Grupos de investigación

Ricardo García Herrera


Ph.D. in Physics, UCM, Madrid, 1982

Former affiliations

President of the Spanish Agency of Meteorology (AEMET). February 2010-February 2012

Professor, Universidad Complutense, 1995—present. Teaching Statistics and Dynamic meteorology at the undergraduate level; Global Change and paleoclimatic techniques at the graduate level

Public Health Director, Regional Ministry of Health of the Basque Country, 1987-1991. Main duties: Strategic planning, evaluation and follow-up of programs and budgets. Relationships with the public, the media and other administrative branches.

Environmental Health Officer, Public Health Institute of Navarra, 1986-1987. Head of the Radioprotection Unit. Main duty: inspection of radiactive sites.

Environmental Health Officer, Regional Ministry of Health of Castilla y León, 1985-1986. Head of the Health Protection Service (Environmental Health and Food Hygiene): Main duty: planning and evaluating.

Assistant professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1980-1985. Taught Dynamic  Meteorology at the undergraduate level.