Congresses and Plenaries
TRIP Event, 22 November, 2024, UCM, Madrid, Spain.
Emma Dafouz (UCM). Presentation “From mobility to mindset: rethinking (critically) internationalisation in 21st century higher education”
BiUNED 2024, BILINGÜISMO, EDUCACIÓN BILINGÜE Y CONFLICTO SOCIAL (Sociolingüístico/político), 14th-15th November, UNED, Spain.
Emma Dafouz (UCM). Round Table. Governing, marketing, and managing English medium higher education – a muti-level approach. Emma Dafouz (Universidad Complutense) Helen Kelly-Holmes (University of Limerick) Kristina Hultgren (The Open University) Chair: Elena Orduna Nocito (Universidad Complutense)
Elena Orduna-Nocito (UCM) & Irene Soriano-Flórez (UCM) (presentation/talk). ‘T-Co: an in-service teacher training course for Business and Economics university lecturers’ .
Irene Soriano-Flórez (UCM) (presentation/talk). ‘Students’ views on biliteracy in English-medium Business and Economics programmes: a longitudinal study’.
Collaborative Construction of Knowledge Through EMI, 25-26 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
Ute Smit (Univ. of Vienna) & Miya Komori-Glatz (WU). Presentation. “Striving for artistic excellence and disciplinary knowledge: Multilingualism in classical music higher education in Austria”
AELFE 2024: Challenges of LSP teaching and research in the era of the language technological revolution, 7 Sept 2024 Budapest, Hungary.
Julia Hüttner. (Univ. of Vienna). Keynote Speaker. "Disciplinary literacies within CLIL: Exploring the nexus of subjects, contexts and language"
5th ICLHE Regional Group Symposium, 13/06/24 - 14/06/24, Barcelona, Spain
Emma Dafouz y Elena Orduna. UCM. Presentation. Bridging worlds: Disciplinary Literacies as the meeting ground for EME and ESP professionals
Julia Hüttner (Univ. of Vienna) (Keynote speaker). "Bi-and multilingual disciplinary literacies: From school to university"
International Programmes in Higher Education: Peer Teaching and EMI, 7th June, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Emma Dafouz (UCM). (Plenary talk). Empowering minds: the Role of Disciplinary Literacies in English-medium internationalised universities.
SHIFT Dissemination Days. 'Moving forward in researching disciplinary literacies in English-medium business education: An international Symposium', 20th and 21st May, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Emma Dafouz (UCM), Sonia López-Serrano (UCM) & Pascual Pérez-Paredes (Univ. de Murcia) (presentation/talk). Student literacy paths in English-medium business studies: data from the SHIFT survey.
Elena Orduna-Nocito (UCM) & Sonia López-Serrano (UCM) (presentation/talk). Business students’ views on disciplinary literacy across sites: a cross-sectional study.
Emma Dafouz (UCM), Miya Komori-Glatz (WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business) & Pat Moore (Univ. Pablo de Olavide) (presentation/talk). Lecturer and student (emerging) perspectives of disciplinary literacies in English-medium business programs.
Davinia Sánchez-García (UCM) & Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández (UCM) (presentation/talk). Cognitive discourse functions in Business students’ oral production: A longitudinal study in an EME setting.
Julia Hüttner (Univ. of Vienna) & Ute Smit (Univ. of Vienna) (presentation/talk). Cognitive Discourse Functions (CDFs) in collaborative student writing: Analysing business cases in English-medium education.
Reflections and Discussion. Discussant: Christiane Dalton-Puffer (Univ. of Vienna).
Verena Grau (Univ. of Vienna), Katharina Ghamarian (KPH, Vienna/Krems) & Ute Smit (Univ. of Vienna) (presentation/talk). Extramural English and students' academic disciplinary practices: first survey findings in two English-medium higher education settings.
Irene Soriano-Flórez (UCM) (presentation/talk). Making room for biliteracy development in EME: voices from students.
Closing Plenary. Dialogues in CLIL disciplinary literacies. Ana Llinares (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid) & Julia Hüttner (Univ. of Vienna)
AESLA 2024: 41 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada 'Análisis del Discurso y Enseñanza de Lenguas en la Era de la Inteligencia Artificial' , 17th-19th April, 2024, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain.
International Symposium “Issues in English-medium instruction in Higher Education: Global competence, plurilingual competence and disciplinary literacies”, 9th and 10th November 2023, Universitat de Lleida (UdL), Spain.
Emma Dafouz (Invited Speaker): "A Disciplinary Literacies Approach to English-medium education: Insights from the SHIFT research project"
ICLHE Vienna 'Taking Stock and Looking Forward', 2nd and 3rd November 2023, Universität Wien, Austria.
International Joint Conference of APLX, ETRA40, and TESPA 2023 - Advancing empowerment and resilience: Language, culture, policy and pedagogy, 11th October 2023, Taipei, Taiwán.
Emma Dafouz (Keynote Speech). "Empowering Minds: The Role of Disciplinary Literacies in English-Medium Internationalised Universities"
20th AILA World Congress, Lyon, France.
