Grupos de investigación



  • Saed Deylami, Jafet Cárdenas-Escudero, Marcos López Ochoa, Jorge Ayuso-Haro, David Galán-Madruga,
    Javier L. Urraca Ruiz and J.O. Cáceres.Antarctic Science (2025)






  • Marina-Montes, C.; Motto-Ros, V.; Pérez-Arribas, L.V.; Anzano, J.; Millán-Martínez, M.; Cáceres, J.O.

    Aerosol analysis by micro laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: A new protocol for particulate matter characterization in filters.

    Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 1181 (2021)

  • Pertierra, L.R.; Santos-Martin, F.; Hughes, K.A.; Avila, C.; Caceres, J.O.; De Filippo, D.; Gonzalez, S.; Grant, S.M.; Lynch, H.; Marina-Montes, C.; Quesada, A.; Tejedo, P.; Tin, T.; Benayas, J.

    Ecosystem services in Antarctica: Global assessment of the current state, future challenges and managing opportunities.

    Ecosystem Services, Vol. 4 101299  (2021)

  • Cáceres, J.O.; Sainz de los Terreros, J.Y.

    A real-world approach to identifying animal bones and Lower Pleistocene fossils by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy.

    Talanta, Vol. 235 122780 (2021)

  • Anzano, J.M.; Cruz-Conesa, A.; Lasheras, R.J.; Marina-Montes, C.; Pérez-Arribas, L.V.; Cáceres, J.O.; Velásquez, A.I.,; Palleschi, V.

    Multielemental analysis of Antarctic soils using calibration free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.

    Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, Vol. 180 106191 (2021)

  • César Marina-Montesa, Luis V. Pérez-Arribasb, Jesús Anzanoa, Silvia Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejueloc, Julene Aramendiac, Leticia Gómez-Nublac, Alberto de Diegoc, Juan Manuel Madariagac, Jorge O. Caceres.

    Estudio de los aerosoles atmosféricos en la región antártica .

    Boletín de la Sociedad de Española de Química Analítica - Actualidad Analítica Nº 75  ISSN 2444-8818 pp 14-16

  • D. Galán-Madruga. A methodological framework for improving air quality monitoring network layout (2021). Applications to environment management. J Environ Sci (IF: 6.796). 102: 138-147.



  • Núñez-Alonso, D.; Pérez-Arribas, L.V.; Manzoor, S.; Cáceres, J.O.

    Statistical Tools for Air Pollution Assessment: Multivariate and Spatial Analysis Studies in the Madrid Region.

    Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, pp 1-9 Vol. 2019

  • Cáceres, J.O.; Sanz-Mangas, D.; Manzoor, S.; Pérez-Arribas, L.V.; Anzano, J.

    Quantification of particulate matter, tracking the origin and relationship between elements for the environmental monitoring of the Antarctic region.

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 665, pp. 125-132

  • Camacho, J.J.; Vrabel, J.; Manzoor, S.; Pérez-Arribas, L.V.; Díaz, D.; Caceres, J.O.

    Spatiotemporal diagnostics of laser induced plasma of potassium gallosilicate zeolite.

    Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Vol. 34, Núm. 6, pp. 1247-1255 (2019)

  • J.O. Caceres.

    Advances in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Multiple Sample Types.Spectroscopy Interview 34 

  • D. Galán-Madruga, R.M. Úbeda, J.M. Terroba, et al. (2019). Particle‐associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a representative urban location (indoor‐outdoor) from South Europe: Assessment of potential sources and cancer risk to humans (2019). Indoor Air (IF: 4.739), 29: 817-827.Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd






  • J. A. Cruz, J. Martín-Chivelet, A. Marín-Roldán, M. J. Turrero, R. L. Edwards, A. I. Ortega & J. O. Cáceres.

    Trace elements in speleothems as indicators of past climate and karst hydrochemistry: A case study from Kaite Cave (N Spain).

    Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 1, pp. 569-577 (2014)

  • S. Manzoor; S. Moncayo; F. Navarro-Villoslada; J.A. Ayala; R. Izquierdo-Hornillos; Fco. J. Manuel de Villena-Rueda; J.O.Cáceres.

