Year 2025
- A theoretical framework for overfitting in energy-based modeling
- Inferring High-Order Couplings with Neural Networks
- LoRA-DR-suite: adapted embeddings predict intrinsic and soft disorder from protein sequences
Year 2024
- Cascade of phase transitions in the training of Energy-based models - Neurips 2024
- Inferring effective couplings with restricted Boltzmann machines - Scipost
- Copycat perceptron: Smashing barriers through collective learning - PRE
- Small field chaos in spin glasses: Universal predictions from the ultrametric tree and comparison with numerical simulations - PNAS
- The quantum transition of the two-dimensional Ising spin glass - Nature
- Evidence of a second-order phase transition in the six-dimensional Ising spin glass in a field - PRE
- The QISG suite: high-performance codes for studying Quantum Ising Spin Glasses - Computer Physics Communications
- Phase transition in the computational complexity of the shortest common superstring and genome assembly - PRE
- Quantifying memory in spin glasses - PRE
- Fast and Functional Structured Data Generators Rooted in Out-of-Equilibrium Physics -IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Multifractality in spin glasses - PNAS
Year 2023
- A New Perspective on Thermally Fluctuating 2D Elastic Membranes: Introducing Odd Elastic Moduli and Non-Equilibrium Effects
Finite-size scaling of the random-field Ising model above the upper critical dimension
Second order phase transition in the six-dimensional Ising spin glass on a field
Book Chapters
- Numerical simulations and replica symmetry breaking - Spin Glass Theory and Far Beyond: Replica Symmetry Breaking After 40 Years, World Scientific
- The mighty force: statistical inference and high-dimensional statistics - Spin Glass Theory and Far Beyond: Replica Symmetry Breaking After 40 Years, World Scientific
Unsupervised hierarchical clustering using the learning dynamics of restricted Boltzmann machines, Phys. Rev E, link to arXiv
- Explaining the effects of non-convergent sampling in the training of Energy-Based Models, ICML 2023
- Cosmology with cosmic web environments II. Redshift-space auto and cross power spectra, A&A
- Thermodynamics of bidirectional associative memories, J of Phys A: Math&Th., link to arXiv
- Deep convolutional and conditional neural networks for large-scale genomic data generation - PLOS Computational Biology
- Learning a restricted Boltzmann machine using biased Monte Carlo sampling - SciPost Physics
- Memory and rejuvenation effects in spin glasses are governed by more than one length scale - Nature Phys
- Fundamental problems in statistical physics XIV: Lecture on Machine Learning - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Year 2022
- Fundamental problems in statistical physics XIV: Lecture on Machine Learning
- Soft disorder modulates the assembly path of protein complexes
- Memory and rejuvenation in spin glasses: aging systems are ruled by more than one length scale
- Learning a Restricted Boltzmann Machine using biased Monte Carlo sampling
- Magnetic-field symmetry breaking in spin glasses
Book chapter "Spin Glass Theory & Far Beyond - Replica Symmetry Breaking after 40 Years" (World Scientific 2023):
- The mighty force: statistical inference and high-dimensional statistics
- Numerical Simulations and Replica Symmetry Breaking