Posters científicos
- Skulska, I., Montiel, C., Duarte, I., Rego, F.: "Wildfire risk analysis in Portuguese community forests and the search for effective solutions for its reduction", 8th International Wildland Fire Conference. Porto-Portugal, May 16-19th 2023. Descargar PDF
- Sequeira, C., Montiel, C., Rego, F.: "Understanding landscapes through historical fire scenarios and fire regimes in the Iberian Central Mountain System", US-IALE Annual Meeting in Fort Collins, Colorado, 9-11 abril 2019. Descargar PDF
- Sequeira, C., Rego, F., Montiel, C.: "Dinâmicas da paisagem e regime do fogo em Manteigas (séc. XIX e XX), 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional, Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, 11-14 octubre 2017. Descargar PDF.
- Sequeira, C., Montiel, C., Rego, F. (2017): "Regimen do fogo e dinamica da paisagem rural na Serra de Ayllón (s. XIX-XX). Caso de estudo sub-bacia hidrografica do Alto Sorbe", IV Congresso Internacional de Riscos “Riscos e Educação“. Coimbra, 23-26 mayo 2017. Descargar PDF
- Montiel, C., Araque, E., Entrenas, L. (2012): Wildland fires and fire use in Spain: a historical perspective. Conference “Frontiers in Historical Ecology”. Birmensdorf (Switzerland),30 Aug-2 Sep 2012. Descargar PDF
- Montiel, C.: "Tradition, renovation and innovation of land uses in Mediterranean mountain areas". COST Strategic Workshop on ‘Global Change and Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions' scheduled to be held on7 - 9 April 2008 in Innsbruck (Austria) Scientific Poster Award, FIRST PRIZE. Descargar PDF
- Lázaro, A., Galiana, L., Montiel, C. (2010): "Development of a long-term fire use programme in Eastern Pyrenées (France): Economic instruments for Governance Mechanisms", International Conference-Forum FAO - Emerging Economic Mechanisms: Implications for Forest-Related Policies and Sector Governance, Roma - Italia, 5-7 octubre 2010. Descargar pdf
- Lázaro, A., Herrero, G., Montiel, C., Molina, D. (2007): "Organización de la defensa contra incendios forestales en el Estado de las Autonomías: el caso español", Conferencia Internacional Wildfire07, Sevilla. Descargar pdf
- Aguilar, S., Galiana, L., Lázaro, A. (2007): "Wildfire risk analysis from the territorial policies perspectives: strenghts and weaknesses in European regulatory framework", Conferencia Internacional Wildfire07, Sevilla. Descargar pdf