Library José Alberto Blanco Losada de Economía de las telecomunicaciones
The Telecommunications Economics Library José Alberto Blanco Losada has books and documents related to Telecommunications and Industrial Organization.
The vocation of the Library is to serve as an instrument for researchers and students in telecommunication economics and related fields. For this reason, their funds can be consulted by interested people, in the Library itself, previously requesting access in the Secretariat.
These books come from the Library of Mr. José Alberto Blanco Losada, and have been transferred to the ICAE and the Department of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis II by the Blanco Losada and Salcines Foundation, chaired by Mrs. Dagmar Salcines de Blanco.
The library consultation hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
For inquiries Go to Office 127 at ICAE:
- Secretaría del Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico (ICAE)
- Facultad de Económicas, Pabellón Prefabricado, 1ª planta.
- Persona de contacto: Nina Falero
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Library Catalog
A01 | ALLEMAN, James H.l | Perspectives on Telephone Industry: The Challenge for the Future | 1989 | Harper and Rowl |
A02 | ALLEN EISNER, Marc | Antitrust and the Triumph of Economics | 1991 | U. North Carolina |
A03 | ALLEN, R.G.D. | Economía Matemática | 1965 | Aguilar |
A04 | ALLEN, R.G.D. | Análisis Matemático para Economistas | 1974 | Aguilar |
A05 | ALONSO, Ignacio | El Perfil del Éxito | 1992 | Telefónica |
A06 | ANTONELLI, Cristiano | The Economics of Information Netwoks | 1992 | Elsevier Science |
A07 | ARIÑO, Gaspar | Las Telecomunicaciones por Cable; sus Regulaciones, Presente y Futuro | 1996 | Marcial Pons |
A08 | ARMSTRONG, Mark | Regulatory Reform-Economic Analysis | 1995 | The MIT Press |
A09 | ARNAIZ VELLANDO, Gonzalo | Introducción a la Estadadística Teórica | 1965 | Lex Nova |
B01 | BAILY, Elisabeth E. | The Political Economy of Privatization and Deregulation | 1995 | Edward Elgar |
B02 | BAIRD, Douglas G. | Game Theory and the Law | 1994 | Harvard U. Press |
B03 | BAUMOL, William J. | Toward Competition in Local Telephony | 1994 | The MIT Press |
B04 | BAUMOL, William J. | Teoría Económica Análisis Operaciones | 1977 | Herrero Hermanos |
B05 | BAUMOL, William J. | Superfairness; Applications + Theory | 1986 | The MIT Press |
B06 | BAUMOL, William J. | Contestable Markets-Theory of Industry Structure | 1988 | HBJ |
B07 | BELL, Tom W. | Regulators' Revenge; The Future of Telecommunications Deregulation | 1998 | Cato Institute |
B08 | BESANKO, David | Economics of Strategy | 2000 | Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
B09 | BIJL,Paul | Competition Regulation in Telecomunications Market | 2000 | CPB |
B10 | BINMORE, Ken | Teoría de Juegos | 1994 | McGraw-Hill |
B11 | BISHOP, Matthew | The Regulatory Challenge | 1995 | Oxford U. Press |
B12 | BLACKMON, Glen | Incentive Regulation and the Regulation of Incentives | 1994 | Kluwer Academic Publisher |
B13 | BLUMENTHAL, Howard J. | This Business of Television | 1998 | Billboard Books |
B14 | BONBRIGHT, James C. | Principles of Public Utility Rates | 1988 | Public Utilities Reports |
B15 | BORK, Robert H. | The Antitrust Paradox | 1993 | FREE PRESS |
B16 | BÖS, Dieter | Pricing and Price Regulation: An Economic Theory for Public Enterprises and Public Utilities | 1994 | Elsevier |
B17 | BOX, George E. P. | Time Series Analysis | 1994 | Prentice Hall |
