







“Desarrollo de una laca de cataforesis de nueva generación”

José Ignacio Anaya Sanz

Fernando José Mirada Coronel y Manuel Morcillo Linares



Sin Publicaciones


“Hidrólisis enzimática de materiales lignocelulósicos” 

Mateusz Wojtusik

Félix García-Ochoa Soria y Miguel Ladero Galán



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Mateusz Wojtusik, Mauricio Zurita, Juan Carlos Villar, Miguel Ladero, Félix García-Ochoa. “Influence of fluid dynamic conditions on enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: Effect of mass transfer rate”. Bioresource Technology (2016), 216: 28-35.
  2. Mateusz Wojtusik, Mauricio Zurita, Juan Carlos Villar, Miguel Ladero, Félix García-Ochoa. “Study of the enzymatic activity inhibition on the saccharification of acid pretreated corn stover”. Biomass and Bioenergy (2017), 98: 1-7.
  3. Mateusz Wojtusik, Mauricio Zurita, Juan Carlos Villar, Miguel Ladero, Félix García-Ochoa. “Enzymatic saccharification of acid pretreated corn stover. Empirical and fractal kinetic modelling”. Bioresource Technology (2016), 220: 110-116.
  4. Mateusz Wojtusik, Clara Yepes, Juan Carlos Villar, Arno Cordes, Miguel Arroyo, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero. “Kinetic modelling of cellobiose by β-glucosidase from Aspergillus fumigatus”. Chemical Engineering Research and Design (2018), 136: 502-512.
  5. Mateusz Wojtusik, Juan Carlos Villar, Miguel Ladero, Félix García-Ochoa. “Physico-chemical kinetic modelling of hydrolysis of a steam-explosion pre-treated corn stover: A two-step approach”. Bioresource Technology (2018), 268: 592-598.
  6. Mateusz Wojtusik, Priscilla Vergara, Juan Carlos Villar, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero. “Thermal and operational deactivation of Aspergillus fumigatus beta-glucosidase in ethanol/water pretreated wheat straw enzymatic hydrolysis” Journal of Biotechnology (2019), 292: 32-38.


“Modificación superficial del NI-EC para mejoras de sus propiedades de resistencia a la corrosión y al desgaste”

Cristina Muñoz García

Ana Conde Del Campo



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. C. Muñoz-García; A. Conde; I. García; G.G. Fuentes; E. Almandoz; J.A. García; R.J. Rodríguez; Yi Qi. “Nano-wear, nano-hardness and corrosion-resistance of electroplated nickel surfaces after co-implantation of Cr+ and N2+ ions”. Surface and Coatings Technology (2011), 19 (205): 4447-4452.
  2. C. Muñoz-García; A. Conde; I. García; G.G. Fuentes; E. Almandoz; J.A. García; R.J. Rodríguez; Yi Qi. “Friction, nanowear and corrosion properties of electroplated Nickel surfaces after dual implantation of Cr+ and N2+ ions. Influence of the implantation energy of the N2+ ions”. Surface and Coatings Technology (2012), 15 (210): 46-53.


“Redes neuronales para el análisis y control de calidad del aceite de oliva virgen extra”

Regina Aroca Santos

José Santiago Torrecilla Velasco



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Aroca-Santos, J.C. Cancilla, G. Matute, J.S. Torrecilla. “Identifying and Quantifying Adulterants in Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Picual Varietal by Absorption Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Modeling”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2015), 63(23): 5646-5652.
  2. Aroca-Santos, J.C. Cancilla, E.S. Parente, J.S. Torrecilla. “Neural networks applied to characterize blends containing refined and extra virgin olive oils”. Talanta (2016), 161: 304-308.
  3. Aroca-Santos, J.C. Cancilla, A. Perez-Perez, A. Moral, J.S. Torrecilla. “Quantifying binary and ternary mixtures of monovarietal extra virgin olive oils with UV-vis absorption and chemometrics”. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical (2016), 234: 115-121.
  4. Aroca-Santos, M. Lastra-Mejias, J.C. Cancilla, J.S. Torrecilla. “Intelligent modelling to monitor the evolution of quality of extra virgin olive oil in simulated distribution conditions”. Biosystems Engineering (2018), 172: 49-56.
  5. Aroca-Santos, M. Lastra-Mejias, J.C. Cancilla, J.S. Torrecilla. “Linear and non-linear quantification of extra virgin olive oil, soybean oil, and sweet almond oil in blends to assess their commercial labels”. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2019), 75: 70-74.


“Influencia de los parámetros de operación y de la condición del sólido en el proceso de extracción con CO2 supercrítico. Aplicación en el desarrollo de procesos sostenibles de interés comercial”

Miguel Viguera Sáenz

Lourdes Calvo Garrido



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Viguera, J.M. Gómez-Salazar, M.I. Barrena, L. Calvo, “The removal of lubricating oils from metallic contacts with supercritical CO2”. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (2013), 73: 51-56.
  2. Viguera, A. Martí, F. Masca, C. Prieto, L. Calvo, “The process parameters and solid conditions that affect the supercritical COextraction of the lipids produced by microalgae”. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (2016), 113: 16-22.
  3. Viguera, C. Prieto, J. Casas, E. Casas, A. Cabañas, L. Calvo, “The parameters that affect the supercritical extraction of 2,4,6-trichloroanisol from cork”. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (2018), 141: 137-142.


“Escalado de la producción de nanomateriales de grafeno/óxidos metálicos para su uso como electrodos en supercondensadores”

María Seara Martínez

Iñigo Larraza Álvarez



Sin Publicaciones


“Pretratamientos en una etapa, multietapa y proceso one-pot de madera de pino y eucalipto, basados en el empleo de líquidos iónicos apróticos, próticos y bioderivados”

Victoria de los Ángeles Rigual Hernández

Virginia Alonso Rubio y

Mercedes Oliet Palá




Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Rigual, T.M. Santos, J.C. Domínguez, M.V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodríguez, “Evaluation of hardwood and softwood fractionation using autohydrolysis and ionic liquid microwave pretreatments”, Biomass and Bioenergy (2018), 117: 190-197.
  2. Rigual, A. Ovejero-Pérez, S. Rivas, J.C. Domínguez, M. V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodriguez, “Protic, aprotic, and choline-derived ionic liquids: Toward enhancing the accessibility of hardwood and softwood”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020), 8 (3): 1362-1370.
  3. Rigual, T.M. Santos, J.C. Domínguez, M.V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodriguez, “Recovery and reuse of 1‐allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride in the fractionation of Pinus radiata wood”, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. (2017), 5(3): 2384-2392.
  4. Rigual, J.C. Domínguez, S. Rivas, A. Ovejero-Pérez, M.V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodriguez, “Application of microscopy techniques for a better understanding of biomass pretreatment”, Industrial Crops and Products (2019), 138: 111466.
  5. Rigual, T.M. Santos, J.C. Domínguez, M. V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodriguez, “Combining autohydrolysis and ionic liquid microwave treatment to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis of Eucalyptus globulus wood”, Bioresource technology (2018): 251, 197-203.
  6. Rigual, J.C. Domínguez, T.M. Santos, S. Rivas, M.V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodriguez, “Autohydrolysis and microwave ionic liquid pretreatment of Pinus radiata: Imaging visualization and analysis to understand enzymatic digestibility”, Industrial Crops and Products (2019), 134: 328-337.
  7. Rigual, G. Papa, A. Rodriguez, M. Wehrs, K.H. Kim, M. Oliet, M. V. Alonso, J. Gladden, A. Mukhopadhyay, B.A. Simmons, S. Singh, “Evaluating protic ionic liquid for woody biomass one-pot pretreatment plus saccharification, followed by rhodosporidium toruloides cultivation”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020), 8 (2): 782-791.


“Diseño de las infraestructuras frigoríficas en países en vías de desarrollo”

Francisco Javier Esteban Redondo

Arturo Romero Salvador



Sin Publicaciones


“Aplicación de métodos computacionales a la monitorización y el cosechado de cultivos de microalgas”

Patricio Roberto López Expósito

Carlos Negro Álvarez



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. P. Lopez-Exposito, A. Blanco, C. Negro. “Estimation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii biomass concentration from chord length distribution data”. J. Appl Phyco (2016), 28(4): 2315-2322.
  2. P. López Expósito, A. Blanco, C. Negro. “Laser reflectance measurement for the online monitoring of Chlorella sorokiniana biomass concentration”. Journal of Biotechnology (2017), 243: 10-15.
  3. P. López Expósito, C. Campano, A. Blanco, C. Negro. “Microalgae harvesting by the novel flocculant hairy cationic nanocrystalline cellulose”. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2019), 178: 329-336.
  4. P. López Expósito, A. Blanco, C. Negro. “Estimating fractal dimension of microalgal flocs through confocal laser scanning microscopy and computer modelling”. Algal Research (2017), 28: 74-79.
  5. P. Lopez-Exposito, A. Blanco, C. Negro. “Direct estimation of microalgal flocs fractal dimension through laser reflectance and machine learning”. Algal Research (2019), 37: 240-247.


