Grupos de investigación


Ignacio Lizasoain is currently Full Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the School of Medicine of Universidad Complutense in Madrid (UCM, Spain). Ignacio Lizasoain graduated from Complutense Medical School in 1986, obtained his Medical Doctor in 1986 and his PhD in Medicine in 1992 (Extraordinary prize). He has 6 recognized “six-year research” periods (5 of research and 1 of transfer of knowledge; being the latest ones "active").

He had positions such as FPI and Marie Curie fellow, Aggregate, Lecturer, Associate and, since 2007, as Full Professor. As a postdoctoral, he worked in Wellcome Foundation LTD (Beckenham, UK) with Prof. Salvador Moncada from 1991 to 1994 and in Massachusetts General Hospital (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA) with Prof. Eng H Lo in 2010. He was External Examiner of the Trinity College of Dublin (School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Dublin, Ireland) from 2008 to 2010.

Dr. Lizasoain also co-leads the Neurovascular Diseases Group at Hospital Health Institute "12 de Octubre” (i+12). He coordinates the Spanish Neurovascular Network (RICORS-ICTUS) and participates in the Consortium International pour la Recherche Circadienne sur l’AVC (CIRCA).

In the Complutense University, he has held management positions such as Chair of Department Pharmacology at Complutense Medical School (2006-2010), Academic Secretary of Department Pharmacology (2010-2015), Coordinator Campus of Excellence Moncloa (2010) and Vice-Provost of Research and Doctoral Studies at Complutense University (2015-2019).

He has published extensively in the area of neuroscience and neurological sciences especially in the neurovascular research field (stroke). His scientific production includes more than 175 JCR and PubMed papers with more than 12.000-17.000 total citations and “h-index” of 60/71 (Scopus/Google scholar, November-2022). The complete list of publications can be found at Scopus, Orcid and Google Scholar. He is included among the best Spanish scientists and is among the Top 2% of World Scientists according to AD Scientific Index

Jesus Pradillo is graduated in Biology (UCM, 2000) and he obtained his PhD in Sciences in 2008 (Extraordinary Prize). He has completed several national and international stays, highlighting a predoctoral stay at the School of Pharmacy of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland in 2006 and a postdoctoral stay in the Neuroinflammation Group at the University of Manchester, UK (2009-2013).

He obtained a position as Lecturer in the Department of Psychobiology at the School of Psychology of the UCM in 2017 and he is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the School of Medicine at UCM.

As a researcher, Jesus has studied different aspects within the physiopathology of stroke. His scientific production includes 39 JCR and PubMed papers with more than 1.700 total citations and “h-index” of 22 (Scopus, December-2019). The complete list of publications can be found at Scopus and Orcid.

Ana Moraga is graduated in Biology (Universidad de Granada) and she obtained her PhD in Biomedicine in 2014 at UCM as an FPI fellow. She has completed several international stays, highlighting a predoctoral stay in 2012 at the Weill Cornell Medical College (New York, USA) under the supervision of Prof. Costantino Iadecola, and two postdoctoral stays at King’s College of London, UK (2015-2018) and at Queen Mary University of London, UK (2018-2020).

She obtained a position as a Lecturer in the Department of Cell Biology at the School of Medicine of the UCM in 2022. As a researcher, she is currently developing a project focused on the role of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in stroke at Neurovascular Disease Group at Hospital Health Institute "12 de Octubre" (i+12) and UCM. Her scientific production includes 22 JCR and PubMed papers with more than 1000 total citations and “h-index” of 17 (Scopus). The complete list of publications can be found at Scopus and Orcid.

Macarena Hernández Jiménez is graduated in Biology by the Alcalá University of Madrid (UAH), PhD in Biomedicine in 2010 at UAH, MSc in Clinical Neuropsychology (ITEAP, 2017) and Expert in Pharmacovigilance (CEU, 2020). She completed a postdoctoral stay (2011-2017) at the Neurovascular Disease Group (12 de Octubre Hospital and UCM). Since 2017, she works as a Scientific Director in AptaTargets, a biopharmaceutical company focused on TLR4-mediated diseases treatment. She is currently Associate Professor at the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department at the Complutense Medical School. 

