Call for papers
The papers will be a maximum of 8 minutes in length, with an added 2 minutes for questions or observations. Given the informative nature of the seminar it is important that a varying number of papers from different speakers and UCM faculties and degrees involved in internationalization is represented.
Upon registration, the papers should include one of these three topics of interest:
- Topic 1: Consolidating internationalisation at home.
The papers in this area include the initiatives and good practices developed in the so-called “bilingual degrees” with a consolidated background at UCM.
- Topic 2: Expanding the horizon of internationalisation.
The papers in this section include those initiatives that Spanish uses as an international language (or another foreign language, not including English) in order to incorporate the non-Spanish speaking students in our classrooms and to internationalise the curriculum.
- Topic 3: Accepting the challenge of internationalisation.
In this section the papers included reflect the incorporation of new centres, qualifications or subjects in the field of internationalisation. In this section research on internationalisation, which professors or students from UCM participated in, can also be found.
Posters will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts and will address any of the three topics proposed for the seminar. For printed posters, the standard size should be 110 cm high x 85 cm wide. Its title should be read at a distance of 1,5 – 2 metres (recommended Font size: 36 pt).
- Deadline for compulsory registration for attendance (not participants): March 27, 2017.
- Abstract submission deadline: February 20 – March 6, 2017.
- Notificacion of acceptance: March 20, 2017 (subject to variation).
*Participants will receive a DIPLOMA certifying their contribution in the seminar.