“Alternativas para facilitar el uso de nanocelulosas en la producción de papel reciclado/Alternatives to facilitate the use of nanocelluloses in the production of recycled paper”

Cristina Campano Tiedra

Ángeles Blanco Suárez



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. C. Campano, A. Balea, A. Blanco, C. Negro. “Enhancement of the fermentation process and properties of bacterial cellulose: a review”. Cellulose 23 (2016) 57-91.
  2. C. Campano, R. Miranda, N. Merayo, C. Negro, A. Blanco. “Direct production of cellulose nanocrystals from old newspapers and recycled newsprint”. Carbohydrate Polymers 173 (2017) 489-496.
  3. C. Campano, N. Merayo, C. Negro, A. Blanco. “Low-fibrillated bacterial cellulose nanofibers as a sustainable additive to enhance recycled paper quality”. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 114 (2018) 1077-1083.
  4. C. Campano, N. Merayo, C. Negro, A. Blanco. “In situ production of bacterial cellulose to economically improve recycled paper properties”. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 118 (2018), 1532-1541
  5. C. Campano, N. Merayo, A. Balea, Q. Tarrés, M. Delgado-Aguilar, P. Mutjé, C. Negro, A. Blanco. “Mechanical and chemical dispersion of nanocelluloses to improve their reinforcing effect on recycled paper”. Cellulose 25 (2018) 269-280.
  6. C. Campano, P. Lopez-Exposito, A. Blanco, C. Negro, T. G. M. van de Ven. “Hairy cationic nanocrystalline cellulose as a novel flocculant of clay”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 545 (2019) pp. 153-161.
  7. C. Campano, P. Lopez-Exposito, A. Blanco, C. Negro, T. G. M. van de Ven. Hairy cationic nanocrystalline cellulose as retention additive in recycled paper. Cellulose 26 (10) (2019) 6275-6289.
  8. C. Campano, A. Balea, A. Blanco, C. Negro. “A reproducible method to characterize the bulk morphology of cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibers by transmission electron microscopy”. Cellulose 27, (2020) 4871–4887. 
  9. C. Campano, P. Lopez-Exposito, L. Gonzalez-Aguilera, A. Blanco, C. Negro, C. “In-depth characterization of the aggregation state of cellulose nanocrystals through analysis of transmission electron microscopy images”. Carbohydrate Polymers (2020), 117271.


“Adsorción de metales estratégicos sobre materiales carbonosos”

Ignacio Bernabé Vírseda

José María Gómez Martín y Eduardo Díez Alcántara



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. J.M. Gomez, E. Diez, I. Bernabe, P. Saez, A. Rodriguez. “Effective Adsorptive Removal of Cobalt Using Mesoporous Carbons Synthesized by Silica Gel Replica Method”. ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSES-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (2018), 5(2), 225-242.
  2. I. Bernabe, J.M. Gomez, E. Diez, P. Saez, A. Rodriguez. “Optimization and Adsorption-Based Recovery of Cobalt Using Activated Disordered Mesoporous Carbons”. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (2019), 3430176.
  3. E. Diez, J.M. Gomez, A. Rodriguez, I. Bernabe, P. Saez, J. Galán. “A new mesoporous activated carbon as potential adsorbent for effective indium removal from aqueous solutions”. MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS (2020), 295. 109984. 


“Producción de Isobutanol a partir de Glucosa en Cultivos de Shimwellia blattae (p424IbPSO): Desarrollo, Fenomenología y Modelización”

Miguel García Acedos

Félix García-Ochoa Soria y Victoria Santos Mazorra



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. G. Acedos, A. Ramón, S. de la Morena, V.E. Santos, F. García Ochoa. “Isobutanol production by a recombinant biocatalyst Shimwellia blattae (p424IbPSO): Study of the operational conditions”. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2018), 133: 21-27.
  2. G. Acedos, P. Yustos, V.E. Santos, y. García-Ochoa. “Carbon flux distribution in the metabolism of Shimwellia blattae (p424IbPSO) for isobutanol production from glucose as function of oxygen availability”. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (2018), 94(3):850-858.
  3. G. Acedos, V.E. Santos, F. García-Ochoa. “Resting Cells Isobutanol Production by Shimwellia blattae (p424IbPSO): Influence of Growth Culture Conditions”. Biotechnology Progress (2018) 34 (5): 1073-1080.
  4. G. Acedos, I. de la Torre, V.E. Santos, F. García-Ochoa. “Kinetic modelling of the isobutanol production from glucose using Shimwellia blattae (p424IbPSO) strain: effect of initial substrate concentration”. Industrial & Chemical Engineering Research (2019), 58 (4): 1502-1512.
  5. G. Acedos, A. Hermida, E. Gómez, V.E. Santos, F. García-Ochoa. “Effects of Fluid-dynamic Conditions in Shimwellia blattae (p424IbPSO) Cultures in Stirred Tank Bioreactors: Hydrodynamic Stress and Change of Metabolic Routes by Oxygen Availability”. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2019), 149: 107238.


“Estudio del fraccionamiento de la lignocelulosa mediante procesos con disolventes y los estudios para el análisis y aprovechamiento de las fracciones”

Priscilla Vergara Alarcón

Félix García-Ochoa y Juan Carlos Villar



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. P. Vergara, M. Wojtusik, E. Revilla, M. Ladero, F. Garcia-Ochoa, J.C. Villar. “Wheat straw fractionation by ethanol-water mixture: Optimization of operating conditions and comparison with diluted sulfuric acid pre-treatment”. Bioresource Technology, 256 (2018) 178-186.
  2. P. Vergara, M. Ladero, F. Garcia-Ochoa, J.C. Villar. “Valorisation of Cynara Cardunculus crops by ethanol-water treatment: Optimization of operating conditions”. Industrial Crops and Products, 124 (2018) 856-862.
  3. P. Vergara, M. Ladero, F. Garcia-Ochoa, J.C. Villar. ”Pre-treatment of corn stover, Cynara cardunculus L. stems and wheat straw by ethanol-water and diluted sulfuric acid: comparison under different energy input conditions”. Bioresource Technology, 270 (2018) 449-456.
  4. P. Vergara, F. Garcia-Ochoa, M. Ladero, S. Gutiérrez, J.C. Villar. “Liquor re-use strategy in lignocellulosic biomass fractionation with ethanol-water mixtures”. Bioresource Technology. 280 (2019) 396-403. 


“Producción biotecnológica de ácido D-láctico a partir de residuos de naranja”

Isabel de la Torre Pascual

Victoria Santos Mazorra y Miguel Ladero Galán



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. I. de la Torre, M. Ravelo, S. Segarra, M. Tortajada, V.E. Santos, M. Ladero.”Study on the effects of several operational variables on the enzymatic batch saccharification of orange solid waste”. Bioresource Technology (2017), 245: 906–915.
  2. I. de la Torre, M. Ladero, V.E. Santos. “Production of D-lactic acid by Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. delbrueckii from orange peel waste: techno-economical assessment of nitrogen sources”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2018), 102: 10511-10521.
  3. I. de la Torre, V. Martín, M.G. Acedos, J. Esteban, V.E. Santos, M. Ladero. “Utilization/upgrading of Orange Peel Waste from a biological biorefinery perspective”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2019), 103 (15): 5975-5991.
  4. I. de la Torre, M. Ladero, V.E. Santos. “Production of D-lactic acid by L. delbrueckii growing on orange peel waste hydrolysates and model monosaccharide solutions: effects of pH and temperature on process kinetics”. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2019), 9 (3): 565-575.
  5. I. de la Torre, M. G. Acedos, M. Ladero, V.E. Santos. “On the use of resting L. delbrueckii spp. delbrueckii cells for D-lactic acid production from orange peel wastes hydrolysates”. Biochemical Engineering Journal (2019), 145: 162-169
  6. I. de la Torre, M. Ladero, V.E. Santos. “D-lactic acid production from orange waste enzymatic hydrolysates with L. delbrueckii cells in growing and resting state”. Industrial Crops and Products (2020), 146: 112176.


“Electrospray deposition of superhydrophobic carbon-based layers: Application in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Depósito de capas superhidrófobas de carbón mediante electrospray: Aplicación en pilas de combustible de membrana protónica”

Julio José Conde López

Paloma Ferreira Aparicio y Antonio Martínez Chaparro



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Ferreira-Aparicio, A.M. Chaparro, M.A. Folgado, J.J. Conde, E. Brightman, G. Hinds. “Degradation Study by Start-Up/Shut-Down Cycling of Superhydrophobic Electrosprayed Catalyst Layers Using a Localized Reference Electrode Technique”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2017), 9: 10626-10636,
  2. A. Folgado, J.J. Conde, P. Ferreira-Aparicio, A.M. Chaparro. “Single Cell Study of Water Transport in PEMFCs with Electrosprayed Catalyst Layers”. Fuel Cells (2018) 18: 602-612.
  3. J. Conde, A.M. Chaparro, P. Ferreira-Aparicio. “Understanding the Behavior of Electrosprayed Carbon Black-Nafion Composite Layers”. Fuel Cells (2018), 18(5): 627-639.
  4. J. Conde, P. Ferreira-Aparicio, A.M. Chaparro. “Anti-corrosion coating for metal surfaces based on superhydrophobic electrosprayed carbon layers”. Applied Materials Today (2018), 13: 100-106.
  5. J. Conde, M.A. Folgado, P. Ferreira-Aparicio, A.M. Chaparro, A. Chowdhury, A. Kusoglu, D. Cullen, A.Z. Weber. “Mass-transport properties of electrosprayed Pt/C catalyst layers for polymer-electrolyte fuel cells”. Journal of Power Sources (2019), 427: 250-259.
  6. Merino, C. Novillo, G. de Diego, J.J. Conde, M.A. Folgado, P. Ferreira-Aparicio, A.M. Chaparro. “Comparing Different Cross-Section Cutting Methods for SEM Analysis of Membrane-Electrodes Assemblies”. ECS Transactions (2019), 92: 87-94.