As a researcher, she is interested in therapeutic targets involved in the cerebral ischemia pathophysiology and the role of TLR4 in different diseases (stroke, myocardial infarction, multiple sclerosis and COVID-19), as well as the translation from animal studies to clinical investigation. She has directed two clinical trials in healthy volunteers and is the current director of two clinical trials to determine the effect of a TLR4 antagonist in stroke and in COVID-19 patients. The complete list of contributions can be found at ORCID: and at

Manuel Navarro-Oviedo graduated in Pharmacy (UCM, 2014) obtained his PhD in Applied Medicine and Biomedicine (2020) at the University of Navarra. He has completed a predoctoral stay (2019) and later a postdoctoral stay (2020-2022) at the UMR-S 1237 laboratory, Physiopathology and Imaging of Neurovascular Disorders (PhIND), headed by Dr. Denis Vivien, at the University of Caen (France), under the supervision of Dr. Maxime Gauberti and Sara Martinez de Lizarrondo.

During his predoctoral stage, he worked in the field different Neurovascular diseases as Intracranial Hemorrhage, Ischemic Stroke, and Intracranial Aneurysm. Additionally, during his postdoctoral stage, he worked on a molecular MRI tool, using Microparticles of Iron Oxide (MPIOs) as contrast agent, for the diagnosis of Neuroinflammatory diseases.

Currently, as a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher, he is working on a project developing an experimental model of Cerebral Vasculitis and studying the role of TLR-4 receptor. The complete list of publications can be found at ORCID:

Arturo González de la Aleja, graduated in Biochemistry (UCLM, 2015), obtained his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as a FPU researcher (UCM-CSIC, 2022) on the role of nuclear receptors in human macrophage polarization. During his PhD he also completed a international stay in Münster (Germany).

He has been working the last years on the importance of nuclear receptors in monocyte and macrophage biology in homeostasis and pathology. As a postdoctoral researcher, he is interested in the molecular mechanisms that regulate the immune response after and before stroke.

Cristina Granados Martínez has a degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM, 2018), and in Neuroscience (MSc) from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, 2020).
She worked as a research assistant at the Neurovascular Research Unit of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense (UCM), where she is currently a PhD student.

Fernando Ostos is graduated in Medicine at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 2013. He is a Neurologist with expertise in neurovascular diseases and a PhD candidate in Instituto de Investigación i+12. He is currently collaborating with the Stroke Unit of Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre in translational studies.

Blanca Díaz Benito is graduated in Biotechnology from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in 2019 and in Investigation in Translational Medicine (MSc) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 2020. Nowadays, she is a PhD student at UCM as FPU fellow, working in the Neurovascular Disease Group at Hospital Health Institute "12 de Octubre" (i+12).

Lluís Alzamora Llull is a newly graduated in Medicine at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, 2020). He harbours great interest for vascular neurology and neurosurgery, with experience as an undergraduate in subarachnoid haemorrhage research. He is planning on pursuing a medical residency in the USA while he is being tutored by the UIN in the development of translational studies and animal models.

Gaohong Di graduated from Havana Medical University in Clinical Medicine (Cuban fellowship) in 2015. He completed his residency and master training in anesthesiology in China in 2019.

He works in Wuhan Union Hospital as an anesthesiologist and is engaged in perioperative complication management and medical big data research. He is currently awarded CSC fellowship and working at Complutense Medical School for stroke research.

Álvaro Ruiz graduated in Psychology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, 2017), MSc in Neuroscience (UCM, 2018), and MSc in General Health Psychologist (UCM, 2022). Early on after graduating, he started his career as a Clinical Neuropsychologist, working with stroke, multiple sclerosis, and dementia patients. In addition to his professional career, he has shown interest in scientific research. As a result, he is a PhD student at Universidad Nacional de Estudios a Distancia (UNED) while working at Neurovascular Research Group at Hospital Health Institute “12 de Octubre”.

Nuria Alfageme López has a degree in Biology from the Complutense University (UCM, 2017), and in Neuroscience (MSc) from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM, 2019). She worked as a research assistant in the neurocomputing and neurobotica group of the Faculty of Optics and Optometry of the Complutense (2019-2020) and in the group of Molecular Treatments against Cardiac Fibrosis IBBTEC-CSIC of Cantabria (2021). Nowadays, she is a PhD student at UCM as UCM-Harvard fellow in the Neurovascular Disease Group at Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense (UCM).

Lidia García is graduated in Law by University of Valladolid, Spain. Project Manager.

María Ángeles Moro graduated in Pharmacy at Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) and carried out a PhD in Pharmacology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, defended in the UAH in 1990. After a postdoc at Wellcome Research Laboratories (UK, 1991-1995), she incorporated as independent researcher to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where she was Full Professor of Pharmacology until she joined CNIC in November 2019 as leader of the Neurovascular Pathophysiology Group. Dr. Moro also co-leads the Neurovascular Diseases Group at Hospital Health Institute "12 de Octubre” (i+12). She participates in several consortia such as the Spanish Neurovascular Network (INVICTUS) and the Leducq Foundation Grants “Stroke-Impact” and "Leducq Circadian Network", the latter included in the Consortium International pour la Recherche Circadienne sur l’AVC (CIRCA).

Thanks to her multidisciplinary expertise in neuroscience and cardiovascular disease, Dr. Moro has focused her research efforts in the study of cerebrovascular disease, specifically, stroke and vascular cognitive impairment. In these fields, Dr. Moro investigates mechanisms that underlie the different nosological entities that account for cognitive decline derived from cardiovascular disease. She is also interested in the immune response after stroke and its impact on outcome, including cognitive function.

She has published extensively in the area of neuroscience and neurological sciences especially in the neurovascular research field (stroke). Her scientific production includes approximately 180 JCR and PubMed papers with more than 11.500-16.500 total citations and “h-index” of 63/74 (Scopus/Google scholar, November 2022). The complete list of publications can be found at and also in Scopus, Orcid and Google Scholar. She is included among the best Spanish neuroscientists and occupies the 78th position in the Ranking of female neuroscientists in Spain  (Google Scholar) and is among the Top 2% of World Scientists according to AD Scientific Index. She has 7 recognized “six-year research” periods (6 of research and 1 of transfer of knowledge).

Juan Manuel García-Segura graduated in Chemistry at Universidad de Málaga (1979; extraordinary prize) and carried out a PhD in Biochemistry at UCM (1985; extraordinary prize). He obtained his current academic position as tenured Associate Professor, in BBM department of UCM, in 1988. Since then he became professionally interested in in vivo NMR (imaging and spectroscopy), and specialized in this technique by visiting reputed international centers (i.e., Univ. Aberdeen, UCSF), then actively involved in developing the nascent application of in vivo NMR to medical diagnosis. In 2014 he was appointed as Head of the UCM Research Support Centre in NMR and EPR. From here, he has managed, in collaboration with the CAI de Cartografía Cerebral y la Unidad de Diagnóstico por Imagen del Hospital Veterinario de la UCM, to configure the Centro de BioImagen Complutense, BioImaC, that he directs and that has been included (2019) in the Update Map of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS), as a new node of the Distributed Biomedical Imaging Network, ReDIB. Complete list of publications: ORCID

Olivia Hurtado is graduated in Pharmacy by the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in 1997. She obtained a doctorate in Pharmacy in 2002. She is currently Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the Medical School of the UCM.

As a researcher, Olivia has studied different aspects within the physiopathology of stroke. His scientific production includes 50 JCR and PubMed papers with more than 3.000 total citations and “h-index” of 31 (Scopus, December-2019). The complete list of publications can be found at Scopus and Orcid.

Since 2019, she is part of the panel of experts that are responsible for the renewal of the accreditation of Degrees and Master through the program ACREDITA of ANECA.