    Rapid identification and discrimination of bacterial strains by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and neural networks.Talanta, Vol. 121, pp. 65-70 (2014)

  • Moncayo S.; Manzoor S.; Ugidos T.; Navarro-Villoslada F.; Caceres J.O.

    Discrimination of human bodies from bones and teeth remains by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Neural Networks.

    Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, Vol. 101, pp. 21-25 (2014)

  • A. Marín-Roldán; J. A. Cruz; J. Martín-Chivelet; M. J. Turrero; A. I. Ortega; J. O. Cáceres.

    Evaluation of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for detection of trace element variation through stalagmites: potential for paleoclimate series reconstruction.

    Journal of Applied and Laser Spectroscopy Vol 1 pp7-12 2014

  • Suchoňová; S. Moncayo; J. Bocková; J. Hulík; P. Veis; J. O. Caceres.

    Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Coupled with Neural Networks for the Identification of Fingernails of Smokers and Non-smokers.

    WDS'14 Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics, 121–125, (2014).

    ISBN 978-80-7378-276-4 © MATFYZPRESS.

  • S. Manzoor, S Moncayo, J.D. Rosales, R Izquierdo, J.O. Caceres.

    Aplicaciones biomédicas de la espectroscopía de ablación laser en la identificación de bacterias.

    Boletín de la Sociedad de Española de Química Analítica 47  pp 17-20  (2014).


  • Cámara, M.; De Cortes Sánchez-Mata M; Fernández-Ruiz, V; Cámara, R.M; Manzoor, S; Caceres.Lycopene: A review of chemical and biological activity related to beneficial health effects.Studies in Natural Products Chemistry (Elsevier B.V.), pp. 383-426 (2013)
  • Marín-Roldán; S. Manzoor; S. Moncayo; F. Navarro-Villoslada; R. Izquierdo Hornillos; J.O. Cáceres.

    Determination of the postmortem interval by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy using swine skeletal muscles.Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, Vol. 88, pp. 186-191 (2013)

  • J.O. Cáceres; S. Moncayo; J.D. Rosales; Fco. J. Manuel de Villena-Rueda; F.C. Alvira; G.B. Bilmes.

    Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and neural networks to olive oils analysis.Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 67, Núm. 9, pp. 1064-1072 (2013)

  • S. Manzoor , S. Moncayo , F. Navarro-Villoslada , J.A. Ayala , R. Izquierdo-Hornillos , F.J. Manuel de Villena , and J.O. Caceres.

    Fast Bacterial Strain Identification by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Neural Networks.Biomicroword proceding: "V International Conference on Environmental, Industria and Applied Microbiology. BioMicroWorld 2013.", 02/10/2013 - 04/10/2013, Madrid (España). ISBN 978-90-8686-243-6  Wageningen Academic Publishers

  • Asier García-Escárzaga, Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti, Samuel Moncayo, Javier Martín-Chivelet, Francisco Javier Manuel de Villena, Jorge O. Cáceres, Manuel Ramón González- Morales.

    Implicaciones de los isótopos estables de oxígeno (d18O) y de la relación elemental Mg/Ca en la determinación de la estación de captura de los recursos malacológicos durante el Mesolítico Cantábrico.

    Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría Vol 10 (2013)

    Subdirección de Conservación, Restauración e Investigación














Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Food Analysis


Jorge O. Cáceres


Book section - Spectroscopic Techniques & Artificial Inteligence for Food and Bervage Analyisis


Springer Singapore, 2020, pp. 1-24



Local and Remote Sources of Airborne Suspended Particulate Matter in the Antarctic Region



Atmosphere 11(4):373 (2020)


DOI: 10.3390/atmos11040373




Heavy metal transport and evolution of atmospheric aerosols in the Antarctic region


Author links open overlay panelC.Marina-Montes, L.V.Pérez-Arribas, M.Escudero J.Anzano, J.O.Cáceres


Science of The Total Environment Volume 72115 June 2020, 137702

Science of The Total Environment

Spatiotemporal diagnostics of laser induced plasma of potassium gallosilicate zeolite


Joaquin Juan Camacho, Jakub Vrabel, Sadia Manzoor, 


Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 6, 2019

Statistical Tools for Air Pollution Assessment: Multivariate and Spatial Analysis Studies in the Madrid Region


