
All the materials in this website are free. You may redistribute and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

 Diskettes E4 ToolboxThis is the source code of our MATLAB Toolbox for econometric modeling of time series.
 Man with glasses reading User manualThis is the manual of the Toolbox, including a detailed description of its functions and many examples.
 Diskettes Source code and data for the examples in the User Manual: This is a collection of all the source code and data required to replicate the examples in Chapter 7 of the User Manual. 
Diskettes Source code and data for the examples in the book: "State-Space Methods for Time Series Analysis: Theory, Applications and Software."
 Man with glasses reading Documentation for Time-Varying Parameters regression functions: This documentation describes the E4 functions dealing with RegARIMA models with time-varying regression parameters. The source code of these functions is included in the E4 main download file.
 Man with glasses reading Documentation for the disaggregation functions: This documentation describes the time series disaggregation functions as well as the source code for all the examples in: Casals, J., Jerez, M. and S. Sotoca (2009) "Modeling and Forecasting Time Series Sampled at Different Frequencies". Journal of Forecasting, 28, 4, 316-342. The source code of these functions is included in the E4 main download file.
 Man at work Advanced pre-estimation functions (BETA code): This library includes several functions to compute fast approximations to maximum-likelihood estimates. They were described in: Garcia-Hiernaux, A., Casals, J. and M. Jerez (2009) "Fast estimation methods for time series models in state-space form". Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 79, 2, 121-134.