Maribel Cuartero is graduated in Biology (UAM, 2007) and she obtained her PhD in Biomedicine in 2008 at UCM. She has worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Neurovascular Physiopathology group at CNIC. She is currently and Assistant Professor at Pharmacology and Toxicology Departmentin the Complutense Medical School. 

As a researcher, she has focused on investigating the mechanisms that control brain physiology in health and disease. Her scientific production includes 30 JCR and PubMed papers with more than 900 total citations and “h-index” of 14 (Scopus). The complete list of publications can be found at Scopus and Orcid.

Alicia García-Culebras. Bachelor's degree in Biology at UAM. PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine at UCM as an FPI fellow. She has worked at the Neurovascular Pathophysiology Group (Dra. Moro´s Laboratory at CNIC) and Neurovascular Disease Group at Hospital Health Institute "12 de Octubre" (i+12) as "Juan de la Cierva" Researcher.

She also participates as professor in Master's program in neuroscience and University Master's Degree in Translational Medicine at UCM. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Biology Department  in the  Complutense Medical School.

Carolina Peña Martinez is graduated in Psychology (UCM) with a Master’s degree in Neuroscience (2015) and a Master’s degree in Neuropsychology (2014). In 2020 she obtained her PhD in Biomedicne Research (UCM). She has completed a postdoctoral stay at Neuroscience Institute at the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa, Florida (US).

She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Neurovascular Physiopathology group at CNIC. As a researcher, she has focused on investigating the implication of innate immunity in the pathophysiology of stroke, especially the role of neutrophil-released extracellular traps (NETs) in arterial thrombosis and in the different phases of ischemic stroke.

Cristina Torres graduated in Biology from the University of the Balearic Islands (2017) and in Neuroscience (MSc) from the Complutense University of Madrid (2018). She is currently doing her PhD (FPU) funded by the UCM and the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC). As part of her PhD, she joined Prof. Buckwalter's group in Stanford University (California, USA) for an international stay of 3 months during 2021. More information about her work can be found in:


Enrique Fraga Sierra graduated in Biotechnology from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 2017 and in Molecular Biomedicine (MSc) from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2019. Nowadays, he is a PhD student at Universidad Complutense de Madrid as FPU fellow. He is currently working in the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) as visiting scientist.

Sandra Vázquez is a Biochemist by the University of Sevilla and has a Master’s Degree in Physiology and Neuroscience from the University of Sevilla. She has spent three months in the Neuroinflammation Group (Dr. Deierborg´s Laboratory at University of Lund, Sweden) as a research assistant. Nowadays, she is a PhD student at Complutense University of Madrid and she currently works at the Neurovascular Pathophysiology Group (Dra. Moro´s Laboratory at CNIC) as Leducq Predoctoral Researcher.

Carmen Nieto Vaquero  is graduated in Biology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, 2021), and in Research in Translational Medicine (MSc) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, 2022).

Nowadays, she is a PhD student at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and she currently works at the Neurovascular Pathophysiology Group (Dra. Moro´s Laboratory at CNIC) as Predoctoral Researcher.

Francisco Javier de Castro Millán is graduated in Biology at Universidad de Alcalá (UAH, 2019), and has a Master’s Degree in Research in Traslational Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, 2021).

Nowadays, he is a PhD student at Complutense University of Madrid and he currently works at the Neurovascular Pathophysiology Group in the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC).

Carlos Parra Pérez graduated in Biology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2019 and in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine (MSc) from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2020. After finishing his master's degree, he joined Blanca Díaz-Castro lab (UK Dementia Research Institute, University of Edinburgh) as a research assistant. He is currently a PhD student at UCM as a FPI fellow in the Neurovascular Pathophysiology Group (Dra. Moro´s Laboratory at CNIC).

Tania Jareño Flores is a Laboratory Technician in Pathology and Cytology contracted under the project La Caixa at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Sandra Sacristán González is a Laboratory Technician in Pathology and Cytology. She started working in the Biomedics Research Institute “Alberto Sols”. Later, she had been working in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid for 9 years, and now she’s currently working at the Neurovascular Pathophysiology Group (Dra. Moro´s Laboratory at CNIC) hired under the Leduq Project.