“Extracción supercrítica de compuestos bioactivos a partir de matrices vegetales y su encapsulación con técnicas avanzadas supercríticas”

Diego F. Tirado Armesto

Lourdes Calvo Garrido



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. F. Tirado, M.J. Tenorio, A. Cabañas, L. Calvo. “Prediction of the best cosolvents to solubilise fatty acids in supercritical CO2 using the Hansen solubility theory”. Chemical Engineering Science (2018), 190: 14–20.
  2. F. Tirado, A. Rousset, L. Calvo. “The selective supercritical extraction of high-value fatty acids from Tetraselmis suecica using the Hansen solubility theory”. Chemical Engineering Transactions (2018), 75: 133-138.
  3. F. Tirado, E. de la Fuente, L. Calvo. “A selective extraction of hydroxytyrosol-rich olive oil from alperujo”. Journal of Food Engineering” (2019), 263: 409-416.
  4. F. Tirado, L. Calvo. “The Hansen theory to choose the best cosolvent for supercritical CO2 extraction of β-carotene from Dunaliella salina”. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (2019), 145: 211–218.
  5. F. Tirado, I. Palazzo, M. Scognamiglio, L. Calvo, G. Della Porta, E. Reverchon. “Astaxanthin encapsulation in ethyl cellulose carriers by continuous supercritical emulsions extraction: A study on particle size, encapsulation efficiency, release profile and antioxidant activity”. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (2019), 150: 128-136. 
  6. F. Tirado, A. Latini, L. Calvo. “The encapsulation of hydroxytyrosol-rich olive oil in Eudraguard® protect via supercritical fluid extraction of emulsions” Journal of Food Engineering (2021), 290: 110215.


“Formulación y caracterización de ionogeles reforzados con quitosano”

María del Mar Villar Chavero

Juan Carlos Domínguez Toribio y Mª Virginia Alonso Rubio



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. M. Villar-Chavero, J.C. Domínguez, M.V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodríguez. “Thermal and kinetics of the degradation of chitosan with different deacetylation degrees under oxidizing atmosphere”. Thermochimica Acta (2018), 670: 18-26.
  2. M. Villar-Chavero, J.C. Domínguez, M.V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodríguez. “Tuning the rheological properties of cellulosic ionogels reinforced with chitosan: The role of the deacetylation degree”. Carbohydrate Polymers (2019) 207: 775-781.
  3. M. Villar-Chavero, J.C. Domínguez, M.V. Alonso, V. Rigual, M. Oliet, F. Rodríguez. “Viscoelastic properties of physical cellulosic bionogels of cholinium lysinate”. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2019) 133: 262-269.
  4. M. Villar-Chavero, J.C. Domínguez, M.V. Alonso, M. Oliet, F. Rodríguez. “Chitosan-reinforced cellulosic bionogels: viscoelastic and antibacterial properties”. Carbohydrate Polymers (2020), 229: 115569.


“Espectroscopia de plasma inducido y fluorescencia molecular en el control de calidad de los alimentos”

Miguel Lastra Mejías

José Santiago Torrecilla Velasco



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Lastra-Mejias, A. Torreblanca-Zanca, R. Aroca-Santos, J.C. Cancilla, J.G. Izquierdo, J.S. Torrecilla. “Characterization of an array of honeys of different types and botanical origins through fluorescence emission based on LEDs”. Talanta (2018), 185: 196-202.
  2. Lastra-Mejias, R. Aroca-Santos, M. Izquierdo, J.C. Cancilla, M.L. Mena, J.S. Torrecilla. “Chaotic parameters from fluorescence spectra to resolve fraudulent mixtures of fresh and expired protected designation of origin extra virgin olive oils”. Talanta (2019), 195: 1-7.
  3. Lastra-Mejias, M. Izquierdo, A. Torreblanca-Zanca, R. Aroca-Santos, J.C. Cancilla, J.E. Sepulveda-Diaz, J.S. Torrecilla., “Cognitive fluorescence sensing to monitor the storage conditions and locate adulterations of extra virgin olive oil”. Food Control (2019), 103: 48-58.
  4. Lastra-Mejias, A. Villa-Martinez, M. Izquierdo, R. Aroca-Santos, J.C. Cancilla, J.S. Torrecilla. “Combination of LEDs and cognitive modeling to quantify sheep cheese whey in watercourses”. Talanta (2019), 203: 290-296.
  5. Lastra-Mejias, E. Gonzalez-Flores, M. Izquierdo, J.C. Cancilla, J.S. Torrecilla. “Cognitive chaos on spectrofluorometric data to quantitatively unmask adulterations of a PDO vinegar”. Food Control (2020), 108: 106860.
  6. Lastra-Mejias, M. Izquierdo, E. Gonzalez-Flores, J.C. Cancilla, J.G. Izquierdo, J.S. Torrecilla. “Honey exposed to laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for chaos-based botanical classification and fraud assessment”. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (2020), 199: 103939.


“Optimización del proceso Molex de obtención de parafinas lineales por adsorción”

Daniel Aranda López

José Antonio Delgado Dobladez y Vicente Ismael Águeda Maté



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Aranda, V.I. Agueda, J.A. Delgado, M.A. Uguina, M.T. Holik, I.D. Lopez, J.J. Lazaro, J.C. Perdomo, I. Barrio. “Modelling of the separation of normal paraffins from kerosene fractions by a simulated moving bed process”. Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society (2018), 24 (7): 667-681.
  2. Aranda, V.I. Agueda, J.A. Delgado, M.A. Uguina, I.D. Lopez, J.J. Lazaro, J.C. Perdomo, I. Barrio. “Modelling of the separation of long-chain normal paraffins from kerosene in a simulated moving bed process: effect of the desorbent”. Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society (2020), 26 (2): 317-327.


“Extracción de hidrocarburos aromáticos de corrientes de refinería con líquidos iónicos como disolventes. Determinación de los coeficientes de difusión, interacciones químicas y toxicidad”

Noemí Delgado Mellado

Francisco Rodríguez Somolinos y Julián García González



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Delgado-Mellado; M. Ayuso; J. García; F. Rodríguez. “Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon diffusion coefficients at infinite dilution in [emim][DCA] and [4empy][Tf2N] ionic liquids”. Journal of Molecular Liquids (2019), 288: 111082.
  2. Delgado-Mellado; M. Ayuso; J. García; F. Rodríguez. “Developing a new correlation for the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon diffusion coefficients at infinite dilution in ionic liquids”. Journal of Molecular Liquids (2019), 296: 111857.
  3. Delgado-Mellado; M. Ayuso; J. García; F. Rodríguez. “Ecotoxicity evaluation towards Vibrio fischeri of imidazolium- and pyridinium-based ionic liquids for their use in separation processes”. SN Applied Sciences (2019), 1:896.
  4. Delgado-Mellado; J. García; F. Rodríguez; R.D. Rogers. “Insights into Ionic Liquid/Aromatic Systems from NMR Spectroscopy: How Water Affects Solubility and Intermolecular Interactions”. ChemPlusChem (2019), 84(7): 872-881.
  5. Delgado-Mellado; A. Ovejero-Pérez; P. Navarro; M. Larriba; M. Ayuso; J. García; F. Rodríguez. “Imidazolium and pyridinium-based ionic liquids for the cyclohexane/ cyclohexene separation by liquid-liquid extraction”. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics (2018), 131: 340-346.
  6. Delgado-Mellado; M. Larriba; P. Navarro; V. Rigual; M. Ayuso; J. García; F. Rodríguez. “Thermal stability of choline chloride deep eutectic solvents by TGA/ FTIR-ATR analysis”. Journal of Molecular Liquids (2018) 260: 37-43.


