Summary of research activities
Below you can find more information about some of the research lines carried out by our group:
- Positron emission tomography.
- Protontherapy.
- Experimental nuclear physics.
- Quantum chaos (in Spanish).
- Medical physics (in Spanish).
Some past, present and prospective large-scale projects participated by the GFN:
- BIOFLIP: Biology and Flash-Intensity Protontherapy at CMAM (in preparation).
- PRONTO: Protontherapy and Nuclear Techniques for Oncology.
- TOPUS: Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones y Ultrasonidos.
- FATIMA: Advanced Fast-Timing Arrays with Novel Scintillators and Photomultipliers.
- CDTEAM: Consorcio para el Desarrollo de Tecnologías Avanzadas para Medicina.