- Weighted maximal inequalities on hyperbolic spaces, Jorge Antezana, Sheldy Ombrosi.
- The norm of Hardy-type oscillation operators in the discrete and continuous settings, Achraf Ben Said, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria.
- Homogeneity of rearrangement-invariant norms, Santiago Boza, Martin Křepela, Javier Soria.
- Sharp embeddings between weighted Paley-Wiener spaces, Emanuel Carneiro, Cristian González-Riquelme, Lucas Oliveira, Andrea Olivo, Sheldy Ombrosi, Antonio Pedro Ramos, Mateus Sousa.
- Restricted weighted weak boundedness for product type operators, María J. Carro, Sheldy Ombrosi.
- Endpoint multilinear restricted weak type extrapolation theorem, Kangwei Li, Teresa Luque, Sheldy Ombrosi.
- Multipliers for Hardy–Orlicz spaces and applications, Odysseas Bakas, Sandra Pott, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Alan Sola. To appear in Journal d'Analyse Mathématique
- The Zaremba problem in two-dimensional Lipschitz graph domains, María J. Carro, Teresa Luque, Virginia Naibo. To appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
- Transmission problems for simply connected domains in the complex plane, María J. Carro, Virginia Naibo, María Soria-Carro. To appear in Journal of Differential Equations
- On the sharpness of some matrix weighted endpoint estimates, Andrei K. Lerner, Kangwei Li, Sheldy Ombrosi, Israel P. Rivera-Ríos. To appear in Comptes Rendus - Série Mathématique
- On some improved weighted weak type inequalities, Andrei K. Lerner, Kangwei Li, Sheldy Ombrosi, Israel P. Rivera-Ríos. To appear in Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.
- Non-collapsing condition and Sobolev embeddings for Hajłasz-Besov spaces, Joaquim Martín, Walter A. Ortiz. To appear in Positivity
- Endpoint mixed weak type extrapolation, Sheldy Ombrosi, Israel P. Rivera-Ríos. To appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
- Optimal non-absolute domains for the Cesàro operator minus the identity, Sorina Barza, Javier Soria. The Mathematical Heritage of Guido Weiss. In: Hernández, E., Peloso, M.M., Ricci, F., Soria, F., Tabacco, A. (eds). Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhäuser (2025).
- Analytic families of operators in extrapolation theory with application to average operators, María J. Carro. The Mathematical Heritage of Guido Weiss. In: Hernández, E., Peloso, M.M., Ricci, F., Soria, F., Tabacco, A. (eds). Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhäuser (2025).
- The least doubling constant of a path graph, E. Durand-Cartagena, J. Soria, P. Tradacete, Kyoto J. Math. 65(1): 217-243 (February 2025).
- A weighted generalisation of Carleman’s inequality, Sergi Arias, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 27, 887-907 (2024).
- Bilinear pseudodifferential operators with symbol in BSm1,1 Triebel-Lizorkin spaces with critical Sobolev index, Sergi Arias, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Collect. Math. 75, 567–591 (2024).
- Weighted strong-type estimates on classical Lorentz spaces, Sergi Baena-Miret, Journal of Geometric Analysis (2024) 34:86.
- Local cone multipliers and Cauchy-Szegö projections in bounded symmetric domains, Fernando Ballesta Yagüe, Gustavo Garrigós, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 2024;110:e12986.
- Optimal non-absolute domains for the Hardy operator minus identity, Sorina Barza, Bizuneh Minda Demissie, Javier Soria, J. Math. Anal. Appl. Volume 538, Issue 1, 1 October 2024, 128324.
- Rellich identities for the Hilbert transform, María J. Carro, Virginia Naibo, María Soria-Carro, J. Funct. Anal. Volume 286, Issue 4, 15 February 2024, 110271.
- Rearrangement-invariant hulls of weighted Lebesgue spaces, Martin Křepela, Zdeněk Mihula, Javier Soria, J. Funct. Anal. 287 (2024) 110454.
- Bloom weighted bounds for sparse forms associated to commutators, Andrei K. Lerner, Emiel Lorist, Sheldy Ombrosi, Math. Z. Volume 306, article number 73, (2024).
- BMO with respect to Banach function spaces, Andrei K. Lerner, Emiel Lorist, Sheldy Ombrosi, Math. Annalen. 388, 4053–4082 (2024).
- A note on rearrangement Poincaré inequalities and the doubling condition, Joaquim Martín, Walter A. Ortiz, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (2024), 3437-3449
- Amalgamation and injectivity in Banach lattices, A. Avilés, P. Tradacete, International Mathematics Research Notices 2023, 2 (2023), 956–997.
- On weak-type (1, 1) for averaging type operators, Sergi Baena-Miret, María J. Carro, J. Funct. Anal. 284 (2023) 109902
- Weighted estimates for Bochner-Riesz operators on Lorentz spaces, Sergi Baena-Miret, María J. Carro, Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 153, 654-678 (2023).
- Bilinear Fourier multipliers of bounded variation, Sergi Baena-Miret, María J. Carro, Teresa Luque, Laura Sánchez-Pascuala, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2023, Issue 24, December 2023, Pages 21943–21975.
- Multilinear oscillatory integrals and estimates for coupled systems of dispersive PDEs, Aksel Bergfeldt, Salvador Rodríguez-López, David J. Rule, Wolfgang Staubach, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), 7555-7601.
- The norm of the Cesàro operator minus the identity and related operators acting on decreasing sequences, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, J. Approx. Theory, Volume 292, 2023, 105911.
