Institutos Universitarios

Spectrum 5.0: Policy choices for 5G Deployment

joint with PARIS TECH and ERICSSON

  1. What can be expected as a society from 5G?

  2. Why an auction on 5G spectrum allocation and if so, with what characteristics and conditions? 

  3. Maximizing revenue from the spectrum allocation or a broader measure of social welfare? 

  4. What if a broader agreement is considered? Benefits and possible anticompetitive effects. 

  5. What is the role of the Spanish government in the roll out, medium term and long term functioning of 5G?

Objective of the seminar

This 1-day Seminar will survey in the 5G perspective relevant approaches to spectrum licensing to drive the deployment of pervasive high-quality networks.


⇲ Documents and presentations:

Session 1: 5G evolution or revolution?

Session 2: Operators roound table and keynote

Session 3: Radio spectrum assigment


Project: “Finance, Innovation and Strategies: Economic Analysis of Business Productivity and its Determinants” (PRODECON-CM) 2016-2018. Participants: UCM, CEMFI, IPP (CSIC) and others associated researchers. ICAE-UCM Node: Teodosio Pérez-Amaral, Iñigo Herguera, Teresa Garín-Muñoz, Rafael López, Ángel Valarezo Unda.