Grupos de investigación


El grupo ha publicado 362/401 trabajos (según Scopus/Google Scholar del Portal bibliométrico UCM; la lista completa se puede consultar en dicha base de datos: en revistas del área de química analítica, alimentos, medioambiente, análisis biomédico, materiales, etc. El 70% de las publicaciones están en el Q1 y el 30% de ellas en el D1. Las principales revistas en las que el grupo ha publicado sus resultados son: TRAC (7.407), Anal Chem (6,986), Anal Chim Acta (6,558), Talanta (6,057), J Chromatography A (4,759), Food Chem (6,306), Nature Communications (11.329), Nanotoxicology (4,925), Science Total Environment (7,963), Environmental Science and Technology (9,028), entre otras.

Además, el grupo en su conjunto ha publicado más de 30 capítulos de libro de docencia e investigación. Así como varias revisiones científicas de libros de texto del área de química analítica. Por último el grupo ha generado 4 patentes, 1 de ellas en explotación (Empresa Samtack) relacionada con la creación de un material multicapa con capacidad antioxidante mediante la incorporación de nanoparticulas de selenio.

Publicaciones 2025

Evaluación del riesgo tóxico del uso de envases alimentarios antimicrobianos





HILIC-DAD Method for Simultaneous Determination of Acid and Basic Drugs: Application to the Quantitation of Ibuprofen, Atenolol, and Salbutamol in Urine After Solid-Phase Extraction

Autores: Noelia Rosales-Conrado, Laura Pedrera-Cajas, Elvira Soliño-Rodríguez and María Eugenia León-González

Revista: Separations 2025, 12, 26.


Publicado: Received: 18 December 2024, Revised: 22 January 2025, Accepted: 24 January 2025, Published: 26 January 2025



In vitro gastrointestinal stability and Caco-2 cell cytotoxicity of TiO2 and SiO2 (nano)particles from confectionary products

Autores: Elena Espada-Bernabé, Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Food Research International. Volume 202, February 2025, 115754


Publicado: Received 21 June 2024, Revised 9 January 2025, Accepted 14 January 2025, Available online 17 January 2025, Version of Record 24 January 2025

Publicaciones 2024

Identifying a Potential New Weapon against AKI in Cisplatin-Treated Patients

Autores: Lara Valiño Rivas, Maria Angeles Gonzalez-Nicolas, Estefanía Moreno-Gordaliza,  Elena Vázquez Ogando, Milagros Gómez-Gómez, Alberto Lazaro Fernandez

Revista: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 35(10S):10.1681/ASN.2024dtcwag1h, October 2024.


Publicado: Octubre 2024


Investigating the presence of selenoneine, ergothioneine and selenium-containing biomolecules in fish and fish-derived commercial products

Autores: Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Emma Gracia-Lor, Teresa Pérez-Corona, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: J. Agric. Food Chem. 2024,


Publicado: Received 9 June 2024, Revised 17 October 2024, Accepted 4 November 2024


Exploring mercury detoxification in fish: the role of selenium from tuna byproduct diets for sustainable aquaculture.

Autores: Khouloud El Hanafi, Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Laurent Ouerdane, Warren T. Corns, Maite Bueno, Stéphanie Fontagné-Dicharry, David Amouroux, Zoyne Pedrero

Revista: Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 480, 5 December 2024, 135779


Publicado: Received 13 June 2024, Revised 4 September 2024, Accepted 6 September 2024, Available online 12 September 2024



Unlocking the in vitro neuroprotection of sloe residues phenolic extracts by bioanalytical and chemometric strategies

Autores: Esther Gómez-Mejía, David Vicente-Zurdo, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González

Referencia: Food Chemistry, Volume 463, Part 2, 15 January 2025, 141208

DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.141208

Publicado: Received 12 July 2024, Revised 5 September 2024, Accepted 7 September 2024, Available online 10 September 2024, Version of Record 12 September 2024.



Development of a fast and low-cost aqueous based-extraction protocol for
the simultaneous extraction and characterization of SiO2 and TiO2 (nano)
particles in confectionary products

Autores: Elena Espada-Bernabé, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta 1323 (2024) 343058


Received 22 December 2023; Received in revised form 5 July 2024; Accepted 2 August 2024



Se and Hg in processed fish-derived products and their fish raw materials: Occurrence, Se:Hg molar ratio, HBVSe index, bioaccessibility and Caco-2 cells toxicity

Autores: Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Emma Gracia-Lor , Teresa Pérez-Corona , Yolanda Madrid    

Revista: Food Research International 192 (2024) 114851 


Publicado: Received 21 May 2024; Received in revised form 18 July 2024; Accepted 26 July 2024



In vitro approach to refine bioconcentration and biotransformation predictions of organic persistent pollutants using cell lines.

Autores: P. De Oro-Carretero and J. Sanz-Landaluze.

Revista: Chemosphere, Volume 364, September 2024, 143020

Received 22 April 2024, Revised 12 June 2024, Accepted 2 August 2024, Available online 3 August 2024, Version of Record 7 August 2024.



Novel Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy for Cancer Treatment Based on 2′-Deoxyribosyltransferase-Conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles.

Autores: Elena Pérez, Javier Acosta, Victor Pisabarro, José C.S. dos Santos, Jon Sanz-Landaluze, Juan Gallo, Manuel Bañobre-López, Jesús Fernández-Lucas.

Revista: Biomolecules 2024, 14(8), 894;

Submission received: 1 June 2024 / Revised: 12 July 2024 / Accepted: 22 July 2024 / Published: 24 July 2024



Untargeted metabolomics analysis of serum and urine unveils the protective effect of cilastatin on altered metabolic pathways during cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury

Autores: Estefanía Moreno-Gordaliza, M Ángeles González-Nicolás, Alberto Lázaro, Coral Barbas, M Milagros Gómez-Gómez, Ángeles López-Gonzálvez

Revista: Biochemical Pharmacology, 2024 Volumen 227, Páginas 116435

Received 15 March 2024, Revised 26 June 2024, Accepted 15 July 2024, Available online 19 July 2024, Version of Record 19 July 2024.



Selenium‑enriched fermented beverage with improved sensorial properties using lactic acid bacteria  

Autores:  Fernando Gabriel Martínez, Gustavo Moreno‑Martín, Florencia Mohamed, Micaela Pescuma, Yolanda Madrid‑Albarrán, Fernanda Mozzi

Revista: Journal of Food Science and Technology.

Revised: 26 February 2024; Accepted: 05 April 2024; Published: 29 May 2024


A Comprehensive Analytical Review of Polyphenols: Evaluating Neuroprotection in Alzheimer’s Disease.

Autores: Vicente-Zurdo D, Gómez-Mejía E, Rosales-Conrado N, León-González ME.

Revista: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(11):5906.

Publicado: Submission received: 14 April 2024 / Revised: 24 May 2024 / Accepted: 27 May 2024 / Published: 28 May 2024.


Workflow to facilitate the detection of new psychoactive substances and drugs of abuse in influent urban wastewater

Autores: R. Bade, D. van Herwerden, N. Rousis, S. Adhikari, D. Allen, C. Baduel, l. Bijlsma, T. Boogaerts, D. Burgard, A. Chappell, E.M. Driver, F. F. Sodre, D. Fatta-Kassinos, E. Gracia-Lor, E. Gracia-Marín, R.U. Halden, E. Heath, E. Jaunay, A. Krotulski, F.Y. Lai, A.S.C. Love, J.W O'Brien, J-E Oh, D. Pasin, M.P. Castro, M. Psichoudaki, N. Salgueiro-Gonzalez, C.S. Gomes, B. Subedi, K.V. Thomas, N. Thomaidis, D.Wang, V. Yargeau, S. Samaipour, J. Mueller

Revista: Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 4695 May 2024 Article number 133955

Publicado: Available online 5 March 2024, Version of Record 8 March 2024.


Influence of COVID-19 restrictions on illicit drug and benzodiazepine consumption in six Spanish cities.

Autores: Emma Gracia-Lora, Azara Pérez-Valenciano, Paloma De Oro-Carretero, Lorena Ramírez-García, Jon Sanz-Landaluze, Mª Justina Martín-Gutiérrez.

Revista: Science of the Total Environment, Volume 935, 20 July 2024, 173356.

Publicado: Received 22 January 2024, Revised 17 May 2024, Accepted 17 May 2024, Available online 19 May 2024, Version of Record 25 May 2024.



Human intake assessment of triclosan associated with the daily use of polypropylene-made antimicrobial food packaging

Autores: Miguel Klaiber, Estefanía Moreno-Gordaliza, M. Milagros Gómez-Gómez, M. Dolores Marazuela

Revista: Food Chemistry, Volume 451, 2024, 139475.  

Publicado: Received 18 November 2023, Revised 15 March 2024, Accepted 22 April 2024, Available online 24 April 2024, Version of Record 27 April 2024.



Mechanistic Insights into the Antitumoral Potential and in-vivo Antiproliferative Efficacy of a Silver-Based Core@Shell Nanosystem

Autores: G. Aragoneses-Cazorla, A. Martinez-Lopez, R. Alvarez-Fernandez Garcia, M. M. Gómez-Gómez; M. Vallet-Regí, S. Castillo-Lluva, B. González; J. L. Luque-García

Revista: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 655 (2024 ), 124023-34.

Publicado: Received 8 January 2024, Revised 7 March 2024, Accepted 18 March 2024, Available online 19 March 2024, Version of Record 22 March 2024.



(Bio)analytical approaches for investigating the role of selenium in preventing neurological disorders and neurotoxicity induced by environmental neurotoxicants : As, Cd, and Hg 

Autores: Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Yolanda Madrid    

Revista: Trends in Analytical Chemistry 174 (2024) 117661 


Publicado: Received 21 December 2023; Received in revised form 20 March 2024; Accepted 21 March 2024



The Potential of Plum Seed Residue: Unraveling the Effect of Processing on Phytochemical Composition and Bioactive Properties.