- The Neumann problem in graph Lipschitz domain in the plane, María J. Carro, Virginia Naibo, Carmen Ortiz-Caraballo, Mathematische Annalen 385, 17–57 (2023)
- Extrapolation of compactness for certain pseudodifferential operators, María J. Carro, Javier Soria, Rodolfo Torres, Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 66, no. 1 (2023), 177–186.
- Doubling constants and spectral theory on graphs, E. Durand-Cartagena, J. Soria, P. Tradacete, Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023) 113354.
- Strictly singular non-compact operators between Lp spaces, Francisco L. Hernández, Evgeny M. Semenov, Pedro Tradacete, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 39, No. 1 (2023), 181-200.
- A weak-type expression of the Orlicz modular, Martin Křepela, Zdeněk Mihula, Javier Soria, Mediterranean J. Math. 20, 113 (2023).
- Upper endpoint estimates and extrapolation for commutators, Kangwei Li, Sheldy Ombrosi, Israel P. Rivera-Ríos, Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 66, no. 1 (2023), 213–228.
- Sobolev embeddings for fractional Hajłasz-Sobolev spaces in the setting of rearrangement invariant spaces, Joaquim Martín, Walter A. Ortiz, Potential Analysis 59 (2023), 1191–1204.
- Revisiting Yano extrapolation theory, Elona Agora, Jorge Antezana, Sergi Baena-Miret, María J. Carro, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. (2022) 28:23.
- From weak type weighted inequality to pointwise estimate for the decreasing rearrangement, Elona Agora, Jorge Antezana, Sergi Baena-Miret, María J. Carro, The Journal of Geometric Analysis (2022) 32:56.
- Endpoint estimates for bilinear pseudodifferential operators with symbol in BSm1,1, Sergi Arias, Salvador Rodríguez-López, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 515 (2022), 126453.
- A Godefroy-Kalton principle for free Banach lattices, A. Avilés, G. Martínez-Cervantes, J. Rodríguez, P. Tradacete. Israel J. Math. 247 (2022), no. 1, 433-458.
- Reduction principle for Gaussian K-inequality, Sergi Baena-Miret, Amiran Gogatishvili, Zdeněk Mihula, Luboš Pick, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 516 (2022), 126522.
- Notes on Hlog: structural properties, dyadic variants, and bilinear H1-BMO mappings, Odysseas Bakas, Sandra Pott, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Alan Sola, Arkiv för Matematik 60 (2022), 231-275.
- On weighted norm inequalities for oscillatory integral operators, Aksel Bergfeldt, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Wolfgang Staubach, Anal.Math.Phys. 12, 136 (2022).
- Lorentz and Gale-Ryser theorems on general measure spaces, Santiago Boza, Martin Křepela, Javier Soria, Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 152 (2022), 857-878.
- On the A∞ condition for elliptic operators in 1-sided NTA domains satisfying the capacity density condition, M. Cao, Ó. Domínguez, J. M. Martell, P. Tradacete. Forum Math Sigma 10 (2022), Paper No. e59
- Guido L. Weiss (1928–2021), in memoriam, M. J. Carro, J. R. Dorronsoro, G. Garrigós, E. Hernández, D. Labate, J. Soria, La Gaceta de la RSME 25 (2022), 453-472.
- Sobolev anisotropic inequalities with monomial weights, Filomena Feo, Joaquim Martín, M. Rosaria Posteraro, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 505 (2022), 125557.
- Invariant subspaces for positive operators on Banach spaces with unconditional basis, E. A. Gallardo-Gutiérrez, J. González-Doña, P. Tradacete. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), no. 12, 5231-5242.
- Free Banach lattices under convexity conditions, Héctor Jardón-Sánchez, Niels J. Laustsen, Mitchell A. Taylor, Pedro Tradacete, Vladimir G. Troitsky. RACSAM 116 (2022), No. 1, Paper No. 15, 25 p.
- Some endpoint estimates for bilinear Coifman-Meyer multipliers, Sergi Arias, Salvador Rodríguez-López, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 498 (2021), no. 2, 124972.
- Boundedness of sparse and rough operators on weighted Lorentz spaces, Sergi Baena-Miret, María J. Carro, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 27, 43 (2021).
- Calderón-Zygmund operators and commutators on weighted Lorentz spaces, M. J. Carro, H. Li, J. Soria, Q. Sun, The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31 (2021), 8979–8990.
- Continuous valuations on the space of Lipschitz functions on the sphere, A. Colesanti, D. Pagnini, P. Tradacete, I. Villanueva. J. Funct. Anal. 280 (2021), no. 4, 108873, 43 pp
- Local and global estimates for hyperbolic equations in Besov-Lipschitz and Triebel-Lizorkin, Anders Israelsson, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Wolfgang Staubach, Analysis and PDE 14 (2021), no. 1, 1–44.
- Sawyer-type inequalities for Lorentz spaces, Carlos Pérez, Eduard Roure-Perdices. Math. Ann. (2021).
- Global boundedness of multilinear Fourier integral operators, Salvador Rodríguez-López, David J. Rule, Wolfgang Staubach, Forum Math. Sigma 9, (2021), e14.
- Daugavet property in tensor product spaces, Abraham Rueda Zoca, Pedro Tradacete, Ignacio Villanueva. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu. 20(4), 1409-1428.
- Tiling functions and Gabor orthonormal bases, Elona Agora, Jorge Antezana, Mihail N. Kolountzakis, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 48 (2020), 96-122.
- Weak-type and end-point norm estimates for Hardy operators, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 199 (2020), 2381–2393.
