Proyectos de Innovación


Project Objectives


The project PAGES:PATHWAYS FOR GUIDING EMPLOYMENT SKILLS FOR ASD focuses on people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and is articulated around three axesinterventioneducation and inclusion in the labor market.

Lifelong Learning enables people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as to educate and train. The context of intervention takes into account local approaches with a global and international perspective that allows the transfer of good practices, innovative experiences and open educational resources, which are addressed to both ASDs, professionals working with them as well as potential employers. 

The project objectives are to: 

  • Train people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) to join the labor market. 
  • Contribute to a methodology of inclusion of people with ASD in the labor market. 
  • Facilitate a positive working environment for the ASD people training and also for employers, managers.
  • Guide the companies for the recruitment of people with ASD and facilitate the adaptation to the jobs. 

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