Autores: Sandra Rodríguez-Blázquez, Laura Predera-Cajas, Esther Gómez-Mejía, David Vicente-Zurdo, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, Juan José Rodríguez-Bencomo, Rubén Miranda

Revista: International Journal of Molecular Science, Volume 25, 2024, 1236

Publicado: Received: 20 December 2023 / Revised: 12 January 2024 / Accepted: 17 January 2024 / Published: 19 January 2024


Fish acute toxicity of nine nanomaterials: Need of pre-tests to ensure comparability and reuse of data

Autores: Gerardo Pulido-Reyes, Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, José María Navas, Yolanda Madrid, María Luisa Fernádez-Cruz.

Revista: Environmental Research (2024), 245, 118072


Received 25 October 2023, Revised 5 December 2023, Accepted 26 December 2023, Available online 28 December 2023, Version of Record 3 January 2024



Aflatoxin detoxification by thermal cooking treatment and evaluation of in vitro bioaccessibility from white and brown rice.

Autores: Ivan  Romero-Sanchez, Emma Gracia-Lor, Yolanda Madrid-Albarran

Revista: Food Chemistry Volume 436, 15 March 2024, 137738


Received 7 May 2023, Revised 28 August 2023, Accepted 10 October 2023, Available online 14 October 2023, Version of Record 18 October 2023



Unravelling the in vitro and in vivo potential of selenium nanoparticles in Alzheimer's disease: A bioanalytical review

Autores: David Vicente-Zurdo, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González

Revista: Talanta, Volume 269, 2024, 125519


Publicado:  Received 25 July 2023, Revised 30 November 2023, Accepted 3 December 2023, Available online 7 December 2023, Version of Record 11 December 2023.


Publicaciones 2023


DNA-Modulated and Mechanoresponsive Excitonic Couplings Reveal Chiroptical Correlation of Conformation, Tension, and Dynamics of DNA Self-Assembly

Autores: Xiaomei Mo, Huacheng Li, Pan Tang, Yaya Hao, Bingqian Dong, M. Dolores Marazuela, M. Milagros Gomez-Gomez, Xianfeng Zhu, Qian Li, Beatriz L. Maroto, Shuoxing Jiang, Chunhai Fan, and Xiang Lan

Revista: Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 24, 11734–1174,


Publicado:  Received 22 September 2023;  Accepted 7 December 2023; Revised 6 December 2023; Published online 11 December 2023; Published in issue 2 7 December 2023



Valorization of Defatted Cherry Seed Residues from Liquor Processing by Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Extraction: A Sustainable Strategy for Production of Phenolic-Rich Extracts with Antioxidant Potential 

Autores: Rodríguez-Blázquez, Sandra, Lorena Fernández-Ávila, Esther Gómez-Mejía, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, and Rubén Miranda

Revista: Antioxidants (2023) no. 12: 2041


Publicado:  Received: 29 September 2023;  Revised: 17 November 2023; Accepted: 21 November 2023; Published: 24 November 2023


Single‑cell ICP‑MS for evaluating the Se‑protective effect against MeHg+‑induced neurotoxicity in human neuroblastoma cell line (SH‑SY5Y)  
Autores: Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, David Vicente-Zurdo, Yolanda Madrid    
Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023)
Publicado:  Received: 18 August 2023 / Revised: 6 October 2023 / Accepted: 26 October 2023 / Published: 14 November 2023



Valorization of Prunus Seed Oils: Fatty Acids Composition and Oxidative Stability

Autores: Rodríguez-Blázquez, Sandra, Esther Gómez-Mejía, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, Beatriz García-Sánchez, and Ruben Miranda.

Revista: Molecules 2023, 28, no. 20: 7045.


Publicado: Received: 14 September 2023; Revised: 9 October 2023; Accepted: 10 October 2023; Published: 12 October 2023

Selenium Health Benefit Values and Hg and Se speciation studies for elucidating the quality and safety of highly consumed fish species and fish-derived products 
Autores: Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Emma Gracia-Lor, Teresa Pérez-Corona, Yolanda Madrid    
Revista: Food Chemistry 435 (2024) 137544
Publicado: Received 1 May 2023, Revised 6 September 2023, Accepted 19 September 2023, Available online 21 September 2023
Miniaturized method for the quantification of persistent organic pollutants and their metabolites in HepG2 cells: assessment of their biotransformation
Autores: Paloma De Oro-Carretero, Jon Sanz-Landaluze
Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415 (2023) 4813–4825
Received 8 March 2023; Revised 22 May 2023; Accepted 30 May 2023; Published 8 June 2023



Assessing the behaviour of particulate/nanoparticulate form of E171 (TiO2) food additive in colored chocolate candies before and after in vitro oral ingestion by spICP-MS, TEM and cellular in vitro models

Autores: Elena Espada-Bernabé, Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Food Chemistry 432 (2024) 137201


Received 16 May 2023; Received in revised form 10 July 2023; Accepted 16 August 2023; Available online 18 August 2023


Festivals following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions: Prevalence of new psychoactive substances and illicit drugs.

Autores: N. Rousis, R. Bade, I. Romero-Sánchez, J.F. Mueller, N.S. Thomaidis, K.V. Thomas, E. Gracia-Lor

Revista: Environment International 178 (2023)108075



Three years of wastewater surveillance for new psychoactive substances from 16 countries.

Autores: R. Bade, N. Rousis, S. Adhikari, C. Baduel, L. Bijlsma, E. Bizani, T.Boogaerts, D.A. Burgard, S. Castiglioni, A. Chappell, A. Covaci, E.M. Driver,F.F Sodre, D. Fatta-Kassinos, A. Galani, C. Gerber, E. Gracia-Lor, E. Gracia-Marín, R.U. Halden, E. Heath, F. Hernandez, E. Jaunay, F.Y. Lai, H-J. Lee, M. Laimou-Geraniou, J-E. Oh, K. Olafsdottir, K. Phung, M.P. Castro, M. Psichoudaki, X. Shao, N. Salgueiro-Gonzalez, R.S. Feitosa, C.S. Gomes, B. Subedi, A.S.C. Löve, N. Thomaidis, D. Tran, A. van Nuijs, T. Verovšek, D. Wang, J.M. White, V. Yargeau, E. Zuccato, J.F. Mueller

Revista: Water Research X, 19 (2023) 100179


Received 20 December 2022, Revised 13 March 2023, Accepted 5 April 2023, Available online 6 April 2023, Version of Record 25 April 2023.

Wastewater-based epidemiology as a surveillance tool to assess human consumption of psychotropic substances: alcohol, nicotine and caffeine as case studies.

Autores: N. Rousis, R. Bade, E. Gracia-Lor

Revista: Trends in Analytical Chemistry 167 (2023) 117230


Valorization of Citrus reticulata Blanco Peels to Produce Enriched Wheat Bread: Phenolic Bioaccessibility and Antioxidant Potential

Autores: Esther Gómez-Mejía, Iván Sacristán, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Antioxidants, Volume 12(9), September 2023, 1742


Publicado: Received: 28 July 2023 / Revised: 28 August 2023 / Accepted: 6 September 2023 / Published: 8 September 2023


Determinación de especies de selenio y mercurio en pescados de elevado consumo mediante HPLC-ICP-MS y HPLC-ESI-MS/MS

Autores: Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Emma Gracia-Lor, Teresa Pérez-Corona, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Actualidad Analítica 2023, nº81, 47-51

Fecha: Marzo 2023 

Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics analysis reveals the biomolecular mechanisms associated to the antitumoral potential of a novel silver-based core@shell nanosystem.

Autores: G. Aragoneses-Cazorla; M. Vallet-Regí; M. M. Gómez-Gómez; B. González; J. L. Luque-García.

Revista: Microchimica Acta 2023, 190, 132-145.


Fecha: 2023 Mar 13


Risk assessment of silver and microplastics release from antibacterial food containers under conventional use and microwave heating

Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, M.D. Marazuela, M.M. Gómez-Gómez..

Revista: Food Chemistry 2023, 420, 136097-136107.


Fecha: 2023 Apr 8

Simple and rapid formic acid sample treatment for the isolation of HgSe nanoparticles from animal tissues. 
Autores: K.El Hanafi, B. Gomez-Gomez; Z.Pedrero, P.Bustamante, Y.Cherel, D.Amouroux, Y.Madrid. 
Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta 2023, 1250, 340952. 
Fecha publicación: 15 abril 2023



Ultraviolet applications to control patulin produced by Penicillium expansum CMP-1 in apple products and study of further patulin degradation products formation and toxicity.

Autores: Iolanda Nicolau‑Lapeña, Juan José Rodríguez‑Bencomo, Pilar Colás‑Medà Inmaculada Viñas, Vicente Sanchis, Isabel Alegre. 

Revista: Food and Bioprocess Technology 16 (2023) 804–823.


Fecha: Disponible online 17 diciembre 2022.

Effect of Storage and Drying Treatments on Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Composition of Lemon and Clementine Peel Extracts

Autores: Esther Gómez‑Mejía, Iván Sacristán, Noelia Rosales‑Conrado, María Eugenia León‑González, Yolanda Madrid

Revista:  Molecules 2023, 28(4), 1624


Publicado: 8 Febrero 2023


Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation of BDE-47 Using Zebrafish Eleutheroembryos (Danio rerio)

Paloma De Oro-Carretero, Jon Sanz-Landaluze

Revista: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Volume 42, Issue 4 (April 2023), Pages 835-845


First published: 27 January 2023


Cytotoxicity, uptake and accumulation of selenium nanoparticles and other selenium species in neuroblastoma cell lines related to Alzheimer’s disease by using cytotoxicity assays, TEM and single cell-ICP-MS
Autores: David Vicente‑Zurdo, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Iván Romero-Sánchez, Noelia Rosales‑Conrado, María Eugenia León‑González, Yolanda Madrid
Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta 1249 (2023) 340949
Disponible online 6 Febrero 2023
Selenium stress response of the fruit origin strain Fructobacillus tropaeoli CRL 2034  
Fernando Gabriel Martínez, Gustavo Moreno‑Martin, Fernanda Mozzi, Yolanda Madrid, Micaela Pescuma  
Revista:  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Disponible online 21 January 2023




Evaluation of the transformation of selenite and selenium nanoparticles to seleno-amino acids produced by Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by using liquid chromatography -inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and single-particle- inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and different sample treatments
Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Elena Espada-Bernabé , Beatriz Gómez-Gómez , María Eugenia León-González , Yolanda Madrid
Revista: Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 200 (2023) 106611
Disponible online 26 December 2022


Publicaciones 2022



Neuroprotective activity of selenium nanoparticles against the efect of amino acid enantiomers in Alzheimer’s disease

David Vicente‑Zurdo, Sandra Rodríguez‑Blázquez, Esther Gómez‑Mejía, Noelia Rosales‑Conrado, María Eugenia León‑González, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414 (2022) 7573–7584


Publicado: 19 Agosto 2022

Selenium Agronomic Biofortification of Durum Wheat Fertilized with Organic Products: Se Content and Speciation in Grain. 

