Amalia Prieto

PhD Student

The first time that I got in touch with science was during High School, when I had the opportunity to take part in a camp about scientific research. This practice awakened my interest in the matter and motivated me to study a Degree in Biotechnology at Universidad de León. During the years I spent studying this Degree, I discovered many interesting areas of research, but Genomics and Microbiology turned out to be my favourite ones. After a few months studying antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater, I decided to deepen my knowledge on these topics, and enrolled in the Master in Microbiology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). There, I had the chance to deliver my Master’s final project (TFM) at the MBA lab working on integrons. Luckily I now continue my scientific studies as a PhD student at the MBA lab, where I delve into the regulatory aspects of integrons and their potential clinical impact.