Páginas personales

Organización de Workshops y Congresos

15-16/02/2023 Living ans consuming as a Westener. Central and Western Mediterranean Peoples and Goods in Greece and Asia Minor (5th Century BC to 7th Century AD)


01/12/2022      Conexiones Mediterráneas. Actualidad y perspectiva de la investigación española en el Egeo. Hosted at the Instituto Cervantes de Atenas.


11-14/11/2019 4th IARPotHP Conference. Manufacturers and markets: The contribution of Hellenistic pottery to Economies large and small. Hosted at the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Athens and National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens, Greece).


17-20/12/2018 Ex Baetica Amphora II. Conservas, aceite y vino de la Bética en el Imperio Romano. Veinte años después. Together with Prof. Darío Bernal Casasola (University of Cádiz), Prof. Enrique García Vargas (University of Seville), Prof. Stephane Mauné (University Montpellier 3). Hosted at the University of Seville (Spain)


16-18/10/2017 Regional Convergences: Mass production and the development of Roman and Byzantine amphora Standardization. Together with Prof. J. Leidwanger (Stanford University). Hosted at the Austrian and Danish Institutes in Athens (Greece) 


10-11/12/2015  A Family Business: The Ovoid Amphorae in the Western and Central Mediterranean. Between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire. Together with Prof. E. García Vargas (Seville University), Dr. A. Sáez Romero (Seville University) and Dr. R. Almeida (Lisbon University). Hosted at the University of Seville (Spain)


10-13/12/2014  III. International Congress “Ex Officina Hispana”: Amphorae ex Hispania. Paisajes de producción y de consumo. Member of the organization and scientific committee. Hosted at the Universidad Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain)


13/05/2014       International Seminar: Castella et praesidia a la façana mediterrània de la Hispania tardo-republicana. Together with C.Padrós (ICAC),  Dr. J. Principal (Museu Catalunya) and Prof. J. Ruiz de Arbulo (ICAC). Hosted at the Instituto Catalán de Arqueología Clásica (Tarragona, Spain) 


  • Congresos