B18 | BROCK, Gerald W. | Telecomunication Policy for The Information Age | 1994 | Harvard U. Press |
B19 | BROWN, Sthephen J. | The Theory of Public Utility Pricing | 1986 | Cambridge U. Press |
B20 | BUCHANAN, Allen | Ethics, Efficiency and the Market | 1988 | Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, Inc. |
B21 | BUCHHOLZ, Todd G. | New Ideas from Dead Economists; An Introduction to Modern Economic Thoughts | 1989 | Penguin Book |
B22 | BUCKLEY, Peter J. | Firms Organizations and Contracts | 1996 | Oxford U. Press |
C01 | CABLE, John | Current Issues in Industrial Economics | 1994 | Macmillan Press Ltd. |
C02 | CABRAL, Luis | Economía Industrial | 1997 | McGraw Hill |
C03 | CABRAL, Luís M. B. | Readings in Industrial Organization | 2000 | Blackwell Publishers |
C04 | CASS, Ronald A. | International Trade in Telecomunications | 1998 | AEI Press MIT Press |
C05 | CHANDLER, Jr., Alfred . | Scale and Scope; the dynamics of Industrial Capitalism | 1990 | Harvard U. Press |
C06 | CHIANG, Alpha C. | Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics | 1974 | McGraw-Hill |
C07 | CINI, Michelle | Competition Policy in European Union | 1998 | St. Martin´s Press |
C08 | COASE, R.H. | Essays on Economics and Economists | 1994 | Univ. of Chicago |
C09 | CRANDALL, Robert W. | After the Breakup; U.S. Telecomunications in a More Comptitive Era | 1991 | Brooking Institution |
C10 | CRANDALL, Robert W. | The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American | 1995 | Brookings Institutation |
C11 | CRANDALL, Robert W. | Cable TV Regulation or Competition? | 1996 | Brookings Institutation |
C12 | CREMADES, Javier (Coordinador) | Derecho de las Telecomunicaciones | 1997 | Ministerio Fomento |
C13 | CREW, Michael A. | Economic Innovations in Public Utility Regulation | 1992 | Kluwer Academic |
C14 | CURIEN,Nicolás | Economie des Télécommunications: Overture et Reglamentation | 1992 | Economica Ed. |
C15 | CARLTON/CABRERA | Modern Industrial Organization | 1994 | Harper Collins |
C16 | CARPENTIER, Michel | Telecommunications in Transition | 1992 | Wiley & Son |
D01 | DALE, O. Stahl, CHOI, Soon-Yong | The Economics of Electronic Commerce | 1997 | Macmillan Technical Publishing |
D02 | DAVIS, Morton D. | Game Theory -A Nontechnical Introduction- | 1983 | Dover Publications Inc. |
D03 | DAVIS, Morton D. | Teoría del Juego | 1971 | Alianza Universal |
D04 | DEMSETZ, Harold | Anti-Trust Economics | 1994 | Lund Unv. Press |
D05 | DENNIS, E. y otros. (8 ejemplares) | La Sociedad de la Información; Amenazas y Oportunidades | 1996 | Editorial Complutense |
D06 | DOLAN, Robert J. | Power Princing; How Managing Price Transforms the bottom Line | 1996 | The Free Press |
D07 | DORFMAN, Robert | Progrmación Lineal y Análisis Económico | 1964 | Aguilar |
D08 | DOWNING, Robbie | EC Information Technology Law | 1995 | Wiley & Son |
D09 | DUESTERBERG, Thomas J. | Competition and Deregulation in Telecommunications | 1997 | Hudson Institute |
D10 | DUNCAN, R. | Games and Decisions | 1985 | Dover Publications Inc. |
D11 | DYSON, Robert G. | Strategin Planning: Models and Analytical Techs. | 1990 | Wiley & Son |
D12 | DONALD, Pierre, A. | Optimization Theory with Applications | 1986 | Dover Publications Inc. |
E01 | EATWELL, John | The World of Economics | 1991 | Macmillan Press |
E02 | EGAN, Bruce L. | Information Superhighways Revised: The Economics of Multimedia | 1996 | Artech House Inc. |