“Anaerobic digestion of microalgae biomass for volatile fatty acids production / Digestión anaerobia de microalgas para la producción de ácidos grasos volátiles”

José Antonio Magdalena Cadelo

Cristina González Fernández



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. A. Magdalena, E. Tomas-Pejo, M. Ballesteros, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Volatile fatty acids production from protease pretreated Chlorella biomass via anaerobic digestión”. Biotechnology Progress (2018), 34 (6): 1363-1369.
  2. A. Magdalena, M. Ballesteros, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Efficient Anaerobic Digestion of Microalgae Biomass: Proteins as a Key Macromolecule”. Molecules (2108), 23(5): 1098.
  3. A. Magdalena, M. Llamas, E. Tomas-Pejo, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Semicontinuous anaerobic digestión of protease pretreated Chlorella biomass for volatile fatty acids production”. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (2019), 94: 1861–1869.
  4. A. Magdalena, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Microalgae Biomass as a Potential Feedstock for the Carboxylate Platform”. Molecules (2019), 24: 4404.
  5. A. Magdalena, E. Tomas-Pejo, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Volatile fatty acids production from microalgae biomass: Anaerobic digester performance and population dynamics during stable conditions, starvation, and process recovery”. Molecules (2019), 24: 4544.
  6. A. Magdalena, S. Greses, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Impact of Organic Loading Rate in Volatile Fatty Acids Production and Population Dynamics Using Microalgae Biomass as Substrate”. Scientific Reports (2019), 9:18374.
  7. A. Magdalena, M. Ballesteros, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Acidogenesis and chain elongation for bioproduct development”. Wastewater Treatment Residues as Resources for Biorefinery Products and Biofuels (2020): 391-414.
  8. A. Magdalena, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Archaea inhibition: Strategies for the enhancement of volatile fatty acids production from microalgae”. Waste Management (2020), 102: 222–230.
  9. A. Magdalena, S. Greses, C. Gonzalez-Fernandez. “Anaerobic degradation of protein-rich biomass in an UASB reactor: Organic loading rate effect on product output and microbial communities dynamics”. Journal of environmental management (2020), 274: 111201.


"Eliminación de metales estratégicos en aguas residuales mediante adsorción con zeolitas naturales”

Patricia Sáez González

Araceli Rodríguez Rodríguez y José Mª Gómez Martín



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Rodríguez, P. Sáez, I.A. Dinu, E. Díez, J.M. Gomez, J. García, I. Bernabé. “Highly efficient low-cost zeolite for cobalt removal from aqueous solutions: characterization and performance”. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (2019) 38 352-365.
  2. Sáez, I.A. Dinu, A. Rodriguez, J.M. Gomez, M.M. Lazar, D. Rossini, M.V. Dinu. “Composite cryo-beads of chitosan reinforced with natural zeolites with remarkable elasticity and switching on/off selectivity for heavy metal ions”. International journal of biological macromolecules (2020) 134, 2432-2449.
  3. Sáez, I.A. Dinu, A. Rodriguez, J.M. Gomez, M.M. Lazar, D. Rossini, M.V. Dinu. “Composite cryo-beads of chitosan reinforced with natural zeolites with remarkable elasticity and switching on/off selectivity for heavy metal ions”. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 134 (2020) 2432-2449.


"Desarrollo de un sistema de percepción sensorial artificial para la detección del cáncer gástrico en el aliento exhalado"

Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón

José Santiago Torrecilla Velasco, Septimiu Radu Ionescu y Cristhian Manuel Durán Acevedo



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. M. Durán-Acevedo, A.L. Jaimes-Mogollón, O.E. Gualdrón-Guerrero, T.G. Welearegay, J.D. Martinez-Marín, J.M. Caceres-Tarazona, Z.C. Sánchez-Acevedo, K.J., Beleño-Saenz, U. Cindemir, L. Österlund, R. Ionescu. “Exhaled breath analysis for gastric cancer diagnosis in Colombian patients”. Oncotarget 9(48), 28805-28817 (2018).
  2. G. Welearegay, O.E. Gualdrón, A.L. Jaimes, J.M. Cáceres, G. Pugliese, U. Cindemir, C.M. Durán, L. Österlund, R. Ionescu. “Ultrapure organically modified gold nanoparticles for breath analysis”. Procedia Engineering 168, 133-136 (2016).
  3. L. Jaimes, C.M. Durán, O.E. Gualdrón, S.R. Ionescu. “Stomach cancer detection through exhaled breath using biomarkers analysis”. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 68, 43-48 (2018).
  4. G. Welearegay, C.M. Durán-Acevedo, A.L. Jaimes-Mogollón, G. Pugliese, F. Ionescu, O.G. Perez-Ortiz, O.E. Gualdrón-Guerrero, U. Cindemir, L. Österlund, R. Ionescu. “Exhaled air analysis as a potential fast method for early diagnosis of dengue diseases”. Sensors and Actuators B 310, 127859 (2020).
  5. Saidi, M. Moufid, K.J. Beleño-Saenz, T.G. Welearegay, N. El Bari, A.L. Jaimes- Mogollon, R. Ionescu, J.E. Bourkadi, J. Benamor, M. El Ftouh, B. Bouchikhi. “Non-invasive prediction of lung cancer histological types through exhaled breath analysis by UV irradiated electronic nose and GC/QTOF/MS”. Sensors and Actuators B 311, 127932, (2020).
  6. Kwiatkowski, T. Chludziński, T. Saidi, T.G. Welearegay, A.L. Jaimes-Mogollón, N. El Bari, S. Borys, B. Bouchikhi, J. Smulko,, R. Ionescu. “Assessment of electronic sensing techniques for the rapid identification of alveolar echinococcosis through exhaled breath analysis”. Sensors 20, 2666 (2020).
  7. Brebu, L. Mogollón, R. Ionescu, D. Turcu, P. Grigorescu, A. Iordache, “Volatolomic analysis applied to farm animals. III. Volatile compounds emitted through skin of cattle”. The Romanian Review of Veterinary Medicine 30 (2), 29-32 (2020).


"Desarrollo y optimización de la tecnología OSCAR para el tratamiento de efluentes con una elevada carga orgánica"

Carlos Ruiz de León Gómez

Vicente Ismael Águeda Mate y Juan García Rodríguez



Sin Publicaciones


"Microalgae biomass valorization for volatile fatty acids, microbial oils and biogas production in a biorefinery context" / "Valorización de microalgas para la producción de ácidos grasos volátiles, aceites microbianos y biogás, en un contexto de biorrefinería"

Mercedes Llamas Redondo

Cristina González Fernández y Elia Tomás Pejó





Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Llamas, M., Magdalena, J. A., Greses, S, Tomás-Pejó, E., González-Fernández, C. (2020). Insights on the microbial communities developed during the anaerobic fermentation of raw and pretreated microalgae biomass. 263, 127942.
  2. Llamas, M., Magdalena, J. A., Tomás-Pejó, E., González-Fernández, C. (2020). Microalgae-based anaerobic fermentation as a promising technology for producing biogas and microbial oils. 18184.
  3. Llamas, M., Greses, S, Tomás-Pejó, E., González-Fernández, C. Harnessing microalgae biomass in anaerobic fermentation: short-chain fatty acids and biogas production. Science of the Total Environment (Under revision).
  4. Llamas, M., Magdalena, J. A., González-Fernández, C., Tomás-Pejó, E. (2020). Volatile fatty acids as novel building blocks for oil-based chemistry via oleaginous yeast fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 117(1), 238- 250.
  5. Llamas, M., Tomás-Pejó, E., González-Fernández, C. (2020). Volatile fatty acids from organic wastes as novel low-cost carbon source for Yarrowia lipolytica. New Biotechnology (56), 123-129.
  6. Llamas, M., Dourou, M., González-Fernández, C., Aggelis, G., Tomás-Pejó, E. (2020). Screening of oleaginous yeasts for lipid production using volatile fatty acid as substrate. Biomass and Bioenergy, 138 (105553).


"Síntesis y caracterización de catalizadores basados en nanoesferas de carbono para la eliminación de contaminantes emergentes por oxidación húmeda catalítica"

Estrella Serra Pérez

Juan García Rodríguez y Gabriel Ovejero Escudero



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Serra-Pérez, E., García, J. “Insights into the kinetics degradation of Bisphenol A by catalytic wet air oxidation with metals supported onto carbon nanospheres”. Catalysts. 11 (2021) 1293.
  2. Serra-Pérez, E., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Águeda, V.I., Larriba, M., Ovejero, G., García, J. “Effective removal of naproxen from aqueous solutions by CWAO process using noble metals supported on carbon nanospheres catalysts”. Separation and Purification Technology. 257, (2021) 118084.
  3. Serra-Perez, E., Ferronato, C., Giroir-Fendler, A., Alvarez-Torrellas, S., Ovejero, G., Garcia, J. “Highly efficient Ru supported on carbon nanospheres nanoparticles for ciprofloxacin removal: Effects of operating parameters, degradation pathways and kinetic study”. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 59 (2020) 15515–15530.
  4. Serra-Perez, E., Alvarez-Torrellas, S., Agueda, V.I., Delgado, J.A., Ovejero, G., Garcia, J. “Insights into the removal of Bisphenol A by catalytic wet air oxidation upon carbon nanospheres-based catalysts: key operating parameters, degradation intermediates and reaction pathway”. Applied Surface Science. 473 (2019) 726-737.
  5. Ovejero, G., Delgado, J.A., Águeda, V.I. Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Serra, E., Hernández, A.B., García, J. “Environmental application of carbon nanomaterials: Mini review”. Recent Adv Petrochem Sci. 3(2) (2017) 555606.