- A class of invariant valuations on Lip(Sn-1), Andrea Colesanti, Daniele Pagnini, Pedro Tradacete, Ignacio Villanueva. Adv. Math. 366 (2020), 107069.
- Symmetrization inequalities for probability metric spaces with convex isoperimetric profile, J. Martín, W. Ortiz, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 45 (2020), 877-897.
- Strictly singular multiplication operators on L(X), Martin Mathieu, Pedro Tradacete, Israel J. Math. 236 (2020), 685-709.
- p-regularity and weights for operators between Lp spaces, Enrique A. Sánchez-Pérez, Pedro Tradacete, Z. Anal. Anwend. 39 (2020), 41-65.
- Valuations on Banach lattices, Pedro Tradacete, Ignacio Villanueva, Int. Math. Res. Not. 2020 (2020), 287-319.
- Existence of quasicrystals and universal stable sampling and interpolation in LCA groups, E. Agora, J. Antezana, C. Cabrelli, B. Matei, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), 4647-4674.
- Random unconditional convergence of vector-valued Dirichlet series, Daniel Carando, Felipe Marceca, Melisa Scotti, Pedro Tradacete. J. Funct. Anal. 277 (2019), no. 9, 3156-3178.
- Rearrangement estimates for A∞ weights, Irina Asekritova, María J. Carro, Natan Kruglyak, Javier Soria, Rev. Mat. Complutense 32 (2019), no. 3, 731-743.
- The free Banach lattices generated by lp and c0, Antonio Avilés, Pedro Tradacete, Ignacio Villanueva, Rev. Mat. Complutense 32 (2019), no. 2, 353-364.
- Multi-parameter extensions of a theorem of Pichorides, Odysseas Bakas, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Alan Sola, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 1081-1095.
- Averaging operators on decreasing or positive functions: Equivalence and optimal bounds, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, J. Approx. Theory 237 (2019), 135-152.
- Weighted weak-type (1,1) estimates for radial Fourier multipliers via extrapolation theory, María J. Carro, Carlos Domingo-Salazar, Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 138 (2019), 83-105.
- Endpoint estimates for Rubio de Francia operators, María J. Carro, Carlos Domingo-Salazar, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 1621-1648.
- New weighted estimates for the disc multiplier on radial functions, María J. Carro, Carmen Ortiz-Caraballo, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 25 (2019), 145-166.
- Transference of local to global L2 maximal estimates for dispersive partial differential equations, Alejandro J. Castro, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Wolfgang Staubach, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 471 (2019), 411-422.
- Strict singularity: a lattice approach, Julio Flores, Francisco L. Hernández, Pedro Tradacete. Positivity and Noncommutative Analysis, Trends Math., Birkäuser, (2019), 153-169.
- A Sobolev type embedding theorem for Besov spaces defined on doubling metric spaces, J. Martín, W. Ortiz, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 479 (2019), no. 2, 2302-2337.
- (p,q)-regular operators between Banach lattices, Enrique A. Sánchez-Pérez, Pedro Tradacete, Monatsh. Math. 188 (2019), no. 2, 321-350.
- Geometric properties of infinite graphs and the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator, Javier Soria, Pedro Tradacete, Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 137 (2019), no. 2, 913-937.
- The least doubling constant of a metric measure space, Javier Soria, Pedro Tradacete. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 44 (2019), 1015-1030.
- Spectra for cubes in products of finite cyclic groups, Elona Agora, Sigrid Grepstad, Mihail N. Kolountzakis, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), 2417-2423.
- The free Banach lattice generated by a Banach space, Antonio Avilés, José Rodríguez, Pedro Tradacete, J. Funct. Anal. 274 (2018), no. 10, 2955-2977.
- Weak-type boundedness of the Fourier transform on rearrangement invariant function spaces, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 61 (2018), 879-890.
- The return times property for the tail on logarithm-type spaces, María J. Carro, Carlos Domingo-Salazar, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 38 (2018), 2065-2078.
- A counting problem in ergodic theory and extrapolation for one-sided weights, María J. Carro, María Lorente, Francisco J. Martín-Reyes, Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 134 (2018), 237-254.
- On the Dirichlet problem on Lorentz and Orlicz spaces with applications to Schwarz-Christoffel domains, María J. Carro, Carmen Ortiz-Caraballo, J. Differential Equations 265 (2018), 2013-2033.
- Weighted boundedness of the 2-fold product of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators, María J. Carro, Eduard Roure, Math. Nachr. 291 (2018), 1208-1215.
- L2-solvability of the Dirichlet, Neumann and the regularity problems for parabolic equations with time-independent Hölder-continuous coefficients, Alejandro J. Castro, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Wolfgang Staubach, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (2018), 265-319.
- Calderón-Lozanovskii interpolation on quasi-Banach lattices, Yves Raynaud, Pedro Tradacete. Banach J. Math. Anal. 12 (2018), no. 2, 294-313.
- Continuity and representation of valuations on star bodies, Pedro Tradacete, Ignacio Villanueva, Adv. Math. 329 (2018), 361-391.
- Norm estimates for the Hardy operator in terms of Bp weights, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), 2455-2465.
- Stein's square function Gα and sparse operators, María J. Carro, Carlos Domingo-Salazar, J. Geom. Anal. 27 (2017), 1624-1635.
- Interpolation and extrapolation of strictly singular operators between Lp spaces, Francisco L. Hernández, Evgeny M. Semenov, Pedro Tradacete. Adv. Math. 316 (2017), 667-690.
