Research Projects


SHIFT's members sharing research outcomes of the project @UCM! 20 & 21 May 2024

Save the date! Dissemination Day - 20 & 21 May 2024

Moving forward in researching disciplinary literacies in English-medium business education: An international Symposium

20 & 21 May 2024 @UCM

SHIFTers @AESLA2024 in Valencia! More under the 'conferences and plenaries' section 

SHIFT's survey as a research tool, by Prof. Emma Dafouz. Interview with ELINET's network

Dafouz, E., López-Serrano, S. & Pérez-Paredes, P. (2023). Students’ views of disciplinary literacies in internationalised English-medium higher education: Step-by-step survey development. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 100073.

SHIFT members at Universität Wien during the ICLHE 2023 Symposium 'Taking Stock and Looking Forward'

Joint AELFE-LSPPC International Conference - Genres and languages in digital communication: trends and new directions, Universidad de Zaragoza


IV ICLHE Spain Regional Group Symposium - Supporting teaching and learning in ICLHE: from policies to students

SHIFT's research was shared during the IV ICLHE Spain Regional Group Symposium ('Apoyo a la enseñanza y aprendizaje en ICLHE: De las políticas al estudiantado'), organised by the Universidad de Zaragoza (June 2023).

Academic Literacies conference - Mondragon Unibertsitatea

SHIFT was discussed as part of the research presented during the conference on Academic Literacies in Multilingual Contexts, organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Bilbao (May 2023)

AESLA 2023 - 40 Congreso Internacional

In Mérida @AESLA2023, some of our team members have presented three studies that explore Business students' & teachers' views on disciplinary literacies and language uses in EME HE programs

Semana de las Letras UCM 2023 - 'Investigar para entender'

Insightful round table @FilologiaUCM on Internationalisation & the use of English (and other languages) in Higher Education! #SemanadelasLetras2023


ICLHE Conference 2022, University of Maastricht

Part of our team @ICLHE2022 presenting SHIFT's ongoing research during the colloquium 'Shifting to the Student Perspective', at Maastricht University!

SLTED Conference 2022, University of Vienna

SLTED Conference 2022, University of Vienna

English medium education - Dr Emma Dafouz (UCM) at University College London, IOE, 11 Jan 2022