E03 | EGAN, Bruce L. | Information Superhighway: The Economics of Advance Public Communications Networks | 1991 | Artech House |
E04 | EGGERTSSON, Thráinn | Economic behavior and Institutions | 1990 | Cambridge U. Press |
E05 | EINHORM, Michael A. | Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications | 1991 | Kluwer Academic |
E06 | ELZABURU MARQUEZ, Fernando | Tiempos de Cambio -Conciencia, Tecnología y Estrategia | 1999 | 2010 Ediciones S.L. |
E07 | EVANS, Philip | Blown to Bits; How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy | 2000 | Harvard B. S. Press |
F01 | FDEZ. LERGA, Carlos | Derecho de la Competencia (C.E. Y España) | 1994 | Aranzadi |
F02 | FDEZ. ORDOÑEZ, Miguel A. | La Competencia | 2000 | Alianza Ed. |
F03 | FISHWICK, Frank | Making Sense of competition Policy | 1993 | Kogan Page Limited |
F04 | FLEMING, Marcus | Economica - Revista nº 65 | 1950 | London School |
F05 | FRANK, Robert H. | Microeconomía y Conducta | 1992 | McGraw-Hill |
F06 | FRIEDMAN, David D. | Law´s Order | 2000 | Princeton U. Press |
F07 | FUDENBERG, Drew | Game Theory | 1998 | The MIT Press |
G01 | GASS, Saul I. | Programación Lineal | 1996 | Compañía Editorial Continental S.A. |
G02 | GELLMORN, Ernest | Antitrust Law and Economics | 1994 | West Publishing |
G03 | GIBBONS, Robert | Un Primer Curso de Teoría de Juegos | 1992 | Antoni Bosch Editor |
G04 | GILDER, George | The Meaning of the Microcosm | 1997 | Progress & Freedom Foundation |
G05 | GILDER, George | Telecosm; How Infinite Bandwidth Will Revolutionize Our World | 2000 | Free Press |
G06 | GLAISTER, Stephen | Mathematical Methods for Economists | 1972 | Gray-Mills Publihing |
G07 | GOYDER, D.G. | EC competition Law | 1992 | Oxford U. Press |
H01 | HARPER, J.M. | Telecommunications-Policy and Management | 1989 | Pinter Publishers |
H02 | HAZLETT, Thomas W. | Public Policy toward Cable Television | 1997 | The MIT Press |
H03 | HELM, Dieter | Competition in Regulated Industries | 1998 | Oxford U. Press |
H04 | HIGGINS, Richard S. | Deregulating Telecommunications; The Baby Bells Case for Competition | 1995 | Wiley & Son |
H05 | HILLIER, Brian | The Economics of Asymmetric Information | 1997 | Macmillan Press |
H06 | HIRSHLEIFER, Jack | Teoría de Precios y sus Aplicaciones | 1976 | Prentice/Hall Int. |
H07 | HUNTER, John M. | Tariffs, Traffic and Performance ; the Managemant of Cost Effective | 1988 | Comm Ed Publishing |
J01 | JEHELE, Geoffrey A. | Avanced Microeconomic Theory | 1998 | Addison-Wesley |
J02 | JOHANSSON, Per-Olov | An Introduction to Modern Welfare Economics | 1997 | Cambridge U. Press |
J03 | JOHNSON, Leland L. | Toward Competition in Cable Television | 1994 | The MIT Press |
K01 | KAHIN, Brian | Public Access to the Internet | 1995 | The MIT Press |
K02 | KAHN, Alfred E. | The Economics of Regulation; Principles and Institutions | 1993 | The MIT Press |
K03 | KEEN, Peter G.W. | Competing in Time, Using Telecommunications for Competitive Advance | 1988 | Ballinger Publishing |
K04 | KEEN, Peter G.W. | Shaping the Future, Business Design through Information Technology | 1991 | Harvard Business School Press |
K05 | KENNEDY, Peter | A Guide to Econometrics | 1998 | Blackwell Publishers |
K06 | KNIGHT, Frank H. | Riesgo, Incertidumbre y Beneficio | 1947 | Aguilar |
K07 | KRATTENMAKER, Thomas G. | Regulatin Broadcast Programming | 1994 | The MIT Press |
K08 | KREPS, David M. | Curso de Teoría Microeconómica | 1995 | MacGraw-Hill |
K09 | KUENNE, Robert E. | The Economics of Oligopolistic Competition | 1992 | Blackwell Publishers |