- Shellable weakly compact subsets of C[0,1], J. López-Abad, P. Tradacete, Math. Ann. 367 (2017), no. 3-4, 1777-1790.
- Almost band preservers, Timur Oikhberg, Pedro Tradacete. Positivity 21 (2017), no. 4, 1393-1423.
- Almost disjointness preservers, T. Oikhberg, P. Tradacete. Canad. J. Math. 69 (2017), no. 3, 650-686.
- Radial continuous valuations on star bodies, Pedro Tradacete, Ignacio Villanueva. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 454 (2017), no. 2, 995-1018.
- Weak-type boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on weighted Lorentz spaces, Elona Agora, Jorge Antezana, María J. Carro, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 22 (2016), 1431-1439.
- Weakly compactly generated Banach lattices, A. Avilés, A. J. Guirao, S. Lajara, J. Rodríguez, P. Tradacete, Studia Math. 234 (2016), 165-183.
- Positive isometric averaging operators on l2(Z,μ), Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 84 (2016), 487-500.
- Pointwise bounds for integral type operators, María J. Carro, Carlos Domingo-Salazar, Math. Nachr. 289 (2016), 1386-1395.
- Restricted weak-type Rubio de Francia extrapolation for p > p0 with applications to exponential integrability estimates, María J. Carro, Javier Soria, Adv. Math. 290 (2016), 888-918.
- Non-linear mixed norm spaces for the Sobolev embeddings in the critical case, Nadia Clavero, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 84 (2016), 267-281.
- Optimal rearrangement invariant Sobolev embeddings in mixed norm spaces, Nadia Clavero, Javier Soria, J. Geom. Anal. 26 (2016), 2930-2954.
- Integrable cross sections in mixed norm spaces and Sobolev embeddings, Nadia Clavero, Javier Soria, Positivity 20 (2016), 435-466.
- Borderline weak type estimates for singular integrals and square functions, Carlos Domingo-Salazar, Michael Lacey, Guillermo Rey, Bull. London Math. Soc. 48 (2016), 63-73.
- Disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices and applications, J. Flores, F. L. Hernández, P. Tradacete. Ordered Structures and Applications: Positivity VII. Springer, Trends in Mathematics, 179-201 (2016).
- Banach lattice versions of strict singularity, J. Flores, J. López-Abad, P. Tradacete, J. Funct. Anal. 270 (2016), 2715-2731.
- Mixed norms and iterated rearrangements, Viktor Kolyada, Javier Soria, Z. Anal. Anwend. 35 (2016), 119-138.
- Bases of random unconditional convergence in Banach spaces, J. López-Abad, P. Tradacete, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), 9001-9032
- Isoperimetric weights and generalized uncertainty inequalities in metric measure spaces, Joaquim Martín, Mario Milman, J. Funct. Anal. 270 (2016), 3307-3343.
- Bartle-Dunford-Schwartz integration for positive vector measures and representation of quasi-Banach lattices, Enrique A. Sánchez-Pérez, Pedro Tradacete, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 17 (2016), no 2, 387-402.
- Strictly singular operators on pairs of Lp spaces, E. M. Semenov, P. Tradacete, F. L. Hernández, Dokl. Math. 94 (2016), 450-452.
- Optimal rearrangement invariant range for Hardy type operators, Javier Soria, Pedro Tradacete, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 146 (2016), 865-893.
- Best constants for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on finite graphs, Javier Soria, Pedro Tradacete, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 436 (2016), 661-682.
- Multi-tiling sets, Riesz bases, and sampling near the critical density in LCA groups, Elona Agora, Jorge Antezana, Carlos Cabrelli, Adv. Math. 285 (2015), 454-477.
- Estimaciones de promedios en Análisis, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, La Gaceta de la RSME 18 (2015), 67-86.
- Weighted weak-type (1,1) estimates via Rubio de Francia extrapolation, María J. Carro, Loukas Grafakos, Javier Soria, J. Funct. Anal. 269 (2015), 1203-1233.
- Boundedness of integrals operators on decreasing functions, María J. Carro, Carmen Ortiz-Caraballo, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 145 (2015), 725-744.
- Sobolev embedding into BMO and weak-L∞ for 1-dimensional probability measure, Filomena Feo, Joaquim Martín, M. Rosaria Posteraro, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 422 (2015), 478-495.
- Integral isoperimetric transference and dimensionless Sobolev inequalities, Joaquim Martín, Mario Milman, Rev. Mat. Complutense 28 (2015), 359-392.
- Restriction results for multilinear multipliers in weighted settings, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 145 (2015), 391-409.
- On the boundedness of certain bilinear oscillatory integral operators, Salvador Rodríguez-López, David J. Rule, Wolfgang Staubach, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 6971-6995.
- Some endpoint estimates for bilinear paraproducts and applications, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Wolfgang Staubach, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 421 (2015), 1021-1041.
- Characterization of the restricted type spaces R(X), Javier Soria, Pedro Tradacete, Math. Inequal. Appl. 18 (2015), 295-319.
- Positive Schur properties in spaces of regular operators, Pedro Tradacete, Positivity 19 (2015), 205-316.
- Lorentz-Shimogaki and Boyd theorems for weighted Lorentz spaces, Elona Agora, Jorge Antezana, María J. Carro, Javier Soria, J. London Math. Soc. 89 (2014), 321-336.
- Functions of bounded second p-variation, Sorina Barza, Pilar Silvestre, Rev. Mat. Complutense 27 (2014), 69-91.