David Núñez-Alonso, Luis Vicente Pérez-Arribas, Sadia Manzoor Jorge O Caceres


Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2019(6):1-9


DOI: 10.1155/2019/9753927


Quantification of particulate matter, tracking the origin and relationship between elements for the environmental monitoring of the Antarctic region


J. O. Caceres, D. Sanz-Mangas, S. Manzoor, L.V. Pérez-Arribas and J.M. Anzano. (2019)

Time-resolved study of the plasma produced from animal muscle tissue using a Nd:YAG laser


S. Moncayo, A.Marín-Roldán, S. Manzoor, J. J. Camacho, V. Motto-Ros and J. O. Caceres.!divAbstract  (2018)

Megapixel multi-elemental imaging by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, a technology with considerable potential for paleoclimatic studies


J. O. Caceres; F.Pelascini; V.Motto-Ros; S. Moncayo; F. Trichard; G. Panczer; A.Marin-Roldan, J. Cruz- Martinez, I. Coronado-Vila; J.Martin-Chivelet.


Nature Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 5080 (2017




Qualitative and quantitative analysis of milk for the detection of adulteration by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)


S. Moncayo, S. Manzoor, J. D. Rosales, J.M. Anzano and J. O. Caceres.


Characterization of natural and treated diatomite by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)


D. Paules, Sahnounia Hamida, R- J. Lasheras, M. Escudero, D. Benouali, J. O. Caceres and J.M. Anzano.


Classification of red wine based on its protected designation of origin (PDO) using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)


S. Moncayo, J. D. Rosales, R. Izquierdo-Hornillos, J.M. Anzano and J. O. Caceres.


Identification and Discrimination of Brands of Fuels by Gas Chromatography and Neural Networks Algorithm in Forensic Research.


L. Ugena, S. Moncayo, S. Manzoor, J. D. Rosales, J.O. Caceres.



Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the discrimination of Candida Strains.


S. Manzoor, L. Ugena, J. Tornero-Lopez, H L. Diaz, M.Molina, J. J. Camacho, J.O. Caceres.


Talanta DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2016.04.030 (2016).



Time and space resolved spectroscopic characterization of laser -induced swine muscle tissue plasma-


L. Diaz, J. J. Camacho, J.O. Caceres,


Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 111: 92-101 (2015)

 Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy

Long-term hydrological changes in northern Iberia (4.9–0.9 ky BP) from speleothem Mg/Ca ratios and cave monitoring (Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, Spain)


J.A. Cruz, M.J. Turrero, J.O. Caceres, A. Marín-Roldan, A.I. Ortega, A. Garralón, L. Sánchez, P. Gomez, M.B. Muñoz-García, R.I. Edwards, J. Martin-Chivelet.


Environmental Earth Sciences  DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4687-x  2015

Environmental Earth Sciences

Mg/Ca ratios measured by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): a new approach to decipher environmental conditions.


A. García-Escárzaga, S. Moncayo, Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti, M. R. González-Morales, J. Martín-Chivelet and J. O. Cáceres


Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry  doi: 10.1039/C5JA00168D  2015

Evaluation of supervised chemometric methods for sample classification by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy


S. Moncayo, S. Manzoor, F. Navarro-Villoslada, J.O. Caceres


Chemometrics an Intelligent Laboratory System 146, 354-364 (2015)


 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems

Trace Elements in Speleothems as Indicators of Past Climate and Karst Hydrochemistry: A Case Study from Kaite Cave (N Spain)


J.A. Cruz, J. Martín-Chivelet, A.Marín-Roldán, M.J. Turrero, R.L. Edwards, A.I. Ortega and J.O. Cáceres


Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigactions in Karst Systems, Serie: Environmental Eart Sciences, Vol. 1, 569-577 (2015).