K10 | KWOKA, Jr. | The Antitrust Revolution | 1994 | Oxford U. Press |
L01 | LAFFONT, Jean Jacques | A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation | 1994 | The MIT Press |
L02 | LAFFONT, Jean Jacques | Competition in Telecommunications | 2000 | The MIT Press |
L03 | LANGLEY, G. | Telecommmunications Primer | 1993 | Pitman Publishing |
L04 | LASHERAS, Miguel Angel | La Regulación Económica de los Servicios Públicos | 1999 | Ariel |
L05 | LEVY, Brian | Regulations, Institutions and Commitement | 1996 | Cambridge U. Press |
L06 | LORANGE, Peter | Strategic Planning Systems | 1977 | Prentice Hall |
M01 | MacAVOY, Paul W. | The Failure of Antitrust to Establish Competition in Long-Distance Telephone Services | 1996 | The MIT Press |
M02 | MACHO-STADLER, Inés | An Introduction to the Economics of Information | 1997 | Oxford U. Press |
M03 | MANKIW, Gregory | Macroeconomía | 1997 | Antoni Bosch |
M04 | MANSELL, Robin | The New Telecommunications | 1993 | SAGE |
M05 | MARSHALL, Alfred | Principles of Economics | 1997 | Prometheus Book |
M06 | MARTIN, Stephen | Industrial Economics | 1994 | Prentice Hall |
M07 | MARTIN, Stephen | Advanced Industrial Economics | 1996 | Blackwell |
M08 | MAS-COLELL, Andreu | Microeconomic Theory | 1995 | Oxford U. Press |
M09 | McCHESNEY, Fred S. | The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust | 1995 | U. Chicago Press |
M10 | McKNIGHT, Lee W. | Internet Economics | 1997 | The MIT Press |
M11 | MERCURO, Nicholas | Economics and the Law | 1997 | Princeton U. Press |
M12 | MERRETT, A.J. | The Finance and Analysis of Capital Projects | 1976 | Longman |
M13 | MILTON, L | Universal Service: Competition, Interconnection and Monopoly in the Marking of American Telephone System | 1997 | The MIT Press |
M14 | MINOLI, Daniel | Telecommunications Technology Handbook | 1991 | Artech House Inc. |
M15 | MITCHELL, Bridger M. (2 ejemplares) | Telecommunications Pricing-Theory and Practice- | 1991 | Cambridge U. Press |
M16 | MIZRAHI | Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences : An Apploied Approach | 1979 | Wiley & Son |
M17 | MOPT | Plan Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (1991-2002) | 1992 | MOPT |
M18 | MORGAN, T.J. | Telecomunications Economics | ------- | Technicopy Limited |
M19 | MOULIN, Hervé | Cooperative Microeconomics | 1995 | Prentice Hall |
M20 | MULLER, Nathan J. | Desktop Encyclopedia of Telecommunications | 1998 | McGraw-Hill |
M21 | MUÑOZ, Pedro A. | Un futuro Interconectado y Digital | 1995 | Ericsson |
N01 | NAGLE, Thomas T. | The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing | 1995 | Prentice Hall |
N02 | NEGROPONTE, Nicholas | El Mundo Digital | 1995 | Ediciones B |
N03 | NEWBERY, David M. | Privatization, Restructuring and Regulation of Network Utilities | 1999 | The Mit Press |
N04 | NIKAIDO, H. | Introduction to Sets and Mappings in Modern Economics | 1975 | North-Holand P. |
N05 | NOAM, Eli M. | Asimetric Deregulation: The Dynamics Telecomunations Policy in Europe and United States | 1994 | Ablex Publishing |
N06 | NOWOTNY, Kenneth | Public Utility Regulation | 1989 | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
O01 | Organisation for Economics Co-operation Dev. | The Economics of Radiofrecuency Allocation | 1993 | OECD-nº 33 |
O02 | Organisation for Economics Co-operation Dev. | Les Infrastructures de Télécommunications | 1995 | OECD-nº 35 |