Federica Carucci, Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Yolanda Madrid-Albarrán, Giuseppe Gatta, Pasquale De Vita, and Marcella Michela Giuliani 

Revista: Agronomy 2022, 12, 2492. 


Publicado: Received: 14 September 2022, Accepted: 10 October 2022, Published: 13 October 2022 


Fig. 2

Screening the extraction process of phenolic compounds from pressed grape seed residue: Towards an integrated and sustainable management of viticultural waste

Esther Gómez-Mejía, David Vicente-Zurdo , Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: LWT - Food Science and Technology Volume 169, September 2022, 113988

Publicado: Available online 16 September 2022, Version of Record 19 July 2022

Simultaneous determination of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in commercial rices using immunoaffinity column clean-up and HPLC-MS/MS

Iván Romero-Sánchez , Lorena Ramírez-García , Emma Gracia-Lor *, Yolanda Madrid-Albarrán.

Revista: Food Chemistry Volume 395, 30 November 2022, 133611

Publicado: Available online 1 July 2022, Version of Record 11 July 2022

Phenolic profile, safety, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of wasted Bunium ferulaceum Sm. aerial parts

Amirouche Deghima, Nadjat Righi, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, Faiza Baali, Esther Gómez-Mejía, Yolanda Madrid, Fatiha Bedjou

Revista: Food Research International Volume 160, October 2022, 111714

Publicado: Available online 30 July 2022, Version of Record 31 July 2022
Image 1 Neuroprotective mechanisms of multitarget 7-aminophenanthridin-6 (5H)-one derivatives against metal-induced amyloid proteins generation and aggregation
Paula Moyano¹, David Vicente-Zurdo¹, Cristina Blázquez-Barbadillo, J. Carlos Menéndez, Juan F. González, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, Javier del Pino
Revista: Food and Chemical Toxicology, 167 (2022) 113264
Publicado el 30 Junio 2022


Novel Rivastigmine Derivatives as Promising Multi‐Target Compounds for Potential Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

David Vicente‐Zurdo, Noelia Rosales‐Conrado, M. Eugenia León‐González, Leonardo Brunetti, Luca Piemontese, A. Raquel Pereira‐Santos, Sandra M. Cardoso, Yolanda Madrid, Sílvia Chaves and M. Amélia Santos

Revista: Biomedicines 10 (2022) 1510

Publicado: 26 Junio 2022




Estrategias sostenibles para la valorización de los residuos agroalimentarios: de residuos a recursos

Esther Gómez Mejía, Noelia Rosales Conrado y María Eugenia de León González

Revista: Actualidad Analítica, 2022, 77, 48-52


figure 2

A combined analytical-chemometric approach for the in vitro determination of polyphenol bioaccessibility by simulated gastrointestinal digestion

E. Gómez-Mejía, N. Rosales-Conrado, M.E. León-González, A. Valverde & Y. Madrid

Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 414 (8) 2739-2755 (2022)


Publicado: 2 Febrero 2022

Fig. 6

Safety Assessment Of Commercial Antimicrobial Food Packaging: Triclosan And Microplastics, A Closer Look

M.D. Marazuela, M. Klaiber, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, A. Barata, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Revista: Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2022, 31, 100780-8




Publicaciones 2021


Lipidomics Reveals Cisplatin-Induced Renal Lipid Alterations During Acute Kidney Injury And Their Attenuation By Cilastatin

Estefanía Moreno-Gordaliza, Mª Dolores Marazuela, Óscar Pastor, Alberto Lázaro, Mª Milagros Gómez-Gómez

Revista: International Journal of  Molecular  Science, 2021, 22 ,12521-12545 


Publicado: 20 November 2021



Metalómica Y Metabolómica En El Estudio Del Fracaso Renal Agudo Por Fármacos De Platino, Terapias Nefroprotectoras Y Biomarcadores

Mª Milagros Gómez Gómez, Estefanía Moreno Gordaliza

Revista: Actualidad Analítica, 2021, 76, 19-22


Image 1

Characterization of AgNPs and AuNPs in sewage sludge by single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry

Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Maria Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Talanta, 238, Part 1, 123033


Publicado: 3 November 2021, 123033

Image 1

Analysis of Se and Hg biomolecules distribution and Se speciation in poorly studied protein fractions of muscle tissues of highly consumed fishes by SEC-UV-ICP-MS and HPLC-ESI-MS/MS

Tamara Fernández-Bautista, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Roberto Palacín-García, Emma Gracia-Lor, Teresa Pérez-Corona, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Talanta, 237,2022,122922


Publicado: 1 October 2021

Fig. 5

Bioaccumulation of selenium-by fruit origin lactic acid bacteria in tropical fermented fruit juices

Laura Crespo, Raimondo Gaglio, Fernando G.Martínez, Gustavo Moreno Martin, Elena Franciosi, Yolanda Madrid-Albarrán, Luca Settanni Fernanda, Mozzi Micaela Pescuma

Revista: LWT - Food Science and Technology Volume 151, November 2021, 112103


Publicado: online 12 July 2021.

Unlabelled Image


Wastewater-based epidemiology as a novel tool to evaluate human exposure to pesticides: Triazines and organophosphates as case studies

N.I. Rousis, E. Gracia-Lor, F. Hernández, F. Poretti, M.M. Santos, E. Zuccato, S. Castiglioni

Revista: Science of The Total Environment


Publicado: 1 noviembre 2021


Neuroprotective Action of Multitarget 7‑Aminophenanthridin-6(5H)‑one Derivatives against Metal-Induced Cell Death and Oxidative Stress in SN56 Cells

Paula Moyano¹, David Vicente-Zurdo¹, Cristina Blázquez-Barbadillo, J. Carlos Menéndez, Juan F. González, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, Javier del Pino
¹ Autores con igual contribución

Revista: ACS Chemical Neuroscience 12 (2021) 3358-3372


Publicado: 30 Agosto 2021

figure 3


Development of a method for assessing the accumulation and metabolization of antidepressant drugs in zebrafish (Danio rerio) eleutheroembryos.

N. Molina-Fernandez, S. Rainieri, R. Muñoz-Olivas, P. De Oro-Carretero, J. Sanz-Landaluze

Revista: Anal Bioanal Chem


Publicado: 30 junio 2021


Graphical abstract: An insight into the determination of size and number concentration of silver nanoparticles in blood using single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS): feasibility of application to samples relevant to in vivo toxicology studies

An insight into the determination of size and number concentration of silver nanoparticles in blood using single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS): feasibility of application to samples relevant to in vivo toxicology studies.

I. Abad-Álvaro, D. Leite, D. Bartczak, S. Cuello-Nunez, B. Gómez-Gómez, Y. Madrid, M. Aramendia, M. Resano and H. Goenaga-Infante.

Revista: J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2021, 36, 1180


Publicado: 29 de Abril de 2021

Fig 1


A combined approach based on matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction assisted by titanium dioxide nanoparticles and liquid chromatography to determine polyphenols from grape residues

E. Gómez-Mejía, L. Hartwig Mikkelsen, N. Rosales-Conrado, M.E. León-González, Y. Madrid

Revista: Journal of Chromatography A, 1644 (2021) 462128


Publicado: online 31 March 2021.


Image, graphical abstract

New psychoactive substances in several European populations assessed by wastewater-based epidemiology

Castiglioni, S., Salgueiro-González, N., Bijlsma, L., Celma, A., Gracia-Lor, E., Beldean-Galea, M.S., Mackuľak, T., Emke, E., Health, E., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Petkovic, A., Poretti, F., Rangelov, J., Santos, M.M., Sremački, M., Styszko, K., Hernández, F., Zuccato, E.

Revista: Water Research 195 (2021) 116983


Publicado: online 27 February 2021

Unlabelled Image


First comprehensive study of alcohol consumption in Italy using wastewater-based epidemiology

S., Salgueiro-González, N, Rousis, N.I., Gracia-Lor, E. Borsotti, A., Zuccato, E., Castiglioni, S

Revista: Science of the Total Environment 776 (2021) 145863


Publicado: online 15 February 2021


Image 1

In vivo quantification of volatile organoselenium compounds released by bacteria exposed to selenium with HS-SPME-GC-MS. Effect of selenite and selenium nanoparticles

Gustavo Moreno-Martin, Jon Sanz-Landaluze, María Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Revista: Talanta 224 (2021) 121907


Publicado: on line 18 noviembre 2020

figure 1


Valorisation of the Green Waste Parts from Large‑Leaved Buttercup (Ranunculus macrophyllus Desf.): Phenolic Profile and Health Promoting Effects Study

Amirouche Deghima, Nadjat Righi, Noelia Rosales‑Conrado, María Eugenia León‑González, Faiza Baali,·Esther Gomez‑Mejia, Yolanda Madrid, Fatiha Bedjou

Revista: Waste and Biomass Valorization


Publicado:  20 November 2020


Mesoporous silica nanoparticles containing silver as novel antimycobacterial agents against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

S. Montalvo-Quiros, S. Gomez-Graña, M. Vallet-Regi, R.C. Prados-Rosales, B. Gonzalez, J.L. Luque-Garcia*

Revista: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Volume 197, January 2021, 111405


Publicado: online 25 October 2020

Fig. 6


In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the toxicity associated to CdSe/ZnS quantum dots exposure

E. Garcia-Calvo, P. Cabezas-Sanchez, J.L. Luque-Garcia

Revista: Chemosphere 263 (2021) 128170


Publicado: 2020-08-29



Diet-induced dyslipidemia induces metabolic and migratory adaptations in regulatory T cells

J Amersfoort, F H Schaftenaar, H Douna, P J van Santbrink, G H M van Puijvelde, B Slütter, A C Foks, A Harms, E Moreno-Gordaliza, Y Wang, T Hankemeier, I Bot, H Chi, J Kuiper.