"Integración de procesos biológicos y CWPO asistidos con catalizadores magnéticos para la eliminación de compuestos farmacéuticos presentes en aguas residuales"

Ysabel Huacallo Aguilar

Silvia Álvarez Torrellas y  Gabriel Ovejero Escudero



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Huaccallo-Aguilar, Y., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Gil, M.V., Larriba, M., García, J. “Insights of emerging contaminants removal in real water matrices by CWPO using a magnetic catalyst”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (5) (2021) 106321.
  2. Huaccallo-Aguilar, Y., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Martínez, J., Delgado-Adámez, J., Gil, M.V., Ovejero, G., García, J. “Magnetite-based catalyst in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation for different aqueous matrices spiked with naproxen-diclofenac mixture”. Catalysts. 11 (32021) 514.
  3. Huaccallo-Aguilar, Y., Alvarez-Torrellas, S., Larriba, M., Águeda, V.I., Delgado, J.A., Ovejero, G., Peres, J.A., García, J. “Naproxen removal by CWPO with Fe3O4/multi-walled carbon nanotubes in a fixed-bed reactor”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 9 (2021) 105110.
  4. Huaccallo-Aguilar, Y., Diaz de Tuesta, J.L., Alvarez-Torrellas, S., Gomes, H.T., Larriba, M., Ovejero, G., García, J. “New insights on the removal of diclofenac and ibuprofen by CWPO using a magnetite-based catalyst in an up-flow fixed -bed reactor”. Journal of Environmental Management. 281 (2021) 111913.
  5. Huaccallo, Y., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Marín, M.P., Gil, M.V., Larriba, M., Águeda, V.I., Ovejero, G., García, J. “Magnetic Fe3O4/multi-walled carbon nanotubes materials for a highly efficient depletion of diclofenac by catalytic wet peroxide oxidation”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26 (2019) 22372–22388.
  6. Huaccallo, Y., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Larriba, M., Águeda, V.I., Delgado, J.A., Ovejero, G., García, J. “Optimization parameters, kinetics and mechanism of naproxen removal by catalytic wet peroxide oxidation an hybrid iron-based magnetic catalyst”. Catalysts. 9 (2019) 287-309.


"Recuperación de ácidos orgánicos de mezclas acuosas mediante adsorción en lecho móvil simulado (SMB)"

Dora Lucía Uribe Santos

José Antonio Delgado Dobladez y Vicente Ismael Águeda Mate



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Uribe, D.L., Delgado, J.A., Águeda, V.I., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Larriba, M. “Recovery of succinic, formic, and acetic acid mixture from a model fermentation broth by simulated moving bed adsorption with methanol as desorbent”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 61(1) (2022) 672-683.
  2. Uribe, D.L., Delgado, J.A., Águeda, V.I., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Larriba, M. “Recovery and purification of acetic acid from aqueous mixtures by simulated moving bed adsorption with methanol and water as desorbents. Separation and Purification Technology. 237 (2020) 116368.
  3. Delgado, J.A., Águeda, V.I. Uribe, D.L., Alvarez-Torellas, S., Larriba, M. “Citric acid purification by simulated moving bed adsorption with methanol as desorbent. Separation Science and Technology. 54 (6) (2019) 930-942.


"Análisis de compuestos orgánicos volátiles emitidos por muestras biológicas para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis bovina en jabalíes"

Kelvin de Jesús Beleño Sáenz

José Santiago Torrecilla Velasco, Septimiu Radu Ionescu y Óscar Eduardo Gualdrón Guerrero



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Beleño K., Cáceres J., Nol P., Jaimes A., Gualdrón O., Barasona J., Vicente J., Torres M., Welearegay T., Österlund L., Rhyan J., Ionescu R. “Non-Invasive Method to Detect Infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in wild boar by measurement of volatile organic compounds obtained from feces with an electronic nose system”. Sensors 21(2), (2021),584
  2. Nol P., Ionescu R., Welearegay T., Barasona J., Vicente J., Beleño K., Barrenetxea I., Torres M., Ionescu F., Rhyan J. “Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds Obtained from Breath and Feces to Detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) in Doñana National Park, Spain”, 9(5), (2020), 346.
  3. Brebu M., Beleño K., Ionescu R., Turcu T., Dinu H., Caciandone H., Enache A. “Volatolomic analysis applied to farm animals. Il. Volatile compounds emitted from the feces of cattle analiza volatolomică aplicată animalelor de fermă. Compuși volatili emiși din fecalele bovinelor” Revista Romana de Medicina Veterinara, 30 (1), (2020), 34 – 38.
  4. Saidi T., Moufid M., Beleño K., Welearegay T., El Bari N., Jaimes A., Ionescu R., Bourkadi J., Benamor J., El Ftouh M., Bouchikhi B. “Non-invasive prediction of lung cancer histological types through exhaled breath analysis by UV- irradiated electronic nose and GC/QTOF/MS”. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 311, (2020), 127932.
  5. Brebu M., Beleño K., Ionescu R., Turcu D., Daneș M., Bogolin I. “Volatolomic analysis applied to farm animals I. Volatile compounds in respiration of cattle” Annals of Spiru Haret University, Veterinary Medicine Series, 20(1), (2019), 5-10.
  6. Durán C., Jaimes A., Gualdrón O., Welearegay T., Martinez J., Caceres J., Sánchez Z., Beleño K., Cindemir U., Österlund L., Ionescu R. “Exhaled breath analysis for gastric cancer diagnosis in Colombian patients”. Oncotarget 9(48), (2018), 28805 - 28817.


"Tratamiento de lixiviados de vertedero maduros y sus concentrados de ósmosis inversa: aumento de la biodegradabilidad y análisis de costes"

Javier Tejera Tejo

Ángeles Blanco Suárez y Carlos Negro Álvarez



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Tejera J., Gascó A., Hermosilla D., Alonso-Gomez V., Negro C., Blanco A. "UVA-LED Technology’s Treatment Efficiency and Cost in a Competitive Trial Applied to the Photo-Fenton Treatment of Landfill Leachate". Processes 9 (6) (2021), 1026.
  2. Tejera J., Hermosilla D., Gascó A., Miranda R., Alonso V., Negro C., Blanco A. "Treatment of mature landfill leachate by electrocoagulation followed by Fenton or UVA-LED photo-Fenton processes". Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 119 (2021), 33-44.
  3. Tejera J., Hermosilla D., Gascó A., Negro C., Blanco A. “Combining coagulation and electrocoagulation with UVA-LED photo-Fenton to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of mature landfill leachate treatment”. Molecules (2021) 25;26(21):6425
  4. Tejera J., Hermosilla D., Miranda R., Gascó A., Negro C., Blanco A. “Assessing an Integral Treatment for Landfill Leachate Reverse Osmosis Concentrate”. Catalysts (2020), 10(12), 1389.
  5. Tejera J., Miranda R. Hermosilla D., Urra I., Negro C., Blanco A. “Treatment of a Mature Landfill Leachate: Comparison between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Photo-Fenton with Different Pretreatments”, Water (2019), 11, 1849.


"Diseño y modelización de procesos de extrusión reactiva heterogénea en la fabricación de nitrocelulosa"

Jhiret Vargas Adame

Ángeles Blanco Suárez y Amalio Garrido Ovejero



Sin Publicaciones


"Eliminación de ácido peracético para la regeneración de efluentes industriales"

Borja Garrido Arias

Carlos Negro Álvarez y Noemí Merayo Cuevas



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Garrido Arias B., Merayo N., Millán A., Negro C. "Reclaimed water use in industrial cooling towers: Compability with TP11 biocides". Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (2021), 102227.
  2. Garrido Arias B., Merayo N., Millán A., Negro C. "Sustainable recovery of wastewater to be reused in cooling towers: Towards circular economy approach". Journal of Water Process Engineering 41 (2021), 102064.


"Imágenes ópticas y su tratamiento en el control de calidad de alimentos"

Sandra Pradana López

José Santiago Torrecilla Velasco



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Pradana-López S., Pérez-Calabuig A.M., Cancilla J.C., Otero L., Torrecilla J. “Single-digit ppm quantification of melamine in powdered milk driven by computer vision”. Food Control 131 (2022) 108424
  2. Pradana-López S., Pérez-Calabuig A.M., Rodrigo C., Lozano M.A., Cancilla J.C., Torrecilla J. “Low requirement imaging enables sensitive and robust rice adulteration quantification via transfer learning”. Food Control 127 (2021) 108122.
  3. Pradana-López S., Pérez-Calabuig A.M., Cancilla J.C., Lozano M.A., Rodrigo C., Mena M.L., Torrecilla J. “Deep transfer learning to verify quality and safety of ground coffee”. Food Control 122 (2021) 107801.


