January - December
December 2017
Wednesday 13, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Javier Ojea Ferreiro (UCM-AEEC)
- Title: Contagion and containment in the European case: A Delta Conditional approach between sovereign and financial credit risk
- Invited by: A. Novales
Monday 11, 2017 @ 13:00 !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY
- Speaker: Z. L. Mahone (U. of Toronto)
- Title: Optimal Design and Quantitative Evaluation of the Minimum Wage
- Invited by: L. Puch
Monday 11, 2017 @ 13:00 !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY and time!!
- Speaker: Pau Pujolás (McMaster U)
- Title: Is the Neoclassical Growth Model Useful after the Labour Share Decline?
- Invited by: L. Puch
November 2017
Wednesday 29, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Thorsten Lehnert (Luxembourg School of Finance)
- Title: Risk aversion, Sentiment and the Cross Section of Stock Returns
- Invited by: J-A. Jimenez-Martin
Wednesday 22, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Zoe Kuehn (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- Title: Who Specializes in Growing Sectors and Does it Pay-off? The Importance of Gender (joint with Jennifer Graves, UAM)
- Invited by: Alberto Lopez
Thursday 16, 2017 @ 13:00 !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY
- Speaker: Raúl G. Sanchís (Cambridge University, UK)
- Title: Lifestyle Dynamics Index: Worldwide Results and household economic implications
- Invited by: J.M. Rey
Wednesday 15, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Christos Agiakloglou (University of Pireo, Grecia)
- Title: Spurious Regression (Presentation)
- Invited by: T. Perez-Amaral
October 2017
Wednesday 18, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Anett Erdmann (U. Alberto Hurtado, Chile)
- Title: A new supermarket in the neighborhood: The price reaction of incumbent retailers (joint with J. Asensio)
- Invited by: L. Moreno
September 2017
Tuesday 19, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Massimiliano Caporin (University of Padova)
- Title: A Meta-analysis of Systemic Risk Measures for gauging Financial Stability
- Invited by: J.A. Jimenez-Martin
Wednesday 13, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Carlos Vidal (Universidad de Valencia)
- Title: Cuentas nocionales de aportación definida (CNs): cosas que deberías saber pero nunca te han contado
- Invited by: T. Pérez
June 2017
Wednesday 14, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Anett Erdmann (U. Alberto Hurtado, Chile)
- Title: A new supermarket in the neighborhood: The price reaction of incumbent retailers (joint with J. Asensio)
- Invited by: L. Moreno
Wednesday 7, 2017 @ 13:00
- Speaker: Luciano Campos (CUNEF)
- Title: Evaluating the Argentinian exchange rate policy during the 2000"s commodity boom
- Invited by: J. Ruiz
May 2017
Wednesday 17, 2017 @ 12:00 and 15:30 (Two sessions).
- Speaker: A. Aznar Grasa (U. Zaragoza)
- Session 1 (12:00): Two cointegration tests: Information criterion and Dickey-Fuller
- Session 2 (15:30): Reflexiones sobre el método que siguen los economistas académicos.
- Invited by: A. Novales
April 2017
Wednesday 26, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: M. Dominguez (FAE II - UCM)
- Títle: A Simple Test for Conditional Restrictions with Imperfect Information
- Invited by: J.A. Jimenez-Martin
Tuesday 26, 2017 @ 13:00. !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY
- Speaker: Jason Whalley (Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University)
- Title: Speed isn’t everything: a multi-criteria analysis of broadband access speeds in the UK
- Invited by: T. Perez-Amaral
Wednesday 19, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: Laura García Jorcano (PhD. UCM Candidate)
- Title: Sample size, skewness and leverage effects in Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall estimation
- Invited by: A. Novales
Wednesday 5, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: Juan F. Jimeno (Banco de España)
- Title: Labour market adjustment in Europe during the crisis: Microeconomic evidence from the Wage Dynamics Network Survey
- Invited by: Luis Puch
Monday 5, 2017 @ 16:00. !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY and TIME!
- Speaker: Jorge Blazquez (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre (KAPSRC), Riad (Arabia Saudí)
- Title: Oil subsidies and renewable energy in Saudi Arabia
- Invited by: E. Cerdá
March 2017
Friday 31, 2017 @ 13:00. !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY!
- Speaker: M. L. Martin del Burgo Carrero (PhD. UCM Candidate)
- Títle: Diseño de Políticas Sanitarias Eficientes en Países en Desarrollo: El caso de Angola (PhD. Seminar)
- Invited by: T. Perez-Amaral (Co-Advisor: Sergi Jimenez-Martin (UPF))
Wednesday 29, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: Carlos Vidal (Universidad de Valencia)
- Títle: Would it Work? A Notional Defined Contribution Scheme Combining Retirement and Long-Term Care
- Invited by: JA Jimenez-Martin
- Paper. (PowerPoint)
Wednesday 22, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: Pedro Linares (U. Comillas)
- Títle: Assessing the EU ETS with a bottom-up, multi-sector model
- Invited by: Cristina Mazón.
Tuesday 21, 2017 @ 13:00. !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY!
- Speaker: Nano Mulder (CEPAL)
- Títle: Can services improve Latin America’s manufacturing competitiveness?
- Invited by: Gisela Di Meglio
Wednesday 8, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: Juan C. Palomino (Phd. UCM)
- Títle: Inheritances and inequality of opportunity in wealth: the case of Spain
- Invited by: Juan G. Rodriguez (Advisor)
February 2017
Monday 27, 2017 @ 12:30. !ATTENTION!! Changed the usual seminar DAY!
- Speaker: Carlo Cambini (Polictecnico di Torino & Florence School of Regulation At EUI)
- Títle: Promoting Consumer Migration to New Communications Technology: Does Regulation Affect the Digital Gap?
- Invited by: T. Pérez-Amaral
Wednesday 15, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: Massimiliano Caporin (University of Padova)
- Títle: Estimation and model based combination of causality networks
- Invited by: J.A. Jimenez-Martin
Friday 10, 2017 @ 13:00.
- Speaker: Antonio Díaz (UCLM)
- Títle: Liquidity measures throughout the lifetime of the U.S. Treasury bond
- Invited by: L. Puch
- Paper: Link to the Journal JFM