Revista: Cardiovascular Research, 2021, 117 (5), 1309–1324


Publicado: 11 July 2020


Publicaciones 2020


Autores: S. Montalvo-Quiros, M. Vallet-Regi, A. Palacios, J. Anguita, R.C. Prados-Rosales, B. Gonzalez, J.L. Luque-Garcia*

Título: Mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a potential platform for vaccine development against tuberculosis

Revista    Pharmaceutics   12 (2020) 1218        


Publicado: Available online 16 December 2020


Autores: Gracia-Lor, E., Rousis, N.I., Zuccato, E., Castiglioni, S.

Título: Monitoring caffeine and nicotine use in a nationwide study in Italy using wastewater-based epidemiology

Revista: Science of the Total Environment, Volume 747, 10 December 2020, 141331


Publicado: 10 diciembre 2020


Autores: Damiano Rocchi, Cristina Blázquez-Barbadillo, Mariangela Agamennone, Antonio Laghezza, Paolo Tortorella, David Vicente-Zurdo, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, Paula Moyano, Javier del Pino, Juan F. González, J. Carlos Menéndez

Título:  Discovery of 7-aminophenanthridin-6-one as a new scaffold for matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors with multitarget neuroprotective activity

Revista: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (on press)


Publicado: Available online 30 November 2020


Autores: Estefania Garcia-Calvo, Andres Machuca, Cristina Nerín, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, Daniela S. Anunciaçao, Jose L. Luque-Garcia

Título: Integration of untargeted and targeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics provides novel insights into the potential toxicity associated to surfynol

Revista: Food and Chemical Toxicology 146 (2020) 111849


Publicado: Available online 6 November 2020.


Autores: L. Mestre, F. Carrillo-Salinas, A. Feliú, M. Mecha, G. Alonso, C. Espejo, H. Estevez, J.L. Luque-Garcia, L.M. Villar, C. Guaza

Título: How oral probiotics affect the sevirity of an experimental model of progressive multiple sclerosis? Bringin microbes into the neurodenegerative process

 Revista: Gut Microbes 12 (2020) e1813532


Publicado: 2020 Sep 8


Autores: E. Gómez-Mejía, C. Lobo Roiz, S. Heleno, R. Calhelha, M.I. Dias, J. Pinela, N. Rosales-Conrado, M.E. León-González, Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, L. Barros

Título: Valorisation of black mulberry and grape seeds: Chemical characterization and bioactive potential

Revista: Food Chemistry, 337 (2021) 127998


Publicado: Available online 6 September 2020


Autores: A. Deghima, N. Righ, N.Rosales-Conrado, M.E. León-González, F. Baali, E. Gómez-Mejía, Y. Madrid, F. Bedjou

Título: Anti-inflammatory activity of ethyl acetate and n-butanol extracts from Ranunculus macrophyllus Desf. and their phenolic profile

Revista: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 265 (2021) 113347


Publicado: Available online 2 September 2020.


Autores: Gómez-Gómez, B., Corte-Rodriguez, M., Pérez-Corona, M. T., Bettmer, J., Montes-Bayon, M., Madrid, Y

Título: Combined single cell and single particle ICP-TQ-MS analysis to quantitatively evaluate the uptake and biotransformation of tellurium nanoparticles in bacteria

Revista: Analytica Chima Acta, 2020, Vollume 11 (28), 116-128


 Publicado: Julio 2020


Autores: M.D. Marazuela and D.G. García-Fresnadillo

Título: An integrated photosensitizing/adsorbent material for the removal of triclosan from water samples

Revista: Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020 251117392


Publicado: 19 July 2020


Autores: Rousis, N.I., Gracia-Lor, E., Reid, M.J., Baz-Lomba, J.A., Ryu, y., Zuccato, E., Thomas, J.V., Castiglioni, S.

Título: Assessment of human exposure to selected pesticides in Norway by wastewater analysis


Publicado: 25 junio 2020


Autores: Fernando Gabriel Martínez, Gustavo Moreno-Martin, Micaela Pescuma, Yolanda Madrid-Albarrán and Fernanda Mozzi

Título: Biotransformation of Selenium by Lactic Acid Bacteria: Formation of Seleno-Nanoparticles and Seleno-Amino Acids

Revista: Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., June 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 506


Publicado: 12 June 2020


Autores: Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, Jon Sanz-Landaluce, Mª. Teresa Pérez-Corona, Yolanda Madrid

Título: Fate and effect of in-house synthesized tellurium based nanoparticles on bacterial biofilm biomass and architecture. Challenges for nanoparticles characterization in living systems

Revista: Science of the Total Environment, Available online 21 February 2020, 137501  


Publicado: 1 June 2020


Autores: Casrignanò, E., Yang, Z., Feli, E.J., Bade, R., Castiglini, S., Causanilles, A., Gracia-Lor, E., Hernández, F., Plósz, B.G., Ramin, P., Rousis, N.I., Ryu, Y., Thomas, K.V., de Voogt, P., Zuccato, E., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B. 

Título: Enantiomeric profiling of quinolones and quinolones resistance gene qnrS in European wastewaters


Publicado: 15 mayo 2020


Autores: H. Estevez, A. Palacios, D. Gil, J. Anguita, M. Vallet-Regi, B. Gonzalez, R. Prados-Rosales, J.L. Luque-Garcia*

Título: Antimycobacterial effect of selenium nanoparticles on Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Revista: Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (2020) 800.


Publicado: 2020 Apr 28.


Autores: David Vicente-Zurdo, Iván Romero-Sánchez, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Título: Ability of selenium species to inhibit metal-induced Aβ aggregation involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease

Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2020) 412:6485–6497


Publicado: 22 Abril 2020


Autores: A. Machuca, E. Garcia-Calvo, D.S. Anunciacao, J.L. Luque-Garcia*

Título: Rhodium nanoparticles as a novel photosensitizing agent in photodynamic therapy against cancer

 Revista: Chemistry – A European Journal 26 (2020) 7685-7691


Publicado: 15 April 2020


Autores: Gustavo Moreno-Martín, Jon Sanz-Landaluze, María Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Título: Insights into the accumulation and transformation of Ch-SeNPs by Raphanus sativus and Brassica juncea: Effect on essential elements uptake

Revista: Science of the Total Environment 725 (2020) 138453


Publicado: Epub 2020 Apr 4


Autores: A. Palacios, C. Coelho, M. Maryam, J.L. Luque-Garcia, A. Casadevall, R. Prados-Rosales

Título: Biogenesis and function of extracellular vesicles in gram-positive bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi.

Libro: Bacterial Membrane Vesicles – Biogenesis, Functions and Applications (2020) 47-74


Publicado: 01 April 2020


Autores:  Bayouli, I. T., Gómez-Gómez, B., Bayouli, H.T., Pérez-Corona, T., Meers, E., Ammar, E., Ferchichi, A., Madrid Y

Título: Heavy metal transport and fate in soil-plant system: study case of industrial cement vicinity, Tunisia.

Revista: Arabian Journal of  Geosciences, 2020, 13:75.


 Publicado: Enero 2020


Autores: E. Gracia-Lor, E. Zuccato, F. Hernández, S. Castiglioni

Título: Wastewater-based epidemiology for tracking human exposure to mycotoxins

Revista: Journal of Hazardous Materials 382 (2020) 121108


Publicado: 15 January 2020


Autores: L. Fallati, S. Castiglioni, P. Galli, F. Riva, E. Gracia-Lor, I. González-Mariño, N. I. Rousis, M. Shifah, M.C. Messa, M. G. Strepparava, M. Vai, E. Zuccato

Título: Use of legal and illegal substances in Malé (Republic of Maldives) assessed by wastewater analysis

Revista: Science of the Total Environment 698 (2020) 134207


Publicado: 1 January 2020


Autores: González-Mariño, Baz-Lomba,  Alygizakis, Andrés-Costa, Bade , Bannwarth, Barron ,Been, Benaglia, Berset, Bijlsma, Bodík,  Brenner, Brock, Burgard, Castrignanò, Celma, Christophoridis, Covaci, Pim deVoogt, Devault, Dias, Emke, Esseiva, Fatta-Kassinos, Fedorova, Fytianos, Gerber, Grabic, Gracia-Lor, Grüner, Gunnar, Hapeshi, Heath, Helm, Hernández, Kankaanpaa, Karolak, Kasprzyk-Hordern, Krizman-Matasic, Lechowicz, Lopes, López de Alda, López-García, Löve, Mastroianni, McEneff, Montes, Munro, Nefau, Oberacher, O’Brien, Oertel, Olafsdottir, Picó, Plósz, Polesel, Postigo, Quintana, Ramin, Reid, Rice, Rodil, Salgueiro-Gonzàlez, Schubert, Senta, Simões, Sremacki, Styszko, Terzic, Thomaidis, Thomas, Tscharke, Udrisard, vanNuijs,, Yargeau, Zuccato, Castiglioni, Ort.

Título: Spatio-temporal assessment of illicit drug use at large scale: evidence from 7 years of international wastewater monitoring

Revista: Addiction  Volume 115 Issue 5 pages: 994-996


Publicación: 1 enero 2020


Autores: Gómez-Gómez, B., Pérez-Corona, T., Madrid, Y

Título: Using single-particle ICP-MS for unravelling the effect of type of food on the physicochemical properties and gastrointestinal stability of ZnONPs released from packaging materials

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, Volume 1100,12-21.