- Isometries on L2(X) and monotone functions, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, Math. Nachr. 287 (2014), 160-172.
- Mixed norm spaces and rearrangement invariant estimates, Nadia Clavero, Javier Soria, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 419 (2014), 878-903.
- Disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices: duality and complementation, J. Flores, F. L. Hernández, E. Spinu, P. Tradacete, V. G. Troitsky, J. Funct. Anal. 266 (2014), 5858-5885.
- Rearrangement invariant spaces with Kato property, F. L. Hernández, E. M. Semenov, P. Tradacete. Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 50 (2014), no. 2, 215-232.
- The convex hull of a Banach-Saks set, J. López-Abad, C. Ruiz, P. Tradacete, J. Funct. Anal. 266 (2014), 2251-2280.
- Towards a unified theory of Sobolev inequalities, Joaquim Martín, Mario Milman, Special Functions, Partial Differential Equations, and Harmonic Analysis: In Honor of Calixto P. Calderón, Volume 108, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pp 163-201, 2014.
- A note on Coulhon type inequalities, Joaquim Martín, Mario Milman, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), 4221-4237 .
- Fractional Sobolev Inequalities: Symmetrization, Isoperimetry and Interpolation, Joaquim Martín, Mario Milman, Astérisque 366 (2014), 136 pages.
- A Seeger-Sogge-Stein theorem for bilinear Fourier integral operators, Salvador Rodríguez-López, David J. Rule, Wolfgang Staubach, Adv. Math. 264 (2014), 1-54.
- Positively norming sets in Banach function spaces, E. A. Sánchez-Pérez, P. Tradacete, Quart. J. Math. 65 (2014), 1049-1068.
- Capacities and embeddings via symmetrization and conductor inequalities, Pilar Silvestre, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), 497-505.
- Capacitary Orlicz spaces, Calderón products and interpolation, Pilar Silvestre, Proceedings of Function Spaces X, Banach Center Publ. 102 (2014), 215-228.
- Characterization of the weak-type boundedness of the Hilbert transform on weighted Lorentz spaces, Elona Agora, María J. Carro, Javier Soria, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 19 (2013), 712-730.
- Extrapolation on Lp,∞(μ), María J. Carro, Pedro Tradacete, J. Funct. Anal. 265 (2013), 1840-1869.
- Limiting J-spaces for general couples, F. Cobos, L. M. Fernández-Cabrera, P. Silvestre, Z. Anal. Anwend. 32 (2013), 83-101.
- New limiting real interpolation methods and their connection with the methods associated to the unit square, F. Cobos, L. M. Fernández-Cabrera, P. Silvestre, Math. Nachr. 286 (2013), 569-578.
- Resistance conditions and applicattions, Juha Kinnunen, Pilar Silvestre, Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces 1 (2013), 276-294.
- A homomorphism theorem for bilinear multipliers, Salvador Rodríguez-López, J. London Math. Soc. 88 (2013), 619-639.
- Estimates for rough Fourier integral and pseudodifferential operators and applications to the boundedness of multilinear operators, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Wolfgang Staubach, J. Funct. Anal. 264 (2013), 2356-2385.
- Boundedness of the Hilbert transform on weighted Lorentz spaces, Elona Agora, María J. Carro, Javier Soria, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 395 (2012), 218-229.
- The Riesz-Herz equivalence for capacitary maximal functions, I. Asekritova, J. Cerdà, N. Kruglyak, Rev. Mat. Complutense 25 (2012), 43-59.
- Factorization of sequences in discrete Hardy spaces, Santiago Boza, Studia Math. 209 (2012), 53-69.
- Weighted weak modular and norm inequalities for the Hardy operator in variable Lp spaces of monotone functions, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, Rev. Mat. Complutense 25 (2012), 459-474.
- On Fefferman-Stein inequality for Rubio de Francia's operators, María J. Carro, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2) 63 (2012), 87-99.
- Weighted estimates in a limited range with applications to the Bochner-Riesz operators, M. J. Carro, J. Duoandikoetxea, M. Lorente, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 61 (2012), 1485-1511.
- Extrapolation on the cone of decreasing functions, M. J. Carro, A. Marcoci, L. Marcoci, J. Approx. Theory 164 (2012), 776-790.
- Almost everywhere convergent Fourier series, M. J. Carro, M. Mastyło, L. Rodríguez-Piazza, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 18 (2012), 266-286.
- On restriction of maximal multipliers in weighted settings, María J. Carro, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), 2241-2260.
- Rubio de Francia's extrapolation theory: estimates for the distribution function, María J. Carro, Javier Soria, Rodolfo Torres, J. London Math. Soc. 85 (2012), 430-454.
- Conductor Sobolev type estimates and isocapacitary inequalities, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, P. Silvestre, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 61 (2012), 1925-1947.
- Solution to a conjecture on the norm of the Hardy operator minus the Identity, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, J. Funct. Anal. 260 (2011), 1020-1028.
- Capacitary function spaces, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, P. Silvestre, Collect. Math. 62 (2011), 95-118.
- Interpolation of quasicontinuous functions, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, P. Silvestre, Józef Marcinkiewicz Centenary Volume, Banach Center Publications 95 (2011), 281-286
- Sobolev inequalities, rearrangements, isoperimetry and interpolation spaces, J. Martín, M. Milman, Contemporary Mathematics of the AMS 545 (2011), 167-193.
- A new class of restricted type spaces, Salvador Rodríguez-López, Javier Soria, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 54 (2011), 749-759.
- Optimal bounds for the Hardy operator minus the Identity, Javier Soria, Proceedings of the IV International Course on Mathematical Analysis in Andalucia - In Memory of Professor Antonio Aizpuru Tomás. World Scientific Publishing (2011), 234-246.
- 6 problemas aún sin resolver, Javier Soria, El Cultural 3-6-2011, 56-57.
- Sharp constants between equivalent norms in weighted Lorentz spaces, Sorina Barza, Javier Soria, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 88 (2010), 19-27.
- Almost everywhere convergence of the spherical partial Fourier integrals for radial functions, María J. Carro, Banach J. Math. Anal. 4 (2010), 92-99.
- Actividades del Centenario de la RSME, María J. Carro, La Gaceta de la RSME 13 (2010), 609-612.
- El IEMath: pocas luces, bastantes sombras y muchas miserias, María J. Carro, Enrique Fernández-Cara, BEIO 26 (2010), 73-83.
- Rubio de Francia's extrapolation theorem for Bp weights, María J. Carro, María Lorente, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 629-640.
- New results on restriction of Fourier multipliers, María J. Carro, Salvador Rodríguez, Math. Z. 265 (2010), 417-435.
- Linear Functional Analysis, Joan Cerdà, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 116. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; Real Sociedad Matemática Española, Madrid, 2010.
- Translation-invariant bilinear operators with positive kernels, Loukas Grafakos, Javier Soria, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 66 (2010), 253-264.
- Hölder type inequalities in Lorentz spaces, Viktor Kolyada, Javier Soria, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 189 (2010), 523-538.
- Pointwise symmetrization inequalities for Sobolev functions and applications, J. Martín, M. Milman, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), 121-199.
- Isoperimetric Hardy type and Poincaré inequalities on metric spaces, J. Martín, M. Milman, In: Around the Research of Vladimir Maz'ya I. Function Spaces - Ari Laptev (Ed.) International Mathematical Series, Springer 11 (2010), 285-298.
- Optimal bounds of restricted type for the Hardy operator minus the Identity on the cone of radially decreasing functions, Javier Soria, Studia Math. 197 (2010), 69-79.
- Profesionales de las Matemáticas: ¿dónde estamos y dónde podemos estar?, Javier Soria, Rodrigo Trujillo, Elena Vázquez Cendón. I Jornada del Profesorado de Matemáticas de Almería, Editorial Universidad de Almería (2010), 3-26.
- Sharp constants related to the triangle inequality in Lorentz spaces, Sorina Barza, Viktor Kolyada, Javier Soria, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 5555-5574.
- Multilinear extrapolation and applications to the bilinear Hilbert transform, María J. Carro, Loukas Grafakos, José M. Martell, Fernando Soria, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 357 (2009), 479-497.
- El IEMath: pocas luces, bastantes sombras y muchas miserias, María J. Carro, Enrique Fernández-Cara, La Gaceta de la RSME 12 (2009), 637-646. Boletín SEMA 49 (2009), 9-18. SCM Notícies 28 (2009), 34-38.
- Convergence a.e. of the spherical partial Fourier integrals on weighted spaces for radial functions: endpoint estimates, María J. Carro, Elena Prestini, Studia Math. 192 (2009), 173-194.
- La evolución del Análisis Matemático en España, Joan Cerdà, La Gaceta de la RSME 12 (2009), 457-482.
- Isoperimetry and Symmetrization for Sobolev spaces on metric spaces, J. Martín, M. Milman, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 347 (2009), 627-630.
- Isoperimetry and Symmetrization for Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, J. Martín, M. Milman, J. Funct. Anal. 256 (2009), 149-178.
- Weighted Hardy modular inequalities in variable Lp spaces for decreasing functions, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 348 (2008), 383-388.
- Rearrangement transformations on general measure spaces, Santiago Boza, Javier Soria, Indag. Math. 19 (2008), 33-51.
- On the hypothesis K* of Hardy, Littlewood and Hooley and its relation with discrete Fractional Operators, María J. Carro, Mathematical Research Letters 15 (2008), 1117-1125.
- Weigthed inequalities involving two Hardy operators with applications to embeddings of function spaces, M. J. Carro, A. Gogatishvili, J. Martín, L. Pick, Journal of Operator Theory 59 (2008), 309-332.
- Transference results on weighted Lebesgue spaces, María J. Carro, Salvador Rodríguez, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 138 (2008), 239-263.
- Function spaces and Choquet integral, Joan Cerdà, Banach and Function Spaces II, Yokohama Publ., Yokohama, 2008, 51-75.
- Some reiteration results for interpolation methods defined by means of polygons, F. Cobos, L. Fernández-Cabrera, J. Martín, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 138 (2008), 1179-1195.
- Symmetrization inequalities in the fractional case and Besov embeddings, J. Martín, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 344 (2008), 99-123.
- Self improving Sobolev-Poincaré inequalities, truncation and symmetrization, J. Martín, M. Milman, Potential Analysis 29 (2008), 391-408.
- An abstract Coifman-Rochberg-Weiss commutator theorem, J. Martín, M. Milman, Topics in Classical Analysis and Applications in Honor of Dan Waterman, World Scientific, 2008, 141-160.
- Discretization versus transference for bilinear operators, Earl Berkson, Óscar Blasco, María J. Carro, T.A. Gillespie, Banach Spaces and their Applications in Analysis. In Honor of Nigel Kalton's 60th Birthday, 265-283, de Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 2007
- Extrapolation results for q < 1, María J. Carro, Math. Z. 244 (2007), 813-825.
