Continuing education

TFM / Master's Dissertation

The Master’s Dissertation (TFM, after its name in Spanish: Trabajo Fin de Máster) will have an equivalence of 6 ECTS credits. Its purpose is to verify the level of mastery of knowledge, competences and skills achieved by the students, and its passing is a requirement to obtain the degree. The Master’s dissertation must be defended in a public viva, following the regulations established by the university.

The TFM will be a research project appropriate to the area chosen by each student, which will allow him/her to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical applications, always in relation to Systemic Functional Linguistics. This work of reflection, research and practice will be advised and supervised by a tutor assigned by the coordination of the master’s degree.

Instructions on formal and content aspects

  1. The dissertation must be submitted duly typed or by computer, and clearly identified with all the data of the student, director, etc. It must also include a table of contents and pages must be numbered.
  2. The dissertation must be written in English and must be accompanied by an abstract, also in English.
  3. The dissertation should be between 15,000 and 20,000 words (60-80 pages), excluding bibliography and appendices.
  4. The dissertation will conform to the conventions of structure for research papers of this nature. In addition to a review of the literature in the selected field, it should make explicit the purpose and justification as well as the hypotheses or research questions posed, the research objectives, the data analysis and interpretation of the results and, finally, the conclusions.
  5. The conventions regarding the format, typography, citation system, bibliography, etc., as included in manuals on academic research or similar publications (APA, Harvard, Chicago...) should be respected.


  1. The dissertation will be evaluated and graded by an Evaluation Tribunal composed of three members proposed by the Master's Coordination.
  2. Students have two ordinary exams per academic year (June and September) for the TFM. The public defense of the TFM can only be carried out if the rest of the credits of the Master have been passed.

Oral defense (viva):

Students will defend their research work in a public act before the Evaluation Panel. The defense will be in English and will last approximately 15 minutes. Once the presentation is finished, the panel will make any observations and/or ask any questions it deems appropriate.

Evaluation criteria:

The following aspects will be taken into account in the assessment of the written work:

(a) Formal presentation and organization of the work. Linguistic correctness and expository clarity.

(b) Adequacy to the subject matter of the master’s degree in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Applications.

(c) Originality of the topic and clarity in the formulation of objectives and hypotheses.

(d) Adequacy of the methodology to the proposed objectives.

(e) Coherence in the approach and development of the topic. Accuracy in the use of concepts and methods. Rigor in the analysis / translation and argumentation.

(f) Discussion of implications and theoretical aspects of the problem studied. Approach and personal contributions. Interest of the work for the scientific community.

The following aspects will be taken into account in the viva evaluation:

(a) Expository clarity.

(b) Ability to summarize the work.

(c) Adequacy of the comments and answers to the observations or questions raised.


Grades, which will be awarded by the Master’s Coordination, will be in accordance with the following: MATRÍCULA DE HONOR (HONORS), SOBRESALIENTE (A), NOTABLE (B), APROBADO (C), SUSPENSO (F) AND NO PRESENTADO (NO SHOW).

Supervision and tutoring system

The Master’s dissertation will always be supervised by one or two professors of the Master’s program. There will be effective monitoring by the academic team of the master's degree and a protocol of interviews for the supervision of the research work. It will be defended before an examining board formed by three professors of the Master. There will be a specific information session on the TFM, virtual as the whole Master, to which students will be summoned by the coordinator to inform them of the possible lines of research within the LSF as well as the most important general issues related to the preparation, deadlines for presentation and public defense of the Master’s dissertation, composition of the viva evaluation panels, etc. In addition, students will be informed in a timely manner through the Master’s coordination.

Supervisor allocation. During the first term, students must apply to the Master's Coordination for the assignment of a tutor for the supervision of the Master’s dissertation, based on related research interests. Students will coordinate with their supervisors for the progress and development of the research.