Research Teams and Lines

Aitor Balmaseda

After graduating in Physics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2010-2015), I did a M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2015-2016), where I developed a growing interest on the mathematics around Quantum Mechanics. That interest lead me to enrol on a second M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2016-2018), where I also completed my Ph.D. (2018-2021).

My Ph.D thesis, "Quantum Control at the Boundary", constitutes the first proof of concept of an new method for controlling quantum systems through their boundary conditions instead of using external field interactions. During two 6-months stays at the Czech Technical University in Prague, I got a glimpse of non-selfadjoint quantum mechanics before going back to Madrid and join the mathQI group where I aim to study the possible applications of the boundary control scheme for quantum systems to the fields of quantum information and quantum computation.