 Publicado: Noviembre 2019


Autores: Manousi, N., Gómez-Gómez, B., Madrid, Y., Deliyanni, E.A., Zachariadis, G.A.

Título: Determination of rare earth elements by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry after dispersive solid phase extraction with novel oxidized grapheme oxide and optimization with response surface methodology and central composite design

Revista: Microchemical Journal, 2020, Volume 152, 104428.


 Publicado:  Noviembre 2019


Autores: S. Perez-Perez, M.I. Dominguez-Mozo, A. Alonso-Gomez, S. Medina, N. Villarubia, M.A. Garcia-Martinez, E. Garcia-Calvo, H. Estevez, L. Costa-Frossard, J.C. Alvarez-Cermeño, J.L. Luque-Garcia, R. Arroyo, L.M. Villar, R. Alvarez-Lafuente

Título: Acetate correlates with disability and immune response in multiple sclerosis

Revista: PeerJ (2020) Aceptado


Publicado: 27-08-2019



Publicaciones 2019


Autores: Marina Dos Santos, Flavio Manoel Rodrigues da Silva Júnior, David Vicente Zurdo, Paulo Roberto Martins Baisch, Ana Luíza Muccillo-Baisch, Yolanda Madrid

Título: Selenium and mercury concentration in drinking water and food samples from a coal mining area in Brazil

Revista: Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26 (2019) 15510-15517


Publicado: 2 Abril 2019


Autores: I. Pizarro, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, D.  Roman, M.A. Palacios

Título: Bioaccessibility and arsenic speciation in carrots, beets and quinoa from a contaminated area of Chile

Libro: Environmental Arsenic in a ChangingWorld - 7th International Congress and Exhibition Arsenic in the Environment, 307- 308 (2019)

Editorial (si libro): Y.Zhu, H. Guo, P.Bhattacharya, A.Ahmad, J. Bundschuh, R.Naidu (eds).  CRC Press. ISBN: 9781138486096. Londres (U.K.)


Autores: R. Prados-Rosales, G. Aragoneses-Cazorla, H. Estevez, E. Garcia-Calvo, A. Machuca, J.L. Luque-Garcia

Título: Strategies for membrane protein analysis by mass spectrometry. 

Libro: Advancements of Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Research. Chapter 16  (2019) 289-298.


Autores: Marina Ramón-Gonçalves, Lorena Alcaraz, Susana Pérez-Ferreras, María Eugenia León-González, Noelia Rosales-Conrado & Félix A. López

Título: Extraction of polyphenols and synthesis of new activated carbon from spent coffee grounds

Revista: Scientific Reports  (2019) 9:17706  


Publicado: 27 November 2019


Autores: David Vicente-Zurdo, Beatriz Gómez-Gómez, María Teresa Pérez-Corona, Yolanda Madrid

Título: Impact of fish growing conditions and cooking methods on selenium species in swordfish and salmon fillets

Revista: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 83 (2019) 103275


Publicado: Available online 4 August 2019


Autores: Marina Ramón-Gonçalves, Esther Gómez-Mejía, Noelia Rosales-Conrado, María Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Título: Extraction, identification and quantification of polyphenols from spent coffee grounds by chromatographic methods and chemometric analyses

Revista: Waste Management 96 (2019) 15–24


Publicado: 4 July 2019


Autores: B. Gómez-Gómez, L. Arregui, S. Serrano, A. Santos, T. Pérez-Corona,Y.Madrid

Título: Selenium and tellurium-based nanoparticles as interfering factors in quorum sensing-regulated processes: violacein production and bacterial biofilm formation

Revista:Metallomics (2019) 11 1104



Autores: B. Gómez-Gómez, L. Arregui, S. Serrano, A. Santos, T. Pérez-Corona,Y.Madrid 

Título:Unravelling mechanisms of bacterial quorum sensing disruption by metal-based nanoparticles.

Revista:Science of the Total Environment 696 (2019) 133869



Autores: B.Gómez-Gómez, T.Pérez-Corona, F.Mozzi, M.Pescusma, Y.Madrid.

Título: Silac-based quantitative proteomic analysis of Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1101 response to the presence of selenite and selenium nanoparticles.

Revista:Journal of Proteomics 195 (2019) 53–65



Autores: E. Fonseca, A. Renau-Pruñonosa, M.  Ibáñez, E. Gracia-Lor, T. Estrela, S. Jiménez, M.A.  Pérez-Martín, F. González, F. Hernández, I. Morell

Título: Investigation of pesticides and their transformation products in the Júcar River Hydrographical Basin (Spain) by wide-scope high-resolution mass spectrometry screening

Revista: Environmental Research, 177 (2019) 108570



Autores: N. Salgueiro-González, S. Castiglioni, E. Gracia-Lor, L. Bijlsma, A. Celma, R. Bagnati, F. Hernández, E. Zuccato

Título: Flexible high resolution-mass spectrometry approach for screening new psychoactive substances in urban wastewater

Revista: Science of the Total Environment 689 (2019) 679-690



Autores: Gustavo Moreno-Martin, Jon Sanz-Landaluze, Maria Eugenia León-González, Yolanda Madrid

Título: In-vivo solid phase microextraction for quantitative analysis of volatile organoselenium compounds in plants

Revista: Aceptado en Anal. Chim. Acta Available online 30 June 2019



Autores: P. Cabezas-Sanchez, S. Rainieri, N. Conlledo, A. Barranco, J. Sanz-Landaluze, C. Camara, J.L. Luque- Garcia

Título: Impact of selenium co-administration on methyl mercury exposed eleutheroembryos and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): changes in bioaccumulation and gene expression

Revista: Chemosphere (2019),236: 124295



Autores: Montalvo-Quiros, G. Aragoneses-Cazorla, L. Garcia-Alcalde, M. Vallet-Regi, B. Gonzalez, J.L. Luque-Garcia.

Título: Cancer cell targeting and therapeutic delivery of silver nanoparticles by transferrin decorated mesoporous silica nanocarriers.

Revista: Nanoscale 11 (2019) 4531-4545.



Autores: S. Montalvo-Quiros, J.L. Luque-Garcia.

Título: Combination of bioanalytical approaches and quantitative proteomics for the elucidation of the toxicity mechanisms associated to TiO2 nanoparticles exposure in human keratinocytes.

Revista: Food and Chemical Toxicology, 127 (2019) 197-205.



Autores: E. Gómez-Mejía, N. Rosales-Conrado, M. E. León-González, Y. Madrid

Título: Determination of phenolic compounds in residual brewing yeast using matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction assisted by titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

Revista: Journal of Chromatography A (2019)



Autores: E. Gómez-Mejía, N. Rosales-Conrado, M. E. León-González, Y. Madrid

Título: Citrus peels waste as a source of value-added compounds: Extraction and quantification of bioactive polyphenols

Revista: Food Chemistry, 295 (2019) 289-299



Autores: G. Artiaga, A. Iglesias-Jiménez, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, M.L. Mena, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Título: Differences in binding kinetics, bond strength and adduct formation between pt-based drugs and s- or n-donor groups: a comparative study using mass spectrometry techniques

Revista: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 132  (2019) 96-105. 



Autores: M.N. Fernández, R. Muñoz-Olivas, J.L.Luque-García

Título:  SILAC-based quantitative proteomics identified size-dependent molecular mechanisms involved in silver nanoparticles induced toxicity

Revista: Nanotoxicology, 2019,



Publicaciones 2018


Autores: I. Carrillo, T.J. Leo, O. Santiago, F. Acción, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, M.A. Raso

Título: Polypyrrole and platinum deposited onto carbon substrate to enhance direct methanol fuel cell electrodes behaviour

Revista: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018), 16913-16921. 



Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, D. Esteban-Fernández, A. Lázaro, S. Aboulmagd, B. Humanes, A. Tejedor, M. W. Linscheid, M. Milagros Gómez-Gómez

Título: Lipid imaging for visualizing cilastatin amelioration of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity

Revista: Journal of Lipid Research, 59 (2018), 1561-1574.


Autores: M.D. Jimenez-Anton, E. Garcia-Calvo, C. Gutierrez, M.D. Escribano, N. Kayali, J.L. Luque-Garcia, A.I. Olias-Molero, M.J. Corral, M.P. Costi, J.J. Torrado, J.M. Alunda

Título: Pharmacokinetics and disposition of miltefosine in healthy mice and hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania infantum

Revista: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 121 (2018) 281-286


Autores: C. Nerin, E. Canellas, P. Vera, E. Garcia-Calvo, J.L. Luque-Garcia, C. Camara, R. Ausejo, J. Miguel, N. Mendoza

Título: A common surfactant used in food packaging found toxic for reproduction in mammals

Revista: Food and Chemical Toxicology, 113 (2018) 115


Autores: R. Clough, C. F. Harrington, S. J. Hill, Y. Madrid, J. F. Tyson

Título: Atomic Spectrometry Update: review of advances in elemental speciation

Revista: J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 33 (2018) 1103 



Autores: G. Moreno-Martin, M. E. León-González, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Simultaneous determination of the size and concentration of AgNPs in water samples by Uv-vis spectrophotometry and chemometrics tools

Revista: Talanta 188 (2018) 393–403 



Autores: I. Pizarro, G. Artiaga, M. Gómez, M. A. Palacios

Titulo: Environmental Biochemistry of Arsenic Species in Contaminated Areas

Revista: Asian Journal of Science and Technology,  9  (2018) 7327-7334  


Autores: I. Moraleja, M.L. Mena, A. Lázaro, B. Neumann,, A. Tejedor, N. Jakubowski, D.E. Fernández, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: An Approach for Quantification of Platinum Distribution in Tissues by LA-ICP-MS Imaging Using Isotope Dilution Analysis

Revista: Talanta 178 (2018) 166-171



Autores: D. Vicente-Zurdo, B. Gómez-Gómez, M. T. Pérez-Corona, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Especiación de selenio en muestras de pez espada mediante HPLC-ICP-MS. Influencia del proceso de cocinado

Revista: Actualidad Analitica, 61 (2018) 16-20


Autores: S. Zarco-Fernández, A. García-García, J. Sanz-Landaluze, C. Pecheyran, R. Muñoz-Olivas.