María Kuteeva, Emma Dafouz & Ute Smit (Multimodal sympoisum). "[SYMP52] Multilingualism across disciplines in English-medium higher education"
Joint AELFE-LSPPC International Conference - Genres and languages in digital communication: trends and new directions, 28th-30th June 2023, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
Davinia Sánchez-García & Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández (presentation/talk). "Students’ disciplinary literacy in English-medium higher education: Cognitive discourse functions in oral business case studies"
Pascual Pérez-Paredes & Pilar Aguado-Jiménez (presentation/talk). "Learners’ acquisition of disciplinary literacy in EME business programmes: Triangulating learner and expert corpora in business case studies"
Sonia López-Serrano; Alicia Martínez-Flor & Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández (presentation/talk). "Designing self-access online materials to aid EFL learners’ development of digital communication skills in academic contexts: A focus on email requests to faculty"
Verena Grau & Ute Smit "EMI instead of ESP? Students’ literacy trajectories towards writing research proposals in an international business bachelor programme"
IV ICLHE Spain Regional Group Symposium - Supporting teaching and learning in ICLHE: from policies to students, 8th-9th June 2023, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
Emma Dafouz & Sonia López-Serrano (presentation/talk). "Exploring student views of disciplinary literacies and internationalization in English-medium higher education: A comparison of two European settings"
International conference on academic literacies in multilingual contexts: Bridging research evidence and classroom practice, 18-19th May 2023, Universidad de Mondragón, Spain.
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). “EME students’ views of their learning: context-specifc implications for biliteracy development"
AESLA 2023: 40 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada 'Interdiscursividad y géneros digitales: ciencia abierta y multilingüismo', 26-28th April, 2023, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain.
Sonia López-Serrano & Emma Dafouz (presentation/talk). "Combining student views of internationalization and the building of disciplinary literacies in English-medium higher education: Findings from a survey in Business Studies"
Sonia López-Serrano & Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández (presentation/talk). "Promoting EFL university students' pragmatic awareness of high imposition email requests to faculty through self-access online materials"
Pat Moore & Emma Dafouz & Miya Komori-Glatz (presentation/talk). "Comparing student and teacher perspectives on emergent disciplinary literacies in English-medium degrees"
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). "Foregrounding students’ reflexions on L1 use to address biliteracy in EME"
UIC 2023 8th Annual Spring Research Conference: Teaching, learning and communicating in multilingual contexts, 24th March, UIC University, Spain.
Verena Grau (presentation/talk). "EME bachelor students’ reflections on their disciplinary literacy trajectories in a multilingual university context”
Seminario T-Co2: Recursos para la internacionalización de la docencia, 22nd February, UCM, Spain.
Elena Orduna-Nocito (presentation/talk). Presentación Proyecto Innova 2023.
Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández (presentation/talk). "Propuestas formativas sobre la internacionalización de la docencia en la UCM"
BIUNED 2022: Bilingualism and bilingual education: Sociolinguistic approaches, 10-11th November 2022, UNED University, Spain.
Elena Orduna-Nocito. (presentation/talk). "Students' understanding of internationalisation of higher education: The case of business students"
Irene Soriano-Flórez. (presentation/talk). "‘Me gustaría aprenderlo en español también’ students’ translanguaging beliefs and practices in EME"
ICLHE 2022: EMI, ICLHE & Englishization: Reflecting on the changing university, 18th-21st October 2022, University of Maastricht, NL.
Emma Dafouz, Pascual Pérez-Paredes, Sonia López-Serrano: "Shift student survey: rationale, development and preliminary findings"Verena Grau, Katharina Ghamarian-Krenn: "Extramural English and EMEMUS: Findings from a survey of Spanish and Austrian business students"Pat Moore, Miya Komori-Glatz, Emma Dafouz, Irene Soriano-Flórez: "Student and Teacher (conflicting) views of Disciplinary Literacies in an EME Business programme: Insights from focus groups"Davinia Sánchez-García, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández: "Materialized genres in EME higher education: Students’ oral presentations of Business case studies"Julia Hüttner, Ute Smit: "Arguments and Argumentation in Undergraduate Business Writing in English-Medium Education. Next empirical steps and overall discussion"
Colloquium "Advancedness in CLIL: Academic Literacies, Assessment and Equity", 23rd September 2022, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
Julia Hüttner (presentation/talk): "Translanguaged oral argumentations: Evidence from CLIL Economics"
SLTED 2022 - Second Language Teacher Education: Challenges and New Horizons, 15th-17th September 2022, University of Vienna, Austria.
Emma Dafouz & Davinia Sánchez-García (symposium). "Developing Researchbased Teacher Education Programmes and Student Support Structures for English-medium Higher Education: A European Perspective"
World CLIL 2022 - Symposium: CLIL in Higher Education - A Disciplinary Literacies Approach from the student perspective (90 minutes, organizers: Emma Dafouz and Davinia Sánchez -García)
Topic 1 (25 min): Introducing the SHIFT research project: Disciplinary Literacies from the learners’ perspective (Emma Dafouz and Sonia López-Serrano,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Topic 2 (15 min): The impact of extramural English in English-medium settings (Verena Grau and Katharina Ghamarian-Krenn, University of Vienna)
Topic 3 (15 min): SHIFTing the focus to the students (Pat Moore, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
Topic 4 (15 min): Students’ oral output at university: Materialized and symbolic genres (Davinia Sánchez–García, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
ICLHE Spain Regional Group: Different perspectives on the sustainability of ICLHE in Spanish higher education, 15-16th June 2022, Universidad de Almería, Spain.
Emma Dafouz (President of ICLHE Spain) - Updates on ICLHE Spain Regional Group
Elena Orduna-Nocito. (presentation/talk). "La perspectiva del alumnado sobre la internacionalización y su papel en la elaboración de políticas lingüísticas sostenibles"
Emma Dafouz, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández & Irene Soriano-Flórez. (presentation/talk). "T-Co: Seminar for the Internationalisation of Education: A professional development course for Business teachers"
IV SEING Seminar: Back to the Future: English Studies in the new normal, 6th May 2022, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). "L1 Beliefs and Use in an English-only Business classroom"
AESLA 2022: Las variedades lingüísticas desde el enfoque intercultural, 27-29th April, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Sonia López-Serrano (presentation/talk). "How can I correct what I don’t know? Using metalinguistic explanations to foster feedback understanding in low-level
EFL learners"
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). "Exploring L1 perceptions and use in an EME Business university context"
7th Annual Spring Research Seminar: Rising up to new challenges in multilingual education, 1st April 2022, UIC, Barcelona.
Emma Dafouz (Plenary). “Disciplinary Literacies in English-medium higher education: from monolingual views to multilingual practices”
UPCEL 2022: English on the move, 24-25th January 2022, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). "Translanguaging practices and beliefs in an EME Business classroom"
Seminario T-CO: recursos de apoyo a la docencia en inglés, 12th January 2022, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Emma Dafouz (presentation/talk). "The importance of Internationalisation and bilingual repertoires in English-Medium Education"
Davinia Sánchez-García (presentation/talk). "Propuestas formativas sobre internacionalización de la docencia en la UCM"
Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández (presentation/talk). "Seminario T-Co: recursos de apoyo a la docencia en inglés"
UCL Centre for Applied Linguistics, Research events, 11th January 2022, University College London, UK.
Emma Dafouz (presentation/talk). "Approaching English-medium Education in Multilingual University Settings through the ROAD-MAPPING framework"
The recording of Dr Emma Dafouz’s seminar held on 11 January 2022 for UCL Centre for Applied Linguistics 21-22 Seminar Series is now available here:
English in higher education - challenges, opportunities, current practice and future trends, 1st December 2021, British Council.
Emma Dafouz & Ute Smit (presentation/talk). "English as a medium of education in multilingual university settings (EMEMUS)"
V Simposio Internacional EDiSo 2021, 27th September - 1st October.
Emma Dafouz (presentation/talk). "Developing disciplinary literacies in English-medium higher education: Views from the student perspective."
EUROSLA 30, 1-3 July 2021,Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
Sonia López-Serrano & Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández (presentation/talk). "Exploring the intersection between L2 proficiency and L2 writing: A focus on functional adequacy in EFL".
V Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en Filosofía y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 1st-3rd June 2021, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). "L1 attitudes and practices in EME Business study programmes"
Fourth Postgraduate and Early Career Scholars' Conference, 27th-28th May 2021, Universidad de Valladolid & Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). "Internationalisation and language shifts in EME Business Degrees"
SEING III: Building Bridges and Filling Gaps in English Studies Research, 27th-28th May 2021, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Irene Soriano-Flórez (presentation/talk). "L1 beliefs and use in EME study programmes"
II Spain Regional Group Symposium Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE), 26th-27th May 2021, Universidad de Lérida, Spain
Emma Dafouz (presentation - President of ICLHE Spain).
AESLA, 14th-16th April 2021, Universidad de la Coruña, Spain
Pat Moore & Sara López Stoelting (presentation/talk). “Am I really bilingual? That seems a bit arrogant”
Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández & Sonia López-Serrano (presentation/talk). "Functional adequacy in L2 writing across proficiency levels: Exploring written communication in English Higher Education"
Multilingualism on My Mind: exploring Multilingualism in Education, 18th-19th March 2021, University of Bergen, Norway
Pat Moore & Sara López Stoelting (presentation/talk). “If being bilingual is feeling at home in a language, I’m in!” Pre-service EFL teachers react to the multilingual turn.
AILA CLIL ReN: "CLIL and Subject Literacies", 19th February 2021, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Panelists: Emma Dafouz, Julia Hüttner & Yuen Yi Lo.
VIII Biennial CLIL Symposium, 25th September 2020, Universidad del Norte, Colombia
Emma Dafouz (Plenary talk). "Exploring Student Disciplinary Literacies in English-medium higher education: Where do we start?"