Páginas personales


  • Insights on kinked cracks under mode III. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Volume 136, April 2025. Gerardo E. Oleaga, Brigit Mittelman, Zohar Yosibash. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tafmec.2024.104839
  • Predicting and Explaining with Models: A Few Remarks on Mathematical Immunology. Problems in Mathematical Biophysics. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 38. (pp. 19-35). Clemente F. Arias, Federica Bertocchini, Francisco J. Acosta, Gerardo Oleaga, Cristina Fernández-Arias, Miguel A. Herrero.
  • A Computational Approach to Individual Cell-Based Decision Algorithms Involved in Bone Remodeling

Belén Serrano-Antón, Chloë Mian, Rocío Fuente, Federica Bertocchini, Miguel A. Herrero, José M. López, Gerardo E. Oleaga, Clemente F. Arias. Mathematics 2024, 12(3), 362; https://doi.org/10.3390/math12030362

G.Oleaga, C. Ruscitti, L. Langoni, A. Melgarejo. 

  • Markov-modulated jump-diffusion models for the short rate: pricing of zero coupon bonds and convexity adjustment, 2020, Applied Mathematics and Computation

Gerardo Oleaga , Alejandra Sánchez , Oscar López


  • Bone remodeling: A tissue-level process emerging from cell-level molecular algorithms, 2018, PLoS ONE

Gerardo Oleaga , Clemente Arias , Luis F. Echeverri , Miguel Ángel Herrero , José M. López


  • Early Stages of Bone Fracture Healing: Formation of a Fibrin–Collagen Scaffold in the Fracture Hematoma, 2014, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

Gerardo Oleaga , L. Echeverri , M.A. Herrero , J.M. López


  • Application of cliff degradation models for estimation of initial height of rammed earth walls (Por-Bajin Fortress, Southern Siberia, Russia), 2012, Archaeometry

Gerardo Oleaga , E. Alfimov , G. Nosyrev , A. Panin , I. Arzhantseva


  • The classical theory of Univalent Functions and Quasistatic Crack Propagation, 2006, European Journal of Applied Mathematics

Gerardo Oleaga


  • On the Eshelby-Kostrov property for the wave equation in the plane, 2006, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

Gerardo Oleaga , Miguel Ángel Herrero , Juan José López Velázquez


  • Planar Cracks running along piecewise Linear Paths, 2004, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Gerardo Oleaga , Miguel Ángel Herrero , Juan José López Velázquez


  • Remarks on a Basic Law for Dynamic Crack Propagation, 2001, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Gerardo Oleaga


  • Divergence of Perturbation Theory: Steps towards a convergent series, 1998, Physical Review D

Sergio Pernice , Gerardo Oleaga