- From restricted type to strong type estimates on quasi-Banach rearrangement invariant spaces, María J. Carro, Leonardo Colzani, Gord Sinnamon, Studia Math. 182 (2007), 1-27.
- Recent Developments in the Theory of Lorentz Spaces and Weighted Inequalities, María J. Carro, José A. Raposo, Javier Soria, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 187 (2007).
- Lorentz capacity spaces, Joan Cerdà, Contemporary Mathematics of the AMS 445 (2007), 49-55.
- A note on commutator estimates for interpolation methods, Joan Cerdà, Math. Nachr. 280 (2007), 1014-1021.
- Optimal domain for the Hardy operator, Olvido Delgado, Javier Soria, J. Funct. Anal. 244 (2007), 119-133.
- Sharp Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities via symmetrization, J. Martín, M. Milman, Math. Res. Lett. 14 (2007), 49-62.
- A note on Sobolev inequalities and limits of Lorentz spaces, J. Martín, M. Milman, Contemporary Mathematics of the AMS 445 (2007), 237-245.
- Higher order symmetrization inequalities and applications, J. Martín, M. Milman, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 330 (2007), 91-113.
- Sobolev inequalities: symmetrization and self improvement via truncation, J. Martín, M. Milman, E. Pustylnik, J. Funct. Anal. 252 (2007), 677-695.
- Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Madrid, 22-30 August 2006), Vol. I. Editors: Marta Sanz-Solé, Javier Soria, Juan Luis Varona, Joan Verdera. EMS Publishing House, 2007.
- De profesión: las Matemáticas, Javier Soria, Rodrigo Trujillo, Elena Vázquez Cendón. MATEMATICALIA 3 (2007).
- Salidas Profesionales de los Estudios de Matemáticas, Javier Soria, Rodrigo Trujillo, Elena Vázquez Cendón. La Gaceta de la RSME 10 (2007), 561-592.
- Salidas Profesionales de los Estudios de Matemáticas. Análisis de la Inserción Laboral y Ofertas de Empleo, Javier Soria, Rodrigo Trujillo, Elena Vázquez Cendón. RSME-ANECA, 2007.
- Hardy's inequalities for monotone functions on partially ordered measure spaces, Nicola Arcozzi, Sorina Barza, Josep L. Garcia-Domingo, Javier Soria, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 136 (2006), 909-919.
- Mixed norm and multidimensional Lorentz spaces, Sorina Barza, Anna Kaminska, Lars-Erik Persson, Javier Soria, Positivity 10 (2006), 539-554.
- Discretization and transference of bisublinear maximal operators, Earl Berkson, Óscar Blasco, María J. Carro, T.A. Gillespie, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 12 (2006), 447-481.
- Symmetrization inequalities and Sobolev emmbedings, J. Martín, M. Milman, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), 2335-2347.
- Weighted norm inequalities and indices, J. Martín, M. Milman, J. Funct. Spaces Appl. 4 (2006), 43-71.
- Extrapolation methods and Rubio de Francia's extrapolation theorem, J. Martín, M. Milman, Adv. Math. 201 (2006), 209-262.
- Characterization of rearrangement invariant spaces with fixed points for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator, Joaquim Martín, Javier Soria, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 31 (2006), 39-46.
- Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Madrid, 22-30 August 2006), Vol. II, III. Editors: Marta Sanz-Solé, Javier Soria, Juan Luis Varona, Joan Verdera. EMS Publishing House, 2006.
- Bilinear Hilbert transform on measure spaces, O. Blasco, M.J. Carro, and T.A. Gillespie, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 11 (2005), 459-470.
- Equivalent expressions for norms in classical Lorentz spaces, S. Boza, J. Martín, Forum Math. 17 (2005), 361-373.
- Equality of some classical Lorentz spaces, S. Boza, J. Martín, Positivity 9 (2005), 225-232
- Functional properties of rearrangement invariant spaces defined in terms of oscillations, M. J. Carro, A. Gogatishvili, J. Martín, L. Pick, J. Funct. Anal. 229 (2005), 375-404.
- Revisión de la paradoja de la seguridad social: variación en la esperanza de vida y en la edad de jubilación, María J. Carro, Joan Hortalà, Xavier Melo, Cuadernos de Economía 28 (2005), 73-84.
- Maximal functions and the control of weighted inequalities for the fractional integral operator, María J. Carro, Carlos Pérez, Fernando Soria, Javier Soria, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 54 (2005), 627-644.
- Function cones and interpolation, J. Cerdà, H. Coll, Math. Nachr. 278 (2005), 227-239.
- Entropy function spaces and interpolation, J. Cerdà, H. Coll, J. Martín, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 304 (2005), 269-295.
- q-Variation and commutators for Fourier multipliers, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl. 76 (2005), 221-231.
- On interpolation of function spaces by methods defined by means of polygons, F. Cobos, J. Martín, J. Approx. Theory 132 (2005), 182-203.
- Embeddings for monotone functions and Bp weights, between discrete and continuous, Josep L. Garcia-Domingo, Math. Scand. 97 (2005), 281-297.
- A decreasing rearrangement for functions on homogeneous trees, Josep L. Garcia-Domingo, Javier Soria, European J. Combin. 26 (2005), 201-225.
- Integrability properties of maximal convolution operators, J. Martín, F. Soria, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 11 (2005), 289-298.
- A counterexample to a weak-type estimate for potential spaces and tangential approach regions, Javier Soria, Olof Svensson, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 1093-1099.
- Multidimensional rearrangement and Lorentz spaces, Sorina Barza, Lars-Erik Persson, Javier Soria, Acta Math. Hungar. 104 (2004), 203-224.
