Competitive dynamics in telecom markets
Friday, October 25, 2019
Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico (ICAE),
Departamento de Análisis Económico y Economía Cuantitativa,
Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales,
Campus de Somosaguas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Room 101- Building First Course (campus Somosaguas)
Kindly confirm your attendance if you plan to participate
There will be a discussant for each paper.
9.30-11.00 am: Contributed Presentations I (15 min. each + discussion)
- Jorge Pérez, UPM. El desafío de la regulación del ecosistema digital.
- Julio Navío, UNED, Dynamics of digital tourism’s consumers in the EU and WiFi4EU: Techno-economic analysis of a key European Commission initiative for public connectivity.ꜜ
- Teresa Garín, UNED, Consumer engagement in e-Tourism. Micro panel data models for the case of Spain.ꜜ
- Discussants: Teodosio Pérez Amaral, Iñigo Herguera, Teresa Garín, Julio Navío.
11.00-11.30 am: coffee
11.30-13.00 pm: Contributed Presentations II (15 min. each + discussion)
- Juan Jung, UCM. Institutions and Telecommunications Investment.ꜜ
- Joan Calzada, UB. Platform Price Parity Clauses and Segmentation.ꜜ
- Teodosio Pérez/Iñigo Herguera/Angel Valarezo, UCM, E-commerce by individuals in Spain, using panel data 2008-2016.ꜜ
- Discussants: Joan Calzada, Iñigo Herguera, Juan Jung.
13.15 pm: lunch, psychology dining room, across the (small) South parking lot.
15.00: Mergers & Acquisitions in telecom markets (M&A)*
15-15.30 pm: Recent M&A cases in the mobile industry in the EU and evaluation of effects.
- Jorge Infante, CNMC and BEREC.
15.30-16.30 pm: Roundtable
- Jorge Infante, CNMC y BEREC
- Operator´s representative (TBC)
- Diego Rodríguez, UCM
- José Juan Haro, Telefónica
16.30-17.00 pm: coffee
17.00 pm: Welcome by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business: Begoña García Greciano
17.10 pm: Spectrum allocation and competitive dynamics*
17.10-17.30 pm: Spectrum allocation prices and ex post market performance.
- *Spectrum allocation prices and ex post market performance.ꜜ (+ Technical report.ꜜ )
Pau Castells, GSM Association - *How much does spectrum matter in mobile network deployments? Evidence from big data analysis in the UK.ꜜ
Zoraida Frías, UPM.
17.30-18.30 pm: Roundtable
- Carlos Soto, Vodafone
- Pau Castells (GSMA)
- Alexandra Contreras, Cullen
- Zoraida Frías, UPM
* It is planned that the round tables be held in Spanish