Titulo: In vivo bioconcentration of a metal mixture by Danio rerio eleutheroembryos.

Revista: Chemosphere 196 (2018) 87-94.



Autores: M. E. de Leon  Gonzalez, E. Gomez Mejia, N. Rosales-Conrado,  Y. Madrid

Titulo: Residual Brewing yeast as a source of polyphenols. Extraction, identification quantification by chromatographic and chemometric tools

Revista: Food Chemistry Volume 267, 2018, Pages 246-254 DOI:


Publicaciones 2017


Autores: I. Pizarro, D. A. Roman, M.M. Gómez-Gómez,  M.A. Palacios

Titulo: Assessing the bioavailability and bioaccesibility of total arsenic and arsenic species in environmental samples

Revista: J. Chilean Chemical Society, 62 (2017) 3653-3657



Autores: J. Tomé-Carneiro, M.C. Crespo, E. Garcia-Calvo, J.L. Luque-Garcia, A. Davalos, F. Visioli

Título: Proteomic evaluation of mouse adipose tissue and liver following hydroxytyrosol supplementarion

Revista: Food and Chemical Toxicology, 107 (2017) 329


Autores: S. Aboulmagd, D. Esteban-Fernández,  E. Moreno-Gordaliza, B. Neuman, A.H. El-Khatib,  A. Lázaro,  A. Tejedor,  M.M. Gómez-Gómez,  M.W. Linscheid

Titulo: Dual internal Standards with metals and molecules for MALDI imaging of kidney lipids.

REVISTA: Anal. Chem, 89 (2017) 12727-12734


Autores: G. Moreno-Martin, G. J. Sanz-Landaluze, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Nanospeciation Analysis Using Field Flow Fractionation

Revista: Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Eds R.A. Meyers, in John Wiley: Chichester. Published December 15 2017

DOI: https://10.1002/9780470027318.a9395)


Autores: G. Moreno-Martin, M. Pescuma, T. Pérez-Corona, F. Mozzi, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Determination of size and mass-and number-based concentration of biogenic SeNPs synthesized by lactic acid bacteria by using a multi-method approach

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta, 992 (2017) 34-41



Autores: M. Palomo-Siguero, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Exploring the Behavior and Metabolic Transformations of SeNPs in Exposed Lactic Acid Bacteria. Effect of Nanoparticles Coating Agent

Revista: Int. J. Mol. Sci. 18 (2017) 1712;



Autores: M. Pescuma, B. Gomez-Gomez, T. Perez-Corona, G. Font, Y. Madrid, F. Mozzi

Titulo: Food prospects of selenium enriched-Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 636and Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1101.

Revista:  Journal of Functional  Food  35 (2017) 466-473.



Autores: M. Palomo-Siguero, P. Vera, Y. Echegoyen, C. Nerin, C. Cámara, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for sizing SeNPs for packaging applications

Revista: Spectrochim. Acta Part B., 132 (2017) 19-25.



Autores: K. Ramos, L. Ramos, M. M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Simultaneous characterisation of silver nanoparticles and determination of dissolved silver in chicken meat subjected to in vitro human gastrointestinal digestion using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Revista: Food Chemistry, 221 (2017) 822-828. 



Autores: S. Zarco-Fernández, S. Montalvo-Quirós, M.J. Mancheño, C. Cámaraa, R. Muñoz-Olivas

Titulo: Development of a thiourea derivative polymer combined to a Direct Mercury Analyser for screening and pre-concentration of mercury species

Revista: Talanta 162 (2017) 612–617 



Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, D. Esteban-Fernández, A. Lázaro, B. Humanes, S. Aboulmagd, A. Tejedor, M. W. Linscheid, M. M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: MALDI-LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry imaging for lipidomic analysis in kidney under cisplatin chemotherapy

Revista: Talanta, 164,1 (2017) 16-26



Autores: E. Álvarez, Y. Madrid, M.D. Marazuela

Titulo: Comparison of sample preparation strategies for target analysis of total thyroid hormones levels in serum by liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight-mass spectrometry

Revista: Talanta, 164 (2017) 570-579


Autores: A. Barranco, L. Escudero, J. Sanz Landaluze, S. Rainieri.

Titulo: Detection of exposure effects of mixtures of heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in zebrafish embryos.

Revista: Journal of Applied Toxicology, 37, 3 (2017) 253–264



Publicaciones 2016


Autores:  B. Gómez Gómez, M.T. Pérez-Corona, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Availability of Zn from infant formula by in vitro methods (solubility and dialysability) and size exclusion chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.

Revista: Journal of Dairy Science, 99 (2016) 9405–9414



Autores: T. C. Mohan, G. Castrillo, C. Navarro, S. Zarco-Fernández, E. Ramireddy, C. Mateo, A. Zamarreño, J. Paz-Ares, R. Muñoz, J. M. García-Mina, L. Hernández, T. Schmülling, A. Leyva

Titulo: Cytokinin determines thiol-mediated arsenic tolerance and accumulation in Arabidopsis8 thaliana

Revista: Plant Physiolgy, 171 (2016) 1418-1426



Autores:  P. Cabezas-Sanchez, E. Garcia-Calvo, C. Camara, J.L. Luque-Garcia

Titulo: A quantitative proteomic approach for unveiling novel mechanisms associated to MeHg-induced toxicity: Effects on the methylation cycle

Revista: Toxicological Research 5 (2016) 291-302.  


Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, S. van der Lee, A. Demirkan, C. M van Duijn, J. Kuiper, P. W Lindenburg, T. Hankemeier

Titulo: A novel method for serum lipoprotein profiling using high performance capillary isotachophoresis

Revista: Analytica Chimica



Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, E. C.A. Stigter, P. W. Lindenburg, T. Hankemeier

Titulo: Bacterial surface layer proteins as a novel capillary coating material for Capillary Electrophoretic separations

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta, 293 (2016) 89- 100


Autores: P. Vera, Y. Echegoyen, E. Canellas, C. Nerín, M. Palomo, Y. Madri, C. Cámara

Titulo: Nano selenium as antioxidant agent in a multilayer food packaging material

Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408, 24 (2016) 6659–6670


Autores: I. Pizarro, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, D.A. Roman, M.A. Palacios

Titulo: Bioavailability, bioaccessibility of heavy metal elements and speciation of As in contaminated areas of Chile

Revista: J Environ Anal Chem, 3 (2016) 1-8


Autores: M. Palomo-Siguero, A. Gutierrez, C. Perez-Conde, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Effect of selenite and selenium nanoparticles on  lactic bacteria. A multianalytical approach

Revista: Michrochemical Journal, 126 (2016) 488-495  



Autores: S. Zarco-Fernandez, A.M. Coto-García, R. Muñoz-Olivas, J. Sanz-Landaluze, S. Rainieri, C. Camara

Titulo: Bioconcentration of ionic Cadmium and Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots in Zebrafish larvae

Revista: Chemosphere 148 (2016) 328-335  



Autores: N. Molina-Fernandez, C.Perez-Conde, S. Rainieri, J. Sanz-Landaluze.

Titulo: Method for quantifying NSAIDs and clofibric acid in aqueous samples, lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) roe, and zebrafish (Danio rerio) eleutheroembryos and evaluation of their bioconcentration in zebrafish eleutheroembryos.

Revista: Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016)



Autores: N. Molina-Fernández, A.M. Coto-García, R. Gonzalo-Lumbreras, J. Sanz-Landaluze, C. Pérez-Conde, C. Cámara.

Titulo: Sample treatment in organic compound determination: a green chemistry perspective.

Revista: Current on Green Chemistry, 3, 2 (2016) 133-144



Autores: K. Ramos, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, C. Cámara, L. Ramos

Titulo: Silver Speciation and characterization of nanoparticles released from plastic food containers by single particle ICPMS

Revista: Talanta 151 (2016) 83-90 



Autores: I. Moraleja, D. Esteban-Fernández, M.L. Mena, A. Lázaro, B. Humanes, B. Neumann, A. Tejedor, N. Jakubowski, M.M. Gómez-Gómez. 

Titulo: Printing internal standards for LA-ICP-MS bioimages standarisation. Comparison of the different nephrotoxic behaviour of cisplatin, carboplatin and oxaliplatin.       

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 408  (2016) 2309-2318


Autores: I. Pizarro, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, J. Leon, D.  Roman, M.A. Palacios.  

Titulo: Bioaccessibility and arsenic speciation in carrots, beets and quinoa from a contaminated area of Chile.

Revista: Sci. Total  Environ., 565 (2016) 557-563


Autores: M.E. León-González, N. Rosales-Conrado

Título “Enantioselective determination of ibuprofen residues by chiral liquid chromatography: a systematic study of enantiomeric transformation in surface water and sediments”

Environmental Chemistry, 13, 4 (2016) 656- 664      


Publicaciones 2015


Autores: M. E. León-González, N. Rosales-Conrado

Titulo: Enantioselective determination of ibuprofen residues by chiral liquid chromatography: a systematic study of enantiomeric transformation in surface water and sediments

Revista: Environmental Chemistry 13, 4 (2015)  656-664



Autores: N. Rosales-Conrado, M. E. de León-González, L. María Polo-Díez

Titulo: Development and Validation of Analytical Method for Clenbuterol Chiral Determination in Animal Feed by Direct Liquid Chromatography

Revista: Food Analytical Methods, 8 (2015) 2647-2659



Autores: M. Sánchez-Martínez, T. Pérez-Corona, C. Cámara, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Preparation and Characterization of a Laboratory Scale Selenomethionine-Enriched Bread. Selenium Bioaccessibility

Revista: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63  (2015) 120-127

DOI: http://10.1021/jf505069d


Autores: C. Galinha, M. Sánchez-Martínez, A. M. G. Pacheco, M. do Carmo Freitas, J. Coutinho, Benvindo Maçãs, A.S. Almeida, M. T. Pérez-Corona, Y. Madrid, H. T. Wolterbeek

Titulo: Characterization of selenium-enriched wheat by agronomic biofortification

Revista: J Food Sci Technol., 52, 7 (2015) 4236-4245

DOI: http://10.1007/s13197-014-1503-7


Autores: S. Zarco-Fernandez, M.J. Mancheño, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara

Titulo: A new specific polymeric material for mercury speciation: Application to environmental and food samples

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta, 897 (2015) 109–115 



Autores: J.M. Wolf, J. Espadas-Moreno, J.L. Luque-Garcia, T. Reynolds, A. Casadevall

Titulo: Lipid biosynthetic genes affect Candida albicans extracellular vesicle morphology, cargo, and immunostimulatory properties

Revista: Eukaryotic Cell, 14 (2015) 745-754

DOI: http://10.1128/EC.00054-15


Autores: J.L. Luque-Garcia, T.A. Neubert

Titulo: Analysis of electroblotted proteins by mass spectrometry. Protein Blotting and Detection.