“Destilación extractiva de hidrocarburos aromáticos de corrientes de refinería con líquidos iónicos como agentes másicos de separación”


Miguel Aythami Ayuso Sebastián

Julián García González y Francisco Rodríguez Somolinos



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. P. Navarro, M. Larriba, N. Delgado-Mellado, M. Ayuso, M. Romero, J. García, F. Rodríguez, "Experimental screening towards developing ionic liquid-based extractive distillation in the dearomatization of refinery streams", Separation and Purification Technology (2018), 201, 268-275.
  2. M. Ayuso, P. Navarro, A. M. Palma, M. Larriba, N. Delgado-Mellado, J. García, F. Rodríguez, J. A. P. Coutinho, P. J. Carvalho, "Separation of benzene from methylcycloalkanes by extractive distillation with cyano-based ionic liquids: Experimental and CPA EoS modelling", Separation and Purification Technology (2020), 234, 116128.
  3. P. Navarro, M. Ayuso, A. M. Palma, M. Larriba, N. Delgado-Mellado, J. García, F. Rodríguez, J. A. P. Coutinho, P. J. Carvalho. "Toluene/n-Heptane Separation by Extractive Distillation with Tricyanomethanide-Based Ionic Liquids: Experimental and CPA EoS Modeling", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2018), 57, 14242-14253.
  4. M. Ayuso, P. Navarro, A. M. Palma, M. Larriba, N. Delgado-Mellado, J. García, F. Rodríguez, J. A. P. Coutinho, P. J. Carvalho, "Toward modeling the aromatic/aliphatic separation by extractive distillation with tricyanomethanide-based ionic liquids using CPA EoS", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2019), 58, 19681-19692.
  5. M. Ayuso, A. M. Palma, M. Larriba, N. Delgado-Mellado, J. García, F. Rodríguez, J. A. P. Coutinho, P. J. Carvalho, P. Navarro, "Experimental and CPA EoS description of the key components in the BTX separation from gasolines by extractive distillation with tricyanomethanide-based ionic liquids", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2020), 59, 15058-15068.
  6. M. Ayuso, P. Navarro, C. Moya, D. Moreno, J. Palomar, J. García, F. Rodríguez, "Extractive Distillation with Ionic Liquids To Separate Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene from Pyrolysis Gasoline: Process Design and Techno-Economic Comparison with the Morphylane Process", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (2022), 61, 2511-2523.


“Fraccionamiento de madera mediante un proceso ionosolv con líquidos iónicos próticos orientado al aprovechamiento de la lignina”

Antonio Ovejero Pérez

Mercedes Oliet Palá y Mª Virginia Alonso Rubio



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. A. Ovejero-Pérez, V. Rigual, J. C. Domínguez, M. V. Alonso, M. Oliet y F. Rodriguez. “Acidic depolymerization vs ionic liquid solubilization in lignin extraction from eucalyptus wood using the protic ionic liquid 1-methylimidazolium chloride”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2020). 5: 461-469.
  2. A. Ovejero-Pérez, M. Ayuso, V. Rigual, J. C. Domínguez, J. García, M. V. Alonso, M. Oliet y F. Rodriguez. “Technoeconomic Assessment of a Biomass Pretreatment + Ionic Liquid Recovery Process with Aprotic and Choline Derived Ionic Liquids”. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2021). 9(25): 8467-8476.
  3. A. Ovejero-Pérez, V. Rigual, J. C. Domínguez, M. V. Alonso, M. Oliet y F. Rodriguez. “Organosolv and ionosolv processes for autohydrolyzed poplar fractionation: Lignin recovery and characterization”. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2022). 197: 131-140.


“Eliminación de contaminantes emergentes presentes en aguas residuales sobre adsorbentes carbonosos. Modelado de lechos de adsorción”

Ana Belén Hernández Abreu

Vicente Ismael Águeda Mate ySilvia Álvarez Torrellas




Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Research article / Full paper: A.B. Hernández-Abreu, S. Álvarez-Torrellas, V.I. Águeda, M. Larriba, J.A. Delgado, P.A. Calvo, J. García, “New insights from modelling and estimation of mass transfer parameters in fixed-bed adsorption of Bisphenol A onto carbon materials”, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 228 (2020) 103566.
  2. Research article / Full paper: A.B. Hernández-Abreu, S. Álvarez-Torrellas, V.I. Águeda, M. Larriba, J.A. Delgado, P.A. Calvo, J. García, “Enhanced removal of the endocrine disruptor compound Bisphenol A by adsorption onto green-carbon materials. Effect of real effluents on the adsorption process”, Journal of Environmental Management 266 (2020) 110604.
  3. Research article / Full paper: A.B. Hernández-Abreu, S. Álvarez-Torrellas, R.P. Rocha, M.F.R. Pereira, V.I. Águeda, J.A. Delgado, M. Larriba, J. García, J.L. Figueiredo, “Effective adsorption of the endocrine disruptor compound Bisphenol A from water on surface-modified carbon materials”, Applied Surface Science 552 (2021) 149513.
  4. Capítulo de libro: Ana Belén Hernández-Abreu, Silvia Álvarez-Torrellas, V. Ismael Águeda Maté, José Antonio Delgado Dobladez, “Eliminación eficiente del antibiótico ciprofloxacina mediante adsorción utilizando xerogeles de carbono”, Tecnologías Avanzadas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales, pp. 460-473. Ed. Servicio de Publicaciones URJC, ISBN: 978-84-09-38258-3.


“Visión inteligente en el control de calidad y detección de fraudes del sector alimentario”

Ana Mª Pérez Calabuig

José Santiago Torrecilla Velasco



Sin Publicaciones


“Sustainable production of cellulose nanofibrils in paper industry. Producción sostenible de celulosa nanofibrilada en la industria papelera”

José Luis Sánchez Salvador

Ángeles Blanco Suárez y M. Concepción Monte Lara



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. A. Balea, J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, M.C. Monte, N. Merayo, C. Negro, A. Blanco. (2019). “In Situ Production and Application of Cellulose Nanofibers to Improve Recycled Paper Production”. Molecules 24(9), 1800. DOI: 10.3390/ molecules24091800.
  2. C. Negro, A. Balea, J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, C. Campano, E. Fuente, M.C. Monte, A. Blanco. (2020). “Nanocellulose and its potential use for sustainable industrial applications”. Latin American Applied Research 50(2), 59-64. DOI: 10.52292/ j.laar.2020.471.
  3. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, A. Balea, M.C. Monte, C. Negro, M. Miller, J. Olson, A. Blanco. (2020). “Comparison of mechanical and chemical nanocellulose as additives to reinforce recycled cardboard”. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-14. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60507-3.
  4. J.L. Sanchez‐Salvador, C. Campano, C. Negro, M.C. Monte, A. Blanco. (2021). “Increasing the Possibilities of TEMPO‐Mediated Oxidation in the Production of Cellulose Nanofibers by Reducing the Reaction Time and Reusing the Reaction Medium”. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 5(4), 2000277. DOI: 10.1002/ adsu.202000277.
  5. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, M.C. Monte, W. Batchelor, G. Garnier, C. Negro, A. Blanco. (2020). “Characterizing highly fibrillated nanocellulose by modifying the gel point methodology”. Carbohydrate polymers, 227, 115340. DOI: 10.1016/ j.carbpol.2019.115340.
  6. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, M.C. Monte, C. Negro, W. Batchelor, G. Garnier, A. Blanco. (2021). “Simplification of gel point characterization of cellulose nano and microfiber suspensions”. Cellulose, 28, 6995–7006.  DOI: 10.1007/s10570-021-4003-5.
  7. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, A. Balea, C. Negro, M.C. Monte, A. Blanco. (2022). “Gel point as measurement of dispersion degree of nanocellulose suspensions and its application in papermaking”. Nanomaterials, 12(5), 790. DOI: 10.3390/ nano12050790.
  8. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, C. Campano, P. Lopez-Exposito, Q. Tarrés, P. Mutjé, M. Delgado-Aguilar, M.C. Monte and A. Blanco. (2021). “Enhanced Morphological Characterization of Cellulose Nano/Microfibers through Image Skeleton Analysis”. Nanomaterials, 11(8), 2077. DOI: 10.3390/ nano11082077.
  9. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, C. Campano, A. Balea, Q. Tarres, M. Delgado-Aguilar, P. Mutje, A. Blanco, C. Negro. (2022). “Critical comparison of the properties of cellulose nanofibers produced from softwood and hardwood through enzymatic, chemical and mechanical processes”. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 205, 220-230. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.02.074.
  10. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, A. Balea, M.C. Monte, A. Blanco, C. Negro. (2019). “Pickering emulsions containing cellulose microfibers produced by mechanical treatments as stabilizer in the food industry”. Applied Sciences, 9(2), 359. DOI: 10.3390/app9020359.
  11. A. Balea, M.C. Monte, E. Fuente, J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, A. Blanco, C. Negro. (2019). “Cellulose nanofibers and chitosan to remove flexographic inks from wastewaters”. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5(9), 1558-1567. DOI: 10.1039/C9EW00434C.
  12. J.L. Sanchez-Salvador, A. Balea, M.C. Monte, A. Blanco, C. Negro. (2018). “Study of the reaction mechanism to produce nanocellulose-graft-chitosan polymer”. Nanomaterials, 8(11), 883. DOI: 10.3390/nano8110883.