O03 | Organisation for Economics Co-operation Dev. | International Telecommunication Princing Practices | 1995 | OECD-nº 36 |
O04 | Organisation for Economics Dev. | Price caps for Telecommunications | 1995 | OECD-nº 37 |
O05 | Organisation for Economics Dev. | Universal Service Obligations in a Competitive Tel | 1995 | OECD-nº 38 |
O06 | OWEN, Bruce M. | Thr Internet Challenge to Television | 1999 | Harvard U. Press |
O07 | OWEN, Bruce M. | Video Economics | 1992 | Harvard U. Press |
P01 | PARK, Chan S.(2 ejemplares) | Advanced Engineering Economics | 1990 | Wiley & Son |
P02 | PARSONS, Patrick R. | The Cable and Satelite Television Industries | 1998 | Allyn & Bacon |
P03 | PASHIGIAN, B. Peter | Teoría de los Precios y Aplicaciones | 1996 | McGraw-Hill |
P04 | PASS, Cristopher | Dictionary of Economics | 1993 | Harper Collins |
P05 | PEPALL, Lynne | Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory..... | 1999 | South-Western College Publishing |
P06 | PERKINS, Anthony B. | The Internet Bubble; Inside the Overvalued World of High-Tech Stocks- and Whath you Need to Know to Avoid the Coming Shakeout | 1999 | Harper Business |
P07 | PETER, Pitsch K. | The Innovation Age | 1996 | Hudson Institute |
P08 | PHILIPS, Louis | Applied Industrial Economics | 1998 | Cambridge U. Press |
P09 | PHILIPS, Louis | Competition Policy: A Game-Theoretic Perspective | 1995 | Cambridge U. Press |
P10 | PIGOU, A.C. | The Economics of Welfare | 1946 | Macmillan & Co. |
P11 | PINDYCK, Robert S. | Microeconomía | 1996 | Limusa-Noriega Editores- |
P12 | POSNER, Richard A. | Antitrust Law | 1976 | Chicago U. Press |
R01 | RAWLS, John | Political Liberalism | 1996 | Columbia U. Press |
R02 | RAWLS, John | Teoría de la Justicia | 1995 | Fondo de Cultura Económica |
R03 | REED, David | Residential Fiber, Optic Networks; an Engineering and Economic Analysis | 1992 | Artech House Inc. |
R04 | RICKETTS, Martin -Vol. I- | Neoclassical Microeconomics | 1998 | Edward Elgar Publishing |
R05 | RICKETTS, Martin -Vol. II- | Neoclassical Microeconomics | 1998 | Edward Elgar Publishing |
R06 | ROSENSOHN, Nicole | For a Better World Order: The Message from Kuala Lumpur | 1993 | Fundación BBV |
R07 | RUBIO de URQUIA, Rafael | La Herencia de Keynes | 1998 | Alianza Universidad |
S09 | SHAW, James | Telecommunications Deregulation | 1998 | Artech House Inc. |
S01 | SALANIE, Bernard | The Economics of Contracts | 1999 | The MIT Press |
S03 | SCHELLING, Thomas C. | The Strategy of Conflict | 1995 | Harvard U. Press |
S02 | SAPPINGTON, David E.M. | Designing Incentive Regulation for the Telecommunications Industry | 1996 | The MIT Press |
S04 | SCHMALENSEE, Richard-Vol. 1 | Handbook of Industrial Organization | 1996 | Elsevier Science |
S05 | SCHMALENSEE, Richard-Vol.2 | Handbook of Industrial Organization | 1996 | Elsevier Science |
S06 | SEGURA, Julio | Teoría de la Economía Industrial | 1993 | Civitas |
S07 | SEN, Anindya | Industrial Organization | 1998 | Oxford U. Press |
S08 | SHAPIRO, Carl | Information Rules | 1999 | Harvard Business School |
S10 | SHEPHERD, William G. | The Economics of Industrial Organization | 1997 | Prentice Hall |
S11 | SHERMAN, Roger | The Regulation of Monopoly | 1990 | Cambridge U. Press |
S12 | SHY, Oz | Industrial Organization -Theory and Applications- | 1995 | The MIT Press |
S13 | SIDAK, J. Gregory | Deregulatory Takings and the Regulatory Contract | 1998 | Cambridge U. Press |
S14 | SIEGEL, Daniel R. | Futures Markets | 1990 | The Dryden Press |