Revista: Methods in Molecular Biology 1314 (2015) 243-253

DOI: http://10.1074/mcp.M700415-MCP200


Autores: J. Alfonso-Garrido, E. Garcia-Calvo, J.L. Luque-Garcia

Titulo: Sample preparation strategies for improving the identification of membrane proteins by mass spectrometry

Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2015) 4893-4905.

DOI: http://10.1007/s00216-015-8732-0


Autores: D. Esteban-Fernández, I. Moraleja, A. H. El-Khatib, M. M. Gómez-Gómez, and M. W. Linscheid

Titulo: Bridging the Gap between Molecular and Elemental Mass Spectrometry: Higher Energy Collisional Dissociation (HCD) Revealing Elemental Information

Revista: Anal. Chem., 87, 3 (2015) 1613–1621   

DOI: http://10.1021/ac5032447


Autores: R. Gonzalo-Lumbreras, J., Sanz-Landaluze, C. Cámara

Titulo: Evaluation of chromatographic columns packed with semi and fully porous particles for benzimidazoles separation

Revista:  J. Sep. Sci. 38 (2015) 2394–2402

DOI: http://10.1002/jssc.201401054


Autores: M. Palomo-Siguero, M. I. López-Heras,  C. Cámara and  Y. Madrid

Titulo: Accumulation and biotransformation of chitosan-modified selenium nanoparticles in exposed radish (Raphanus sativus)

Revista:  J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 30 (2015) 1237-124  

DOI: http://10.1039/C4JA00407H


Autores: J. Sanz-Landaluze, M. Pena-Abaurrea, R. Muñoz-Olivas, L. Ramos, C. Cámara.

Titulo: Alternative zebrafish (Danio rerio) eleutheroembryo-based procedure for bioaccumulation evaluation

Revista:  Environ. Sci. Technol.,  49, 3 (2015) 1860–1869    

DOI: http://10.1021/es504685c


Autores: I. Moraleja, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, D. Esteban-Fernández, M.L. Mena, MW Linscheid, M.M. Gómez-Gómez. 

Titulo: A shotgun approach for the identification of platinum- protein complexes

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. , 407, 9 (2015) 2393-2403  

DOI: http://10.1007/s00216-014-8452-xl


Autores: G. Artiaga, K. Ramos, L. Ramos, C. Cámara, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Migration and characterisation of nanosilver from food containers by AF4-ICP-MS

Revista: Food Chemistry, 166 (2015) 76-85

DOI: http://10.1016/j.foofchem.2014.05.139


Autores: A. Lopez-Serrano, J. Sanz-Landaluze, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara

Titulo: Bioconcentration of ionic titanium and titanium dioxide nanoparticles in an aquatic vertebrate model: zebrafish eleutheroembryos

Revista: Nanotoxicology, 9, 7 (2015) 835-42  

DOI: http://10.3109/17435390.2014.980758


Publicaciones 2014


Autores: M. E. León-González, N. Rosales-Conrado, L. V. Pérez-Arribas, V. Guillén-Casla

Titulo: Two-dimensional liquid chromatography for direct chiral separations: a review

Revista: Biomedical Chromatography 28 (2014) 59–83



Autores: E. Sánchez-Bermejo, G. Castrillo, B. del Llano, C. Navarro, S. Zarco-Fernández, D. J. Martinez-Herrera, Y. Leo-del Puerto, R. Muñoz, C. Cámara, J. Paz-Ares, C. Alonso-Blanco, A. Leyva

Titulo: Natural variation in arsenate tolerance identifies an arsenate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana

Revista: Nature Communications (2014)



Autores: A. Rocha Borges; A. López-Serrano Oliver; M. Gallego-Gallegos, R. Muñoz-Olivas, M. Goreti Vale; C. Cámara

Titulo: Transformation of tributyltin in zebrafish eleutheroembryos (Danio rerio)

Revista: Biological Trace Element Research, 162 (2014) 317-323



Autores: M. Palomo, A.M. Gutiérrez, M.C. Pérez-Conde, C. Cámara, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Se metallomics during lactic fermentation of Se-enriched yogurt.

Revista: Food Chem., 164 (2014) 371-379        

DOI: http://10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.007


Autores: A. Seppala, Y. Madrid, H. Miettinen, M. Palomo and E.Juutinen

Titulo: Selenium supplementation by addition of sodium selenate with silage aditive

Revista: Agriculture and Food Science, 23 (2014) 81:88   



Autores: M. Sánchez-Martínez, M.T. Pérez-Corona, C. Martínez-Villaluenga, J. Frías, E. Peñas,  J. M. Porres, G. Urbano,  C. Cámara, Y. Madrid

Titulo:  Synthesis of [77Se]-methylselenocysteine when preparing sauerkraut in the presence of [77Se]-selenite. Metabolic transformation of [77Se]-methylselenocysteine in Wistar rats determined by LC–IDA–ICP–MS

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 406 (2014) 7949–7958

DOI: http://10.1007/s00216-014-8224-7


Autores: I. Moraleja, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, M.L. Mena, M.M. Gómez-Gómez.

Titulo: Thiol-free reducing agents in electrophoretic separations and fasp proteolytic digestions for the analysis of metal-binding proteins.

Revista:  Methods X, 1 (2014) e175-e180.     

DOI: http://10.1016/j.mex.2014.08.003


Autores: K. Ramos, L. Ramos, C. Cámara, M. M. Gómez-Gómez.

Titulo: Characterization and quantification of silver nanoparticles in nutraceuticals and beverages by AF4-ICP-MS.

Revista:  J. Chromatography A, 1371 (2014) 227-236   

DOI: http://10.1016/j.chroma.2014.10.060


Autores: J. Wolf, J. Espadas-Moreno, J.L. Luque-Garcia, A. Casadevall

Titulo: Interaction of Cryptococcus neoforms extracellular vesicles with the cell wall

Revista:  Eukaryotic Cell, 13 (2014) 1484-1493 

DOI: http://10.1128/EC.00111-14


Autores: C. Morales, J. Sanz-Landaluze, C. Dietz

Titulo: A model approach for finding cleaning solutions for plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) surfaces: an application for collections objects

Revista: Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 53 (2014) 236-251

DOI: http://10.1179/0197136014Z.00000000040


Autores: I. Lopez-Heras, R. Sanchez-Diaz, D. Anunciacao, Y. Madrid, J.L. Luque-Garcia, C. Camara

Titulo: Effect of chitosan-modified selenium nanoparticles on cell cycle arrest and invasiveness in hepatocarcinoma cells revealed by quantitative proteomics

Revista: Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology 5, 226 (2014) 1-9


Autores: A. Prados-Rosales, L. Brown, S. Montalvo-Quiros, A. Casadevall, J.L. Luque-Garcia

Titulo: Isolation and identification of membrane vesicle-associated proteins in Gram-positive bacteria and mycobacteria

Revista: MethodsX, 1 (2014) e124-e129

Autores: H. Estevez, J.C. Garcia-Lidon, J.L. Luque-Garcia, C. Camara

Titulo: Effects of chitosan-stabilized selenium nanoparticles on cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle pattern in HepG2 cells: comparison with other selenospecies

 Revista: Colloids and Surfaces B,  122 (2014) 184-193


Autores: L. Brown, A. Kessler, P. Cabezas-Sanchez, J.L. Luque-Garcia, A. Casadevall

Titulo: Extracellular vesicles produced by the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis are disrupted by the lipopeptide surfactin

Revista: Molecular Microbiology 93 (2014) 183-198   


Autores: D. Piazzolla, A.R. Palla, C. Pantoja, M. Cañamero, I. Perez de Castro, S. Ortega, G. Gomez-Lopez, O. Dominguez, D. Megias, G. Roncador, J.L. Luque-Garcia, B. Fernandez-Tresguerres, A.F. Fernandez, M.F. Fraga, M. Rodriguez-Justo, M. Manzanares, M. Sanchez-Carbayo, J.M. Garcia-Pedrero, J.P. Rodrigo, M. Malumbres, M. Serrano

Titulo: Lineage-restricted function of the pluripotency factor NANOG in stratified epithelia

 Revista: Nature Communications 5, 4226 (2014) 1-14 


Autores: A. López-Serrano, R. Muñoz-Olivas, J. Sanz-Landaluze, M. Olasagasti, S. Rainieri, C. Cámara.

Titulo: Stability of silver nanoparticles in aqueous medium compatible with aquatic organisms: comparison of bioconcentration of ionic silver and silver nanoparticles by zebrafish eleutheroembryos

Revista: Environ. Pollution, 191 (2014) 207–214

DOI: http://10.1016/j.envpol.2014.04.020


Autores: A. Olaya-Abril, R.C. Prados-Rosales, M.J. McConnell, R. Martin-Peña, J.A. Gonzalez-Reyes, I. Jimenez-Munguia, L. Gomez-Gascon, J. Fernandez, J.L. Luque-Garcia, C. Garcia-Lidon, H. Estevez, J. Pachon, I. Obando, A. Casadevall, L.A. Pirofski, M.J. Rodriguez-Ortega. 

