimensiones distributivas (desigualdad, pobreza y carencia material severa) y los principales indicadores fiscales.
2023: Fiscal sustainability, monetary policy and economic growth in the Euro Area: In search of the ultimate causal path, Economic Analysis and Policy, 78: 1026-1045
In this paper we assess the ultimate causal flow between monetary policy indicators, fiscal sustainability and economic growth. We analyze jointly all these interdependencies by applying multivariate Granger Causality.
2023: Un mecanismo de estabilización financiera para atender crisis fiscales de las comunidades autónomas, Papeles Economía Española, 175: 137-154.
Tras revisar los factores que explican el endeudamiento actual de las comunidades autónomas, en este artículo proponemos la creación de un mecanismo, contracíclico, de estabilidad financiera, que complemente al sistema de financiaciación autonómica
2022: A quantitative summary of compliance with the 2030 Agenda in the European Union. Short title: 2030 agenda compliance in the EU. Papeles de Europa, 35: 1-16
The main aim of this paper is to undertake an exhaustive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Union countries with respect to these set objectives, also analyzing the convergence or divergence among EU member states.
2022: Finite Sample Properties of Parameterized Expectations Algorithm Solutions; Is the Length So Determinant?, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial, 7(3): 26-34.
The solution of the PEA depends on the specific replication used for the resolution process. In this paper, we suggest an alternative approach which consists of using several, shorter replications.
2020: ¿Existen sinergias entre la política fiscal y la Agenda 2030? Un análisis para la Unión Europea con datos macro, Revista Economía ICE, 917: 219-235
La Agenda 2030 constituye un ejemplo exitoso sobre cómo un consenso político internacional respecto a logros deseables en el medio/largo plazo. Este trabajo aspira a estudiar la contribución de la fiscalidad de la Unión Europea a la consecución de di
2019: Tax reforms and Google searches: the case of Spanish VAT reforms during the great recession, SERIEs, 10: 321–336.
We propose a method to capture the effect of tax reforms on consumer’s readiness to buy using Google searches as a proxy. We use the Spanish 2010 and 2012 VAT reforms as a case of study.
2019: Determinants of Intergenerational Family Solidarity during the Great Recession: the Spanish Case, Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 7(2): 363-401.
The results question the idea that the unemployed and the retired have been net recipients during the crisis, revealing that it is insufficient to consider only a single manifestation of solidarity, the financial one.