S15 | SOLOMOM, Ezra | The theory of Financial Management | 1963 | Columbia U. Press |
S16 | SOLOMONS, David | Divisional Performance: Measurement and Control | 1965 | Irwin Inc. |
S17 | STEINFIELD, Charles | Telecommunicatios in Transition -Policies, Services and Technologies in the European Community | 1994 | SAGE Publications |
S18 | STIGLER, George | The Organization of Industry | 1983 | The Univ. of Chicago Press |
S19 | STIGLER, George J. | The Theory of Price | 1996 | Macmillan |
S20 | STIGLER, George J. | Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist | 1998 | Basic Books Inc. |
S21 | STJERNQVIST, Inger | IT- Visions at Work | 1997 | Teldok Report |
S22 | SYDSAETER, Knut | Matemáticas para el Análisis Económico | 1998 | Prentice Hall |
T01 | TAPSCOTT, Don | The Digital Economy | 1996 | McGraw-Hill |
T02 | TAPSCOTT, Don | Digital Capital -Harnessig The Power of Business Webs | 2000 | Harvard Business School P. |
T03 | TAYLOR, Lester D. | Telecomunications Demand in Theory and Priactice | 1994 | Kluwer Academic P. |
T04 | TEMIN, Peter | The Fall of de Bell System | 1994 | Cambridge U. Press |
T05 | THUROW, Lester C. | Teh Future of Capitalism:How Today's Economic Forces Will Shape tomorrow's World | 1996 | Nicholas Brealey Publishing |
T06 | TIROLE, Jean | La Teoría de la Organización Industrial | 1990 | Ariel |
T07 | TRAIN, Kenneth E. | Optimal Regulation-The Economic Theory of Natural Monopoly | 1995 | The Mit Press |
T08 | TURNER, J.C. | Matemática Moderna Aplicada: Probabilidades, Estadística e Investigación operativa | 1974 | Alianza |
V01 | VARIAN, Hal R. | Intermediate Microeconomics -A Modern Approach | 1996 | Norton & Company |
V02 | VICKERS, John | Privatization: an Economic analysis | 1998 | The MIT Press |
V03 | VISCUSI, W. Kip | Economics of Regulation and Antitrust | 1995 | The MIT Press |
V04 | VIVES, Xavier | Oligopoly Pricing -Old Ideas and New Tools | 1999 | The MIT Press |
V05 | VOGEL, Harold L. | Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis | 1998 | Cambridge U. Press |
V06 | VOGELSANG, Ingo | Telecommunications Competition -The Last Ten Miles- | 1997 | The MIT Press |
W01 | WATERMAN, David | Vertical Integration in Cable Television | 1997 | The MIT Press |
W02 | WEINBERG, Gerald M. | The Secret of Consulting; A Guide ti Giving and Getting Advice Successfully | 1985 | Dorset House |
W03 | WESSELS, Waltar J. | Microeconomics. The Easy Way | 1997 | Barrons´s |
W04 | WILLIAMSON, Oliver E. | Las Instituciones Económicas del Capitalismo | 1989 | Fondo de Cultura Económica |
W05 | WILLIAMSON, Oliver E. | The Nature of the Firm; Origins, Evolution and Development | 1993 | Oxford U. Press |
W06 | WILLIAMSON, Oliver E. | Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications | 1975 | The Free Press (Macmillan) |
W07 | WILSON, Robert B. | Nonlinear Pricing | 1993 | Oxford U. Press |
W08 | WINSLOW, Charles D. | La Nueva Organización del Trabajo: Sistemas de Información en la Economía del Conocimiento | 1995 | Deusto |
W09 | WINSTON, Brian | Media Technology and Society | 1999 | Routledge |
W10 | WOLFSTETTER, Elmar | Topics in Microeconomics: Industrial Organization, Aucctions and Incentitives | 1999 | Cambridge U. Press |
W11 | WONNACOTT, Thomas J. | Introductory Statistics For Business and Economics | 1972 | Wiley & Son |
Y01 | YERGIN, Daniel | Commanding Heights | 1998 | Simon & Schuster |
Z01 | ZAJAC, Edward E. | Political Economy of Fairness | 1996 | The MIT Press |
Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico