Title Description
- Title
Doctoral Programme in Pharmacy
- Responsible centre.
Faculty of Pharmacy.
- ISCED area code.
0916 (Pharmacy)
- Participating universities
Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
University of Alcalá (UAH)
- Centre where it is taught.
Faculty of Pharmacy
- Academic year in which it was implemented.
- Type of education
In person
- Rules for permanence.
UCM Permanence Regulations https://www.ucm.es/doctoral-school/continuity
Doctorate Access Regulations: https://bouc.ucm.es/pdf/1895.pdf
- Languages in which it is taught.
Spanish - English
- Programme Officers
Coordinator for UCM
Dr. Rafael Lozano Fernández
(Web Manager)
Coordinator for the UAH
Dr. Josefa Begoña Escalera Izquierdo