“Remediación de suelos contaminados por residuos de la fabricación de lindano (Remediation of soil contaminated by residues from lindane production)”

Raúl García Cervilla

Aurora Santos López y David Lorenzo Fernández




Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Partitioning of chlorinated organic compounds from dense nonaqueous phase liquids and contaminated soils from lindane production wastes to the aqueous phase”. D. Lorenzo, R. García-Cervilla, A. Romero, A. Santos. Chemosphere, 239, 124798 (2020).
  2. Surfactant-Enhanced Solubilization of Chlorinated Organic Compounds Contained in DNAPL from Lindane Waste: Effect of Surfactant Type and pH”. R. García-Cervilla, A. Romero, A. Santos, D. Lorenzo. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 4494 (2020).
  3. Remediation of soil contaminated by lindane wastes using alkaline activated persulfate: Kinetic model”. R. García-Cervilla, A. Santos, A. Romero, D. Lorenzo. Chemical Engineering Journal, 393,124646 (2020).
  4. Partition of a mixture of chlorinated organic compounds in real contaminated soils between soil and aqueous phase using surfactants: Influence of pH and surfactant type. R. García-Cervilla, A. Santos, A. Romero, D. Lorenzo. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 105908 (2021).
  5. Compatibility of nonionic and anionic surfactants with persulfate activated by alkali in the abatement of chlorinated organic compounds in aqueous phase”. R. García-Cervilla, A. Santos, A. Romero, D. Lorenzo. Science of the Total Environment, 751, 141782 (2021).
  6. Abatement of chlorobenzenes in aqueous phase by persulfate activated by alkali enhanced by surfactant addition”. R. García-Cervilla, A. Santos, A. Romero, D. Lorenzo. Journal of Environmental Management, 306, 114475 (2022).
  7. Simultaneous addition of surfactant and oxidant to remediate a polluted soil with chlorinated organic compounds: Slurry and column experiments”.  R. García-Cervilla, A. Santos, A. Romero, D. Lorenzo. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 107625 (2022).


"Síntesis de materiales carbonosos a partir de lodos de depuradora y su aplicación en procesos de adsorción para la eliminación de pesticidas neonicotinoides"

Eva Sanz Santos

 José Antonio Delgado Dobladez



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Application of Sludge-Based Activated Carbons for the Effective Adsorption of Neonicotinoid Pesticides”. Sanz-Santos, E.; Álvarez-Torrellas, S.; Ceballos, L.; Larriba, M.; Águeda, V.I.; García, J. Applied Sciences, 11, 3087 (2021).
  2. Enhanced removal of neonicotinoid pesticides present in the Decision 2018/840/EU by new sewage sludge-based carbon materials”. Sanz-Santos, E.; Álvarez-Torrellas, S..; Larriba, M.; Calleja-Cascajero, D.; García, J. Journal of Environmental Management, 313, 115020 (2022).
  3. Activated carbons derived from biomass for the removal by adsorption of several pesticides from water”. Sanz-Santos, E.; Álvarez-Torrellas, S..; Larriba, M; García, J. In D. Giannakoudakis, L. Meili & I. Anastopoulos (Eds.) Advanced Materials for Sustainable Environmental Remediation (pp. 565-583). Elsevier (2022).


“Producción de ácido fumárico con Rhizopus arrhizus”

Víctor Martín Domínguez

Miguel Ladero Galán y Victoria Santos Mazorra



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Martín-Domínguez V., Estevez J., Ojembarrena F.B., Santos V.E., Ladero M. “Fumaric acid production: A biorefinery perspective”. Fermentation 4 (2), 33 (2018).
  2. Martín-Domínguez V., Bouzas-Santiso L., Martinez-Peinado N., Santos V.E., Ladero M. “Kinetic modelling of the coproduction process of fumaric and malic acids by Rhizopus arrhizus NRRL 1526”. Processes 8 (2), 188 (2020).
  3. Martín-Domínguez V., Alemán-Cabrera P.I., Eidt L., Pruesse U., Kuenz A., Ladero M., Santos V.E. “Production of fumaric acid by Rhizopus arrhizus NRRL 1526: A simple production medium and the kinetic modelling of the bioprocess”. Fermentation 8 (2), 64 (2022).
  4. Martin-Dominguez V., Garcia-Montalvo J., Garcia-Martin A., Ladero M., Santos V.E. “Fumaric Acid Production by arrhizus NRRL 1526 Using Apple Pomace Enzymatic Hydrolysates: Kinetic Modelling”. Processes. 10(12):2624 (2022).


“Formulación de ionogeles e hidrogeles de celulosa procedente del fraccionamiento de la madera y su aplicación en la impresión 3D”

Cynthia Elizabeth Hopson Safatli

M. Virginia Alonso Rubio y Mercedes Oliet Palá



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Hopson C., Villar-Chavero M.M., Domínguez J.C., Alonso M.V., Oliet M., Rodriguez F. “Cellulose ionogels, a perspective of the last decade: A review”. Carbohydrate Polymers 274, 118663 (2021).
  2. Hopson C., Rigual V., Domínguez J.C., Alonso M.V., Oliet M., Rodríguez F. “A new approach for the use of cellulose-rich solids from biorefinery in the formulation of gel-like materials”. Industrial Crops and Products 186, 115230 (2022).
  3. Hopson C., Rigual V., Alonso M.V., Oliet M., Rodriguez F. “Eucalyptus bleached kraft pulp-ionic liquid inks for 3D printing of ionogels and hydrogels”. Carbohydrate Polymers 313, 120897 (2023).


“Producción de ácido succínico mediante actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z”

tziar Arias Escanciano

Victoria Santos Mazorra y Miguel Ladero Galán



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Escanciano I. A., Wojtusik M., Esteban J., Ladero M., Santos V.E. “Modeling the Succinic Acid Bioprocess: A Review”. Fermentation 8(8), 368 (2022).
  2. Escanciano I. A., Ladero M., Santos V.E. “On the succinic acid production from xylose by growing and resting cells of Actinobacillus succinogenes: a comparison”. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 1-14 (2022).
  3. Escanciano I. A., Ladero M., Santos V.E., Blanco A. “Development of a Simple and Robust Kinetic Model for the Production of Succinic Acid from Glucose Depending on Different Operating Conditions”. Fermentation 9(3), 222 (2023).
  4. Escanciano I. A., Ripoll V., Ladero M., Santos V.E. “Study on the Operational Modes Using Both Growing and Resting Cells for Succinic Acid Production from Xylose Kinetic Modelling”. Fermentation 9(7):663 (2023).
  5. Escanciano I. A., Santos V.E., Blanco A., Ladero M. “Bioproduction of succinic acid from potato waste. Kinetic modelling”. Industrial Crops and Products 203, 117124 (2023).
  6. Escanciano I. A., Blanco A., Santos V.E., Ladero M. “Integral Use of Brewery Wastes as Carbon and Nitrogen Sources for the Bioproduction of Succinic Acid”. Available at SSRN:


“Tratamiento de efluentes acuosos con contaminantes emergentes presentes en las Listas de Observación de la Unión Europea”

Pablo Gutiérrez Sánchez

Juan García Rodríguez y Silvia Álvarez Torrellas



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Gutiérrez-Sánchez P., Navarro P., Álvarez-Torrellas S., García J., Larriba M. “Extraction of neonicotinoid pesticides from aquatic environmental matrices with sustainable terpenoids and eutectic solvents”. Separation and Purification Technology, 302, 122148 (2022).
  2. Gutiérrez-Sánchez P., Rodríguez-Llorente D., Navarro P., Águeda V.I., Álvarez-Torrellas S., García J., Larriba M. “Extraction of antibiotics identified in the EU Watch List 2020 from hospital wastewater using hydrophobic eutectic solvents and terpenoids”. Separation and Purification Technology, 282, 120117 (2022).
  3. Gutiérrez-Sánchez P., Álvarez-Torrellas S., Larriba M., Victoria Gil M., Garrido-Zoido J. M., García J. “Influence of transition metal-based activating agent on the properties and catalytic activity of sewage sludge-derived catalysts. Insights on mechanism, DFT calculation and degradation pathways”. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 381, 121840 (2023).
  4. Gutiérrez-Sánchez P., Álvarez-Torrellas S., Larriba M., Gil M.V., Garrido-Zoido J. M., García J. “Efficient removal of antibiotic ciprofloxacin by catalytic wet air oxidation using sewage sludge-based catalysts: Degradation mechanism by DFT studies”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(2), 109344 (2023).


“Valorización de subproductos de la tecnología OSCAR en el tratamiento de lodos con elevada carga orgánica”

Javier Cañas Jiménez

Juan García Rodríguez y Silvia Álvarez Torrellas



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Cañas, J., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Hermana, B., García, J. "Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge as struvite". Water, 15(13), 2382  (2023).
  2. Cañas, J., Álvarez-Torrellas, S., Hermana, B., Águeda, V.I, Garcia, J. Book Chapter: "Revision of the most harmful organic compounds present in sewage and sludge". Book: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (HEC)-Emerging Pollutants in Sewage Sludge and Soils, eds. by Dr. Avelino Núñez-Delgado & Dr. Manuel Arias-Estévez. Springer, 114, 1-20 (2022).


