Investigación aplicada
Rafael Dobado and Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux (2017). "Two Worlds Apart: Determinants of Height in Late 18th Century Central Mexico," Economics and Human Biology, 24, 153-163.
Cesar Castro, Miguel Jerez and Andres Barge-Gil (2016). The deflationary effect of oil prices in the euro area, Energy Economics, 56, 389–397,
Alex Ferrer, José Casals, Sonia Sotoca (2016). “Efficient estimation of unconditional capital by Monte Carlo simulation,” Finance Research Letters. URL:
Rafael Dobado, Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux and David Guerrero (2015). "West versus Far East: early globalization and the great divergence". Cliometrica 9, 2, 235-264. URL:
Alex Ferrer, José Casals, Sonia Sotoca (2015). “Capital cyclicality, conditional coverage and long-term capital assessment,” Finance Research Letters, 15, 246–256. URL:
Alex Ferrer, José Casals, Sonia Sotoca (2015). “Sample dependency during unconditional credit capital estimation,” Finance Research Letters, 15, 175–186. URL:
Mª Jose Jerez, Miguel Jerez, Emanuele Carosati, Coral González-Garcia, Gabrielle Crucciani, Sara Ballester and Ana Castro (2013) "Combined use of pharmacophoric models and ADME-TOX in silico studies in the hit finding process". Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 27, 1, pp 79-90. URL:
Marcos Bujosa, Antonio Garcia-Ferrer and Arancha de Juan (2013). Predicting Recessions with Factor Linear Dynamic Harmonic Regressions. Journal of Forecasting, 32, 6, pp. 481–499. doi: 10.1002/for.2246
Rafael Dobado, Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux and David Guerrero (2012). "The Integration of Grain Markets in the Eighteenth Century: Early Globalization in the West," Journal of Economic History, 72(3), 671-707. DOI:10.1017/S0022050712000332
Jose Jurado and Miguel Jerez (2011) “Warfare and Economic Performance in the Early Modern Period. Guns vs. Butter in Britain and Spain during the Eighteenth Century”. Defence and Peace Economics, 23, 4. URL:
Llopis, E. A. Garcia-Hiernaux H. Garcia-Montero, M. González Mariscal, R. Hernandez (2009). "Índices de precios de tres ciudades españolas 1680-1800: Palencia, Madrid and Sevilla" América Latina en la Historia Económica: Revista de investigación, 32(2), 29-80.
Antonio Garcia-Ferrer, Marcos Bujosa, Arancha de Juan and Pilar Poncela (2006). Demand forecast and elasticities estimation of public transport. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 40, 2, pp. 45–67 ISSN: 0022-5258
Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux and Leonel Cerno (2006). "Empirical evidence for a money demand function: A panel data analysis of 27 countries in 1988-98" Applied Econometrics and International Development, 6(1), 51-58.
Juan de Dios Tena, Sonia Sotoca, Nicole Carvallo and Miguel Jerez (2006) "A Proposal to obtain a Long Quarterly Chilean GDP Series". Cuadernos de Economía - Latin American Journal of Economics, Vol. 43, 285-299.
Miguel Jerez, Jose Casals and Sonia Sotoca (2005) "Growth, cycles, and convergence in US regional time series: A personal point of view". International Journal of Forecasting, 21, 4, 687-689. URL:
Antonio Garcia-Ferrer, Arancha de Juan, Pilar Poncela and Marcos Bujosa (2004). Monthly forecasts of public transport integrated systems: The case of the Madrid Metropolitan Area. — Journal of Transportation and Statistics. Vol. 7, Num. 1, pp.39–59 ISSN:1094-8848
Antonio Garcia-Ferrer, Pilar Poncela, and Marcos Bujosa (2003). Do interrelated financial markets help in forecasting stock returns? — Cuadernos de Economía. Vol. 26, Num. 71, (mayo-agosto), pp. 083–103. ISSN: 0210-0266
Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux (2002). "Análisis Cualitativo del salario por hora en España" Estudios Económicos Regionales and Sectoriales, 2(2), 7-22.
Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux (2001). "Prima de riesgo y volatilidad con un modelo GARCH-M" Revista Asturiana de Economía, 22, 142-152.
Enrique Llopis and Miguel Jerez (2001) "El Mercado de trigo en Castilla y León, 1691-1788: arbitraje espacial e intervención". SEHA Historia Agraria, 25, 13-68.
Alfredo Garcia-Ferrer and Marcos Bujosa-Brun (2000). Forecasting OECD industrial turning points using unobserved components models with business survey data. — International Journal of Forecasting. Vol. 16, Num. 2, pp. 207–227. 10.1016/S0169-2070(99)00049-7
Enrique Llopis, Miguel Jerez, Adoración Álvaro and Eva Fernández (2000) "Índices de Precios de la Zona Noroccidental de Castilla-León, 1518-1650". Revista de Historia Económica, XVIII, 3, 665-684. URL: