The main of of the RICI-7 is to become a meeting point for chemists, physicist, biologists and engineers, mainly from Spanish and Portuguese research communities (but not only), working in different aspects of the science of colloidal and interfacial systems. This meeting try to put together different expertises and ideas in this multidisciplinary field . For this purpose, this four days meeting will put together the most recent advances in the fields of Dispersed Systems, Complex Fluids, Interfaces and Micro- and nanomaterials.
The main fields of interest of this meeting are summarized in the following topics:
- Self-assembly
- Interfaces, membranes and dispersed systems
- Micro- and nanomaterials
- Polymer and gels
- Biocolloids and biointerfaces
The meeting is opened to theoretical and experimental contributions, from fundamental to applicative aspects. Furthermore, works on the development of new techniques or methodologies are also considered.