- From restricted weak-type to strong type estimates, María J. Carro, J. London Math. Soc. 70 (2004), 750-762.
- Endpoint estimates from restricted rearrangement inequalities, María J. Carro, Joaquim Martín, Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana 20 (2004), 131-150.
- A useful estimate for the decreasing rearrangement of the sum of functions, María J. Carro, Joaquim Martín, Quart. J. Math. 55 (2004), 41-45.
- Introducció a l'Anàlisi Funcional (Book, in Catalan), J. Cerdà, Publicacions Univ. Barcelona, 2004.
- Commutators for Fourier multipliers on Besov spaces, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, J. Approx. Theory 129 (2004), 119-128.
- Lorentz spaces for decreasing rearrangements of functions on trees, Josep L. Garcia-Domingo, Javier Soria, Math. Inequal. Appl. 7 (2004), 471-490.
- Decomposition of B10,1(Z) into special atoms, S. Boza, R.H. Torres, Math. Nachr. 254-255 (2003), 3-10.
- Modular inequalities for lα-operators, María J. Carro, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 135 (2003), 481-491.
- A multiplier theorem using the Schechter's method of interpolation, María J. Carro, J. Approx. Theory 120 (2003), 283-295.
- Some extensions of the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem in terms of modular inequalities, María J. Carro, Ludmila Nikolova, J. Math. Soc. Japan 55 (2003), 385-394.
- The Commutators of Analysis and Interpolation, J. Cerdà, In Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Interpolation, Acad. Sci. Czech Repub. 7 (2003), 21-72.
- Interpolation of classical Lorentz spaces, J. Cerdà, H. Coll, Positivity 7 (2003), 225-234.
- New Lorentz spaces for the restricted weak-type Hardy's inequalities, Joaquim Martín, Javier Soria, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 281 (2003), 138-152.
- Hardy spaces on ZN, Santiago Boza, María J. Carro, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 132 (2002), 25-43.
- On the range space of Yano's extrapolation theorem and new extrapolation estimates at infinity, María J. Carro, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (El Escorial, 2000). Publ. Mat., Vol. Extra (2002), 27-37.
- On embedding properties of some extrapolation spaces, María J. Carro, Joaquim Martín, Function spaces, interpolation theory and related topics (Lund, 2000), de Gruyter, Berlin (2002), 241-248.
- Extrapolation theory for the real interpolation method, María J. Carro, Joaquim Martín, Collect. Math. 53 (2002), 165-186.
- Convolution operators on discrete Hardy spaces, Santiago Boza, María J. Carro, Math. Nachr. 226 (2001), 17-33.
- Modular inequalities for averaging-type operators, María J. Carro, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 263 (2001), 135-152.
- On embeddings between classical Lorentz spaces, María J. Carro, Lubos Pick, Javier Soria, Vladimir D. Stepanov, Math. Inequal. Appl. 4 (2001), 397-428.
- Càlcul Integral (Book, in Catalan), J. Cerdà, Edicions Univ. Barcelona, 2001.
- Calderón couples of Lorentz spaces, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, Math. Nachr. 221 (2001), 5-18.
- Reverse Hölder inequalities and approximation spaces, J. Martín, M. Milman, J. Approx. Theory 109 (2001), 82-109.
- Modes of convergence: Interpolation methods I, J. Martín, M. Milman, J. Approx. Theory 111 (2001), 91-127.
- Sharp weighted multidimensional integral inequalities for monotone functions, Sorina Barza, Lars-Erik Persson, Javier Soria, Math. Nachr. 210 (2000), 43-58.
- Weak type estimates for averaging operators, María J. Carro, Function spaces and applications (New Delhi, 1997), 36-43, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2000.
- New extrapolation estimates, María J. Carro, J. Funct. Anal. 174 (2000), 155-166.
- Modular inequalities for the Calderón operator, María J. Carro, Hans Heinig, Tohoku Math. J. 52 (2000), 31-46.
- Real interpolation for families of Banach spaces and the compactness property, María J. Carro, Ludmila Nikolova, Function spaces (Poznan, 1998), 93-107, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 213, Dekker, New York, 2000.
- Norms of interpolation operators controlled by the Dicesar function, María J. Carro, Ludmila Nikolova, Lars-Erik Persson, Function spaces and applications (New Delhi, 1997), 44-59, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2000.
- Análisis Real, 2nd. edition (Book, in Spanish), J. Cerdà, Edicions Univ. Barcelona, 2000.
- Interpolation of Lorentz spaces, the diagonal case, J. Cerdà, H. Coll, in Function Spaces, Differential Operators and Nonlinear Analysis (Pudasjärvi, 1999), Acad. Sci. Czech Repub., Prague (2000), 41-47.
- Weighted Hardy inequalities and Hardy transforms of weights, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, Studia Math. 139 (2000), 189-196.
- Weighted Hardy inequalities of the weak type, J. Cerdà, J. Martín, In Function Spaces, Hudzik/Skrzypczak (Editors), Marcel Dekker, 2000.
- Type and cotype of Calderón-Lozanonvskii spaces, J. Cerdà, M. Mastyło, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. 47 (2000), 101-117.
- Nontangential approach regions on groups, Josep L. Garcia-Domingo, Javier Soria, Function spaces and applications (New Delhi, 1997), 82-90, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2000.
- Gehring's lemma for nondoubling measures, J. Martín, M. Milman, Michigan Math. J. 47(3) (2000), 559-573.