Titulo: Characterization of protective extracellular membrane-derived vesicles produced by Sptreptococcus pneumoniae

Revista: Journal of Proteomics 106 (2014) 46-60


Autores: B.M.A. Silva, R. Prados-Rosales, J. Espadas-Moreno, J.M. Wolf, J.L. Luque-Garcia, T. Goncalves, A. Casadevall 

Titulo: Characterization of Alternaria infectoria extracellular vesicles

Revista: Medical Mycology 52 (2014) 202-210

Autores: M. Eguren, F. Garcia, A.J. Lopez-Contreras, K. Fujimitsu, M. Alvarez-Fernandez, H. Yaguchi, J.L. Luque-Garcia, O. Fernandez-Capetillo, J. Muñoz, H. Yamano, M. Malumbres. 

Titulo: A synthetic letal interaction between APC/C and topoisomerase poisons uncovered by proteomic screens

Revista: Cell Reports  6 (2014) 670-683


Autores: I. López-Heras, Y. Madrid, C. Cámara

Titulo: Prospects and difficulties in TiO2 nanoparticles analysis using asymmetrical field flow fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (AF4-ICP-MS)

Revista: Talanta, 124 (2014)  71–78

DOI: http://10.1016/j.talanta.2014.02.029


Autores: I. Moraleja, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, M.L. Mena, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Combining TBP-based-rSDS-Offgel with fasp and  nLC-ESI-LTQ- MS/MS for the analysis of cisplatin-binding proteins in rat kidney.

Revista: Talanta, (2014) 120 433-442  



Autores: A. López-Serrano; J. Sanz Landaluze, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara

Titulo: Nanoparticles: A global vision. Characterization, separation and quantification methods. Potential impact on health and environment.

Revista: Analytical Methods 6 (2014) 38-56. 



Autores: R. Gonzalo-Lumbreras, J. Sanz Landaluze, C. Cámara

Titulo: Analytical performance of two miniaturized extraction methods for triclosan and methyltriclosan, in fish roe and surimi samples.

Revista: Food Chemistry, 146 (2014) 141–148.


Publicaciones 2013


Autores: I. Pizarro, D.A. Roman, M.M. Gómez, C. Cámara, M.A. Palacios

Titulo: Arsenic species-binding proteins in human cardiovascular and muscle tissues

Revista: J. Chilean Chemical Society, 58 (2013) 2071-2076


Autores C. Camara; A. Gallego; R.M. Garcinuño; P. Fernandez; J.S. Durand; P.J. Sanchez.

Titulo: An HPLC-DAD method for the simultaneous determination of nine b-lactam antibiotics in ewe milk.

Revista: Food chemistry, 141 (2013) 829-834


AutoresI. Cordero-Herrera; S. Cuello; L. Goya; Y. Madrid; L. Bravo; C. Camara; S. Ramos.

Titulo: Molecular mechanisms involved in the protective effect of selenocystine against methylmercury-induced cell death in human HepG2

Revista: Toxicol., 59,(2013) 554-563



Autores: I. Pizarro, D.A. Roman, C. Solá, C. Cámara, M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez

Titulo: Identificación y cuantificación del arsénico unido a las proteínas de tejidos cardiovasculares de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revasacularizaicón coronaria

Revista: Revista Chilena de Cardiología 32 (2013) 123-129


Autores: M.D. Marazuela, S. Bogialli.

Titulo: Determination of veterinary drug residues in food by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: basic and cutting-edge applications.

Revista: Liquid Chromatography. Applications. Eds. (S. Fanali, P. Haddad, C. Poole, P. Schoenmakers, D. Lloyd), Elsevier, Chapter 17 (2013) 455-472



Autores: J.L. Luque-Garcia, P. Cabezas-Sanchez, D.S. Anunciacao, C. Camara

Titulo: Analytical and bioanalytical approaches to unravel the selenium-mercury antagonism: A review

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta  801  (2013) 1-13


Autores:  M.L. Mena  E. Moreno-Gordaliza  M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: TCEP-based rSDS–PAGE AND nLC–ESI-LTQ-MS/MS for oxaliplatin metalloproteomic analysis

Revista: Talanta, 116 (2013) 581–592


Autores: J. Rivera-Torres, R. Acin-Perez, P. Cabezas-Sanchez, F.G. Osorio, C. Gonzalez-Gomez, D. Megias, C. Camara, C. Lopez-Otin, J.A. Enriquez, J.L. Luque-Garcia, V. Andres.

Titulo: Identification of mitochondrial dysfunction in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome through use of stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture.

Revista: Journal of Proteomics 91 (2013) 466


Autores: M. Sánchez-Martínez, M.T. Pérez-Corona, C. Cámara, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Migration of antimony from PET containers into regulated EU food simulants

Revista: Food Chemistry, 141,2 (2013) 816–822.



Autores:  J.L. Luque-García, R. Sanchez-Diaz, I. Lopez-Heras, P. Martin, C. Camara

Titulo: Bioanalytical strategies for in-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of the toxicity induced by metallic nanoparticles

Revista: Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 43 (2013) 254-268


Autores: J.L. Luque-Garcia, L. Grau, P. Gonzalez-Peramato, D. Theodorescu, J. Palou, J.M. Fernández-Gómez, M. Sanchez-Carbayo

Titulo: A Quantitative proteomic analysis uncovers the relevance of CUL3 in bladder cancer aggressiveness

Revista: Plos ONE, 8 (2013) e53328


Autores: S. El-Amrani, J. Sanz Landaluze, J. Guinea, C. Cámara

Titulo: Rapid Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Zebrafish Eleutheroembryos as a Model for the Evaluation of PAH Bioconcentration

Revista: Talanta  (2013) pp. 67-74



Autores: L. Lima, I. Lopez-Heras, Z. Pedrero, S. Olivares Rieumont, Y. Madrid, C. Camara,  D. De la Rosa.

Titulo: Levels of arsenic, mercury and selenium in Clarias gariepinus from Sagua la Grande River, Cuba

Revista: Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 49 (2013) 113–11


Publicaciones 2012


Autores: I. Pizarro, D. A. Roman, C. Solar, M.M. Gómez, C. Cámara, M.A. Palacios

Titulo: Total and main as species present in cardiovascular tissues of people living in as contaminated areas

Revista: J. Chilean Chemical Society 57, (2012) 1181-1188


Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, D. Esteban-Fernández, C. Giesen, K. Lehmann, A. Lázaro, B. Cañas, A.Tejedor, C. Scheler, N.Jakubowski, M. W. Linscheid, M. M. Gómez-Gómez.

Titulo: LA-ICP-MS and nHPLC-ESI-LTQ-FT-MS/MS for the analysis of cisplatin-protein complexes separated by two dimensional gel electrophoresis in biological samples

Revista: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27 (2012) 1474-1483


Autores: B. Humanes, A. Lázaro, S.Camaño, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, J. A. Lázaro, M. Blanco-Codesido, J. M. Lara, A. Ortiz, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, P. Martín-Vasallo, A. Tejedor. 

Titulo: Protective effect of cilastatin on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats

Revista: Kidney International 82 (6) (2012) 652-663


Autores: A. Salgado, A. Lopez-Serrano Oliver, A. M. Matia-Gonzalez, J. Sotelo, S. Zarco, R. Munoz-Olivas, C. Camara, M. A. Rodriguez-Gabriel

Titulo: Response to Arsenate Treatment in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and the Role of Its Arsenate Reductase Activity

Revista: Plos ONE, 7, 8 (2012) e43208


Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, B.Cañas, M. A. Palacios, M. M. Gómez-Gómez.

Titulo: Characterization of Pt-protein complexes by nHPLC-ESI-LTQ MS/MS using a gel-based bottom-up approach”. 

Revista: Talanta, 88 (2012) 599-608.


Autores: M. Milagros Gómez-Gómez, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, M. L. Mena, M.A. Palacios, B. Cañas. 

Titulo: Estrategias bioanalíticas en estudios metalómicos de fármacos de platino

Revista: Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, 108, 1 (2012) 21-28.


Autores: S. Cuello, J. Sanz-Landaluze, Y. Madrid, J. Guinea, C. Cámara

Titulo: Bioaccumulation and transformation of methylmercury and selenite using zebrafish (Danio Rerio) larvae as a model.

Revista: Talanta, 89 (2012) 169– 177.


Autores: R. Gonzalo-Lumbreras, J. Sanz Landaluze, J. Guinea, C. Cámara.

TITULO: Miniaturized extraction methods of triclosan from aqueous and fish roe samples. Bioconcentration studies in zebrafish larvae (Danio rerio).

Revista: Anal. Bional. Chem. 403 (2012) 927–937


Autores: S. El-Amrani, M. Pena-Abaurrea, J. Sanz-Landaluze, L. Ramos, J. Guinea, C. Cámara.

Titulo: Bioconcentration of pesticides in Larvae Zebrafish (Danio rerio).

Revista: Sci. Total Environ., 425 (2012) 184–190


AutoresM. J. Sánchez Martinez, M T: Perez Corona, C. Cámara and Y. Madrid

Titulo: Selenite Biotransformation during brewing. Evaluation by HPLC-ICP-MS

RevistaTalanta, 88 (2012) 272-276


Autores: S. Cuello, P. Ximenez-Embun, I. Ruppen, H.B. Schonthaler, K. Ashman, Y. Madrid, J.L. Luque-García, C. Camara.

Titulo: Analysis of protein expression in developmental toxicity induced by MeHg in zebrafish.

Revista: Analyst, 137 (2012) 5302


Autores: S. Cuello, S. Ramos, Y. Madrid, J.L. Luque-Garcia, C. Camara.

Titulo: Differential protein expression of hepatic cells associated with MeHg exposure: Deepening into the molecular mechanisms of toxicity.

Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404 (2012) 315.


Autores: G. Zhou, F.X. Liang, R. Rok, Y. Liao, Z.E. Wang, J. Ghiso, J.L. Luque-Garcia, T. Neubert, G. Kreibich, M.A. Alonso, N. Schaeren-Wiemers, T.T. Sun.

Titulo: MAL facilitates the incorporation of exocytic uroplakin-delivