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Biographical information

Prof. Dr. López-Sánchez is Full Professor of Management at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). He holds a Bachelor and Master (BBA/MBA) in Business Administration from the UCM. In 1994 he received his PhD in Management, with honors, from the Complutense University. He has the Diploma on Management Research (2001), Royal Complutense College at Harvard, Harvard University. He joined UCM in 1989. 

He is Founder of the Research Group in Production and Information Technology and Communications (GIPTIC) of the UCM; Academic Director Master in Logistics and Defense Economic Management, with Spanish Navy) (TOP 100 - 2024 EDUNIVERSAL BEST MASTERS RANKING in SUPPLY CHAIN AND LOGISTICS #1 Spain, #17 Worldand Senior Editor of the Journal of Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability (Georgetown University’s Latin America Leadership Program). He is an elected member of the Faculty Board and the University Senate. He participates in commissions of degree, postgraduate, quality, etc. He teaches in various degrees, postgraduate and PhD programme. He has the Diploma of Teaching Excellence in the DOCENTIA program.

He has been Rector candidate (2023), Vice-Rector for Economic Policy (2019-2023) at Complutense University of Madrid, Editor in Chief of UCJC Business & Society Review, editor in Chief of Universia Business Review (first Spanish business management journal to be indexed in the SSCI-JCR), Vice-Dean of Economic Affairs and of Academic Organization in the Faculty of Economic and Business (UCM); Head of the Department of Management (UCM) (2007-2015); External Examiner of the University of Wales; Visiting Research Scholar at The Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University; and Director of the Chair UCM-Foundation Orange for the Development of the Information Society. He has been Professor of CUNEF and San Pablo-CEU University College.

Of the more 20 competitive research projects, in which it has participated (international, nationals, regions and universities), seven have done so as Principal Investigator. He has participated in nine Research Chairs, seven as Director of the same. He has supervised 9 Doctoral Theses (PhD) defended and has formed part of more than 30 Doctoral Thesis Committee.

Over more 70 publications in scientific journals such as: Research Policy, Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Business Research, Technovation, Small Business Economics, Management Decision, The Service Industries Journal, Business Service: An International Journal, International Journal of Technology Management, Group Decision & Negotiation, Universia Business Review, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, etc. He has written articles in Expansión and participated in interviews at Universia Knowledge & Wharton, El País, El Mundo, La Razón and El Economista. He is a frequent speaker in international conferences and executive seminars.

His research works, more than 85, have been defended, in National Scientific Conferences (57) and Internationals (31) of special relevance as Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE); World Conference on Production and Operations Management (POMS); Scientific Association of Economics and Business Management (ACEDE); Iberoamerican Academy of Management; International Conference on Management Technology (IAMOT), having been session chair, evaluator, and member of the Scientific Committee on numerous occasions.

He is in possession of the Cross of Naval Merit with White Decoration (Spanish Navy) and Medal of Honor from the Complutense University of Madrid