Evaluation of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for detection of trace element variation through stalagmites: potential for paleoclimate series reconstruction


A. Marín-Roldán, J. A. Cruz, J. Martín-Chivelet, M. J. Turrero, A. I. Ortega, J. O. Cáceres


Journal of Applied and Laser Spectroscopy, Volume 1, Issue 1 Pages 7-12: September 2014



Discrimination of human bodies from bones and teeth remains by Laser Induced  Breakdown Spectroscopy and Neural networks


S. Moncayo, S Manzoor, T. Ugidos, F. Navarro-Villoslada and J. O. Caceres.


Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, Volume 101, Pages 21-25: 2014


 Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy

Rapid Identification and discrimination of bacterial strains by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Neural Networks


S Manzoor,S. Moncayo, F. Navarro-Villoslada, J.A. Ayala, R. Izquierdo-Hornillos and J. O. Caceres


Talanta Volume 121, Pages 65-70.  2014.



Determination of the postmortem interval by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy using swine skeletal muscles.


A. Marin-Roldan, S Manzoor, S. Moncayo, F. Navarro-Villoslada, R.C. Izquierdo-Hornillos and J. O. Caceres.


Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, Volume 88, Pages 186-191: July 2013



Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy

Application of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Neural Network to Olive Oils Analysis.


J.O. Caceres, Samuel Moncayo, J. D. Rosales, F. J. Manuel de Villena, F. Alvira and G.M. Bilmes.


Applied Spectroscopy Volume 67, Issue 9 Pages 1064-1072: September 2013   DOI: 10.1366/12-06916


Lycopene. A review of chemical and biological activity related to beneficial health effects.


Montaña Cámara, María de Cortes Sánchez-Mata, Virginia Fernández-Ruiz, R.M. Cámara,  Sadia Manzoor and Jorge O. Caceres


Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 40.  Chapter 11 (2013) 1-45.


Studies in Natural Products Chemistry

Identification and Discrimination of Bacterial Strains by Laser Induced Break-down Spectroscopy and Neural Networks.


D. Marcos-Martinez, J.A. Ayala. R.C. Izquierdo-Hornillos, F.J. Manuel de Villena and J. O. Caceres.


Talanta 84 (2011) 730–737.



Neural Network Analysis of Spectroscopic Data of Lycopene and β-carotene content in Food Samples compared to HPLCUV- Vis.


M. Camara, J.S. Torrecilla, J.O. Caceres, Mª Cortes Sánchez Mata, and V. Fernandez-Ruiz.


J. Agric. Food Chem. 58 72,75 (2010).


Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Solving the Spectroscopy Interference Effects of B-Carotene and Lycopene by Neural Networks.


J.S. Torrecilla, M. Camara, V. Fernandez-Ruiz, G. Piera and J.O. Caceres.


J. Agric. Food Chem.56, 6261-6266 (2008).


Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Method development and validation for melamine and its derivatives in rice concentrates by liquid chromatography. Application to animal feed samples.


R. Muíz Valencia, S. G. Ceballos Magaña, D.Rosales Martinez, R. Gonzalo Lumbreras, A.Santos Montes, A. Cubedo Fernandez Trapiella, R. Izquierdo Hornillos.


Anal. Bioanal. Chem.  392, 523-531 (2008).


Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

A liquid chromatography method using a monolithic column for the determination of corticoids in animal feed and animal feeding  water.


R. Muñiz Valencia, S.G. Ceballos Magaña, R. Gonzalo Lumbreras, A. Santos Montes, R. Izquierdo Hornillos.


Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 391, 2683-91 (2008).


Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Sample preparation for the determination of steroids (corticoids and anabolics) in feed samples using LC


R. Muñiz Valencia, S.G. Ceballos Magaña, R. Gonzalo Lumbreras, A. Santos Montes, R. Izquierdo Hornillos.


J. Sep. Sci.  31, 2303-2309 (2008).    



Liquid chromatographic method development for anabolic androgenic steroids     using a monolithic column. Application to animal feed simples


R.  Muñiz Valencia, R. Gonzalo Lumbreras, A. Santos Montes,  R. Izquierdo Hornillos.


Anal. Chim. Acta  611, 103-112 (2008). 


DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2008.01.057


Analytica Chimica Acta

GC-MS method development and validation for anabolic steroids in feed samples.


R. Muñiz Valencia, S. G. Ceballos Magaña,  R. Gonzalo Lumbreras, A. Santos Montes, R.Izquierdo Hornillos.


J. Sep. Sci.  31, 727-734 (2008).


DOI: 10.1002/jssc.200700513





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