Research Interest
- Dynamics of Collective (multiagent) System
- Emergent behavior in Collective System
- Cooperative Control
- Distributed Control
- Control and applications of Autonomous Suface Vessels (ASVs) and other Autonomous Vehicles.
Current Funded Research Projects
- Autonomous System for locating and Acting in the face of Sea Pollutants. (Sistema Autónomo para la localización y la actuación ante contaminantes en el mar) CICYT DPI2013-46665-C1
Select Past Research Projects
- Surveillance, search and rescue system at sea, by cooperation among autonomous vehicles. (Sistema de vigilancia, búsqueda y rescate en el mar mediante colaboración de vehículos autónomos marinos y aéreos.) CICYT DPI2009-14552-C02-01.
- Automated digital fuel system design and simulation process (SmartFuel ADSP). EU Sixth Framework Programme TREP. AST5-CT-2006-030798
- A platform for planning, simulation and control of collaborating autonomous vessels and autonomous aircrafts (Plataforma de planificación, simulación y control para colaboración de vehiculos autonómos marinos y aereos)
- Third generation digital fluid management system EU Fifth Framework Programme. G4RD-CT-2002-00769
- Optimization of sinter plant operation conditions and BF burden material resources using advanced multivariate statistics. European Coal and Steel Comunity. ECSC-STEEL C 7210-PR194
- Neuro fuzzy System to improve the control of EAF. European Coal and Steel Comunity. ECSC 7210-PR131 / CICYT MAT 2000-0323-CE
- Above burden and in burden probe data interpretation by neural networks based models to improve blast furnace control. European Coal and Steel Comunity. ECSC 7210-PR073 / CICYT MAT 1999-1336-CE
- Improvement of sinter strand operation by control of charging conditions and monitoring of flame front propagation. European Coal and Steel Comunity. ECSC 7210-PR003 / CICYT MAT 98-1397-CE
- Investigation of fuzzy logic and neural network based strategies for control optimisation of ironmaking process. European Coal and Steel Comunity. ECSC 7210-AA/840
- Advanced Modelization for Blast Furnance Control. European Coal and Steel Comunity. ECSC 7210-AA/934 / CICYT CE93-0011
Jose María B. Escario; Juan Jiménez; Jose M. Girón-Sierra. Ant Colony Extended: Experiments on the Travelling Salesman Problem. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATION. 42, pp. 390-410. ELSEVIER, 2015. ISSN 0957-4174
Jose B. Escario; Juan F. Jiménez; Jose M. Girón-Sierra. Self-organization and Task Allocation: An Application to Ant Algorithms. Self-organization: Theories and Methods: Nova Science Publishers, 2013. ISBN 978-1-62618-865-5
Jose María B. Escario; Juan Jiménez; Jose M. Girón-Sierra. Optimisation of autonomous ship manoeuvres applying Ant Colony Optimisation metaheuristic. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATION. 39, pp. 10120-10139. ELSEVIER, 2012. ISSN 0957-4174
Santiago Cifuentes; Jose María Girón; Juan Jiménez. Robot Navigation Based on Discrimination of Artificial Fields: Application to Robot Formations. Advanced Robotics. 26, pp. 627 - 652. 2012.
Santiago Cifuentes; José M. Girón; Juan Jiménez Nº. Robot Navigation Based on Discrimination of Artificial Fields: Application toSingle Robots. Advanced Robotics. 26, pp. 605 - 626. 2012.
R. Martín D.; J. Mochón; J. Jiménez; L. F. Verdeja; P. Rusek; N. Ayala. Above Burden Temperature Data Probes interpretation to prevent malfunctions ofblast furnaces - Part1: Intelligent Information Preprocessing. STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 80, pp. 185 - 193. WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, 2009.
R Martín D.; J. Mochón; L. E. Verdeja; R. Barea; P. Rusek; J. Jimenez Nº. Above Burden Temperature Data Probes interpretation to prevent malfunctions ofblast furnaces - Part2: Factory Aplications. STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, 2009
J. M. Girón-Sierra; C. Insaurralde; M. seminario; J. F. Jiménez; Peter Klose Nº. CANbus-Based Distributed Fuel System with Smart Components. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONICSYSTEMS. 44, 2008.
C. Insaurralde and M. Seminario and J. Jiménez and J M. Girón.“Computer tool with code generator for avionic distributed fuel control systems with smart sensors and actuators”.. Trans. System, Man and Cybernetics. 38 - 3, pp. 431 - 445. 2008.
J. Jiménez and J M. Girón and C. Insaurralde and M. Seminario." A simulation of aircraft fuel management system". Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 15, pp. 544 - 564. 2007
R. D. Martín; F. Obeso; J. Mochón; R. Barea; J. Jiménez. Hot metal temperature prediction in blast furnace using advanced model based on fuzzy logic tools. IRONMAKING & STEELMAKING. 34, pp. 241 - 247. 2007
J. Jiménez and J Mochón and J Saínz de Ayala and F. Obeso." Mathematical model of gas flow distribution in a scale of blast furnace shaft ".ISIJ International. 44 - 3, pp. 517 - 526. 2004.
J. Jiménez and J Mochón and J Saínz de Ayala. “Blast furnace hot metal temperature prediction throught neural networks-based models”.ISIJ International. 44 - 3, pp. 573 - 580. 2004.
C.Cantera and J. Jimenez and IVarela and A. Formoso. Predicción mediante redes neuronales de la temperatura de arrabio de un horno alto; temperatura subyacente de arrabio. Rev. Metal. Madrid. 38, pp. 243 - 248. 2002.
J Jiménez amd J. Mochón and A. Formoso and J. Sáinz de Ayala.." Burden distribution analysis by digital image processing in a scale model of blast furnace shaft ". ISIJ International. 40, pp. 114 - 120. 2000.
A. Formoso and A. Moro and G. Fernández Pello and J Jiménez and A. Moro; A. Cores." Estudio de la granulación de la mezcla de minerales de hierro en el proceso de sinterización. I Parte. Granulación ".Rev. Metal. Madrid. 36, pp. 244 - 253. 2000.
A. Formoso and A. Moro and G. Fernández Pello and J Jiménez and A. Moro; A. Cores. " Estudio de la granulación de la mezcla de minerales de hierro en el proceso de sinterización. II Parte. Indice de Granulación ".Rev. Metal. Madrid. 36, pp. 254 - 265.. 2000.
J Jiménez and J. Mochón and J. L. Menéndez and A. Formoso and F. Bueno and M.A Romero. " Predicción mediante lógica difusa, de la temperatura de salida de arrabio de un horno alto ".Rev. Metal.36, pp. 40 - 46. 2000.
J Jiménez and B. Fernández and J. Sáinz de Ayala and J. Mochon and A. Formoso and F. Bueno. Nuevo modelo matemático para la distribución de carga de un horno alto. Rev. Metal. Madrid. 34, pp. 158 - 163. 1998.
J. Martínez-Salazar and A. Alizadeh and J. Jimenez and J. Plans.On the melting behaviour polymer single crystals in a mixture with a compatible oligomer: 2. Polyethylene/paraffin. Polymer. 37 - 5, pp. 2367 - 2371. 1996