Grupos de investigación


Courses taught by group members


- Undergraduate:

Bachelor's Degree in Biology:

  • Methods in Biology

  • Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering and Genomics

  • Genetics

  • Human Genetics

  • Developmental Biology

  • Evolutionary Biology

  • Biological Analysis and Quality Control

  • Cell Culture and Transgenesis

  • Biology Projects and Studies

Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry:

  • Integrated Biology Laboratory

  • Plant Biotechnology

- Master's Degree:

Master's Degree in Health Biology:

  • Bioinformatics

  • Diagnostic and Research Techniques

  • Genetic Diseases, Genomics and Personalized Therapy

Master's Degree in Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology:

  • Fundamentals of Biology

  • Analysis Techniques and Omics Technologies

Master's Degree in Genetics and Cell Biology:

  • Genome Structure, Organization and Evolution

  • Genetic Analysis Techniques

- Other courses:


    International Courses on Plant Biotechnology and Genomics. INIA y AECI. Brasil, Guatemala, Bolivia, Colombia, Uruguay.


    Latin American Complutense School. Biotechnological tools in plant improvement. UCM y UBA. Argentina.


    UCM Summer School Courses. Plant biotechnology in the agri-food company. UCM. Madrid.


    Update courses in molecular biology for Secondary and High School teachers. UCM. Madrid.