- SaludDigitalEdu Workshop [Thursday 17th of October, 2024- Facultad de Educación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid]
- Activity for the Week of Science and Innovation 2024 "Digital Diary Workshop" [Wednesday 13th of November, 2024- Facultad de Educación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid]
- Co-creation workshops with Laura Swarc
- Workshop "Digital discursive strategies for teacher training. Anger as a mobilising emotion for the development of critical pedagogies of gender". 18 diciembre 2023, Facultad de Educación UCM. Coordinado por S. Vázquez Cupeiro (PIONEERED &REMUVIC), M.J. Camacho-Miñano (SaludDigitalEdu) y S. Núñez Puente y D. Fernández (REMUVIC).
- Workshop Gender, Digital Health and Sport "Producing new knowledge about gender and sport through ‘moving’ arts. 11 y 13 diciembre 2023, Facultad Educación UCM, con la colaboración del Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas de la UCM.
- Activity for the Week of Science and Innovacion 2023. "Hacking digital health: Creative workshops for a critical education” [Wednesday 15th of November, 2023- Facultad de Educación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid]
- Online Seminar “Digital Diaries in research with young people” [Wednesday 17th of January, 2023]