“Eliminación de contaminantes orgánicos en sedimentos y suelos mediante oxidación química (Removal of organic pollutants in sediments and soils by chemical oxidation)”

Cristina Alicia Checa Fernández

Carmen M. Domínguez Torre y Aurora Santos López



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Domínguez C.M., Romero A., Checa-Fernández A., Santos A. “Remediation of HCHs-contaminated sediments by chemical oxidation treatments”. Science of the Total Environment, 751, 141754 (2021).
  2. Domínguez C.M., Checa-Fernández A., Romero A., Santos A. “Degradation of HCHs by thermally activated persulfate in soil system. Effect of temperature and oxidant concentration”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 105668 (2021).
  3. Checa-Fernández A., Santos A., Romero A., Domínguez C.M. “Remediation of real soil polluted with hexachlorocyclohexanes (a-HCH and b-HCH) using combined thermal and alkaline activation of persulfate: Optimization of the operating conditions”. Separation and Purification Technology, 270, 118795 (2021).
  4. Checa-Fernández A., Santos A., Conte L.O., Romero A., Domínguez C.M. “Enhanced remediation of a real HCH-polluted soil by the synergetic alkaline and ultrasonic activation of persulfate”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 440, 135901 (2022).
  5. Santos A., García-Cervilla R., Checa-Fernández A., Domínguez C.M., Lorenzo D. “Acute Toxicity Evaluation of Lindane-Waste Contaminated Soils Treated by Surfactant-Enhanced ISCO”. Molecules, 27, 2985 (2022).
  6. Domínguez C.M., Ventura P., Checa-Fernández A., Santos A. “Comprehensive study of acute toxicity using Microtox® bioassay in soils contaminated by lindane wastes”, Science of The Total Environment, 856, 159146 (2023).
  7. Checa-Fernández A., Santos A., Romero A., Domínguez C.M. “Remediation of real soils polluted with pesticides by activated persulfate and surfactant addition”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 53, 103829 (2023).


“Eliminación de contaminantes y recuperación de compuestos de interés de aguas residuales mediante extracción líquido-líquido con terpenos y disolventes eutécticos / Removal of pollutants and of compounds of interest from wastewater by liquid-liquid extraction with terpenes and eutectic solvents”

Diego Rodríguez Llorente

Juan García Rodríguez y Marcos Larriba Martínez



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Rodríguez-Llorente D., Cañada-Barcala A., Álvarez-Torrellas S., Águeda V.I., García J., Larriba M. “A Review of the Use of Eutectic Solvents, Terpenes and Terpenoids in Liquid-Liquid Extraction Processes”, Processes, 8(10), 1220 (2020).
  2. Rodríguez-Llorente D., Cañada-Barcala A., Muñoz C., Pascual-Muñoz G., Navarro P., Santiago R., Águeda V.I., Álvarez-Torrellas S., García J., Larriba M. “Separation of phenols from aqueous streams using terpenoids and hydrophobic eutectic solvents”, Separation and Purification Technology, 251, 117379 (2020).
  3. Rodríguez-Llorente D., Navarro P., Santiago R., Águeda V.I., Álvarez-Torrellas S., García J., Larriba M. “Extractive removal and recovery of bisphenol A from aqueous solutions using terpenoids and hydrophobic eutectic solvents”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(5), 106128 (2021).
  4. Rodríguez-Llorente D., Martín-Gutiérrez D., Suárez-Rodríguez P., Navarro P., Álvarez-Torrellas S., García J., Larriba M. “Sustainable recovery of phenolic antioxidants from real olive vegetation water with natural hydrophobic eutectic solvents and terpenoids”, Environmental Research, 220, 115207 (2023).
  5. Rodríguez-Llorente D., Bengoa A., Pascual-Muñoz G., Navarro P., Águeda V.I., Delgado J.A., Álvarez-Torrellas S., García J., Larriba M. “Sustainable Recovery of Volatile Fatty Acids from Aqueous Solutions Using Terpenoids and Eutectic Solvents”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7(19), 16786 (2019).
  6. Rodríguez-Llorente D., Liu Y., de Mello J.C., García J., Larriba M. “Flow-based recovery of acetic acid from aqueous solutions using bio-derived ter-penes as extracting solvents”, Separation and Purification Technology, 324 (2023).
  7. Rodríguez-Llorente D., Hernández E., Gutiérrez-Sánchez P., Navarro P., Águeda V.I., Álvarez-Torrellas S., García J., Larriba M. “Extraction of pharmaceuticals from hospital wastewater with eutectic solvents and terpenoids: Computational, experimental, and simulation studies”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 451, 138544 (2023).
  8. Rodríguez-Llorente D., García-Fernández de la Puente E., García J., Larriba M. “Novel approach for azole fungicides extraction from aqueous environments using terpenes and eutectic solvents”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(5), 110562 (2023).


“Mecanismos y cinéticas de descomposición de líquidos iónicos”

Noelia García Somoza

Julián García González y Pedro Yustos Cuesta



Sin Publicaciones


“Utilización de nanocelulosa en tratamientos avanzados de aguas residuales/Application of nanocelluloses in advanced wastewater treatments”

Francisco de Borja Ojembarrena Jiménez

Carlos Negro Álvárez y Noemí Merayo Cuevas (UPM)



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Ojembarrena F.d.B., Sánchez-Salvador J.L., Mateo S., Balea A., Blanco A., Merayo N., Negro C. “Modeling of Hexavalent Chromium Removal with Hydrophobically Modified Cellulose Nanofibers”, Polymers14(16), 3425 (2022).
  2. Ojembarrena F.d.B., Sammaraie H., Campano C., Blanco A., Merayo N., Negro C. “Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Industrial Wastewater by Adsorption and Reduction onto Cationic Cellulose Nanocrystals”, Nanomaterials, 12(23), 4172 (2022).
  3. Ojembarrena F.d.B., García S., Merayo N., Blanco A., Negro C. “Ni(II) and Pb(II) Removal Using Bacterial Cellulose Membranes”, Polymers, 15(18), 3684 (2023).
  4. Ojembarrena F.d.B., Fuente E., Blanco A., Negro C. “Cr(VI) Removal from Fiber Cement Process Waters: A Techno-economic Assessment”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 57, 104594 (2024).
  5. Ojembarrena F.d.B., Merayo N., Blanc, A., Negro C., van Hullebusch E.D. “Smart Sorption: Novel applications of cellulosic nanomaterials for selective critical metal recovery from black mass leachates through multibatch processes”, Separation and Purification Technology, 341, 126940 (2024).


“Valorización de CO2 a metanol en un reactor PSA”

Gonzalo Pascual Muñoz

José Antonio Delgado Dobladez y Marcos Larriba Martínez



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Dobladez J.A.D. Maté V.I.Á.  Torrellas S.Á.  Larriba M.  Pascual Muñoz G., Alberola Sánchez R. “Comparative simulation study of methanol production by CO2 hydrogenation with 3A, 4A and 5A zeolites as adsorbents in a PSA reactor”,  Separation and Purification Technology, 262, 118292 (2021).
  2. Pascual-Muñoz G., Cañada-Barcala A., Alberola R.,  Álvarez-Torrellas S.,  Larriba M.,  Águeda V.I.,  Delgado J.A. “Improvement of methanol production from carbon dioxide and hydrogen by a sorption enhanced reaction process”, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 86, 1081-1086 (2021).
  3. Pascual-Muñoz, G. Calero-Berrocal, R.  Larriba, M.  Águeda, V.I.  Delgado, J.A. “Influence of sodium and potassium proportion on the adsorption of methanol and water on LTA zeolites at high temperature”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 360, 112669 (2023).
  4. Pascual-Muñoz, G. Calero-Berrocal, R.  Larriba, M.  Ismael Águeda, V.  Antonio Delgado, J. “Experimental PSA reactor for methanol-enhanced production VIA CO2 hydrogenation”, Separation and Purification Technology, 351, 128030 (2024). 


“Producción enzimática de oligosacáridos a partir de residuos agroalimentarios”

Alberto García Martín

Miguel Ladero Galán y Pedro Yustos Cuesta



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Cano M.E., García-Martin A., Morales P.C., Wojtusik M., Santos V.E., Kovensky J., Ladero M. “Production of oligosaccharides from agrofood wastes”, Fermentation, 6 (1), 31 (2020).
  2. Cano M.E., García-Martín A., Ladero M., Lesur D., Pilard S., Kovensky J. “A simple procedure to obtain a medium-size oligogalacturonic acids fraction from orange peel and apple pomace wastes”, Food Chemistry, 346, 128909 (2021).
  3. Morales P.C., García-Martín A., Ladero M. “Pectooligosaccharides rich in galacturonic acid produced from Orange Processing Waste by autohydrolysis: Process optimization and kinetic analysis”, Bioresource Technology Reports, 21, 101369 (2023). 


“Análisis del comportamiento medioambiental de aceros y recubrimientos para su utilización en turbinas de vapor supercrítico”

Marcos Baranda Fernández

Francisco Javier Pérez Trujillo y Ricardo Díaz Martín y Carlos Mayo del Río



Sin Publicaciones


“Ingeniería de biocatalizadores enzimáticos para la intensificación de bioprocesos oxidativos”

Álvaro Lorente Arévalo

Juan Manuel Bolívar Bolívar



Publicaciones derivadas:


  1. Lorente-Arevalo A., Ladero M., Bolivar J.M. “Intensification of oxygen-dependent biotransformations catalyzed by immobilized enzymes”, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 32, 100544 (2021).
  2. Lorente-Arevalo A., Ladero M., Bolivar J.M. “Framework of the kinetic analysis of O2-dependent oxidative biocatalysts for reaction intensification Reaction”, Chemistry and Engineering, 6 (11), 2058-2074 (2021).
  3. Lorente-Arevalo A., Orellana G., Ladero M., Bolivar J.M. “Overcoming Biochemical Limitations of Galactose Oxidase through the Design of a Solid-Supported Self-Sufficient Biocatalyst”, ChemBioChem, 24 (24), e202300421 (2023).