Laura Nuño de la Rosa

- Dr. Laura Nuño de la Rosa is a philosopher of biology working on the history and philosophy of developmental biology and evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo). She graduated in Humanities (2002), and in 2010 she obtained a Masters Degree in Biophysics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. In 2012 she obtained a PhD in Philosophy with a thesis on the problem of organismal form in contemporary biology, jointly from Complutense University of Madrid and the Paris 1-Sorbonne University. She joined the KLI Institute (Kloserneuburg, Austria) as a post-doc fellow, and from November 2015 to April 2018, she held a Juan de la Cierva fellowship at the IAS-Research group, University of the Basque Country. Laura Nuño De la Rosa became a postdoctoral fellow at Complutense University in April 2018, and a member of the MSR group in October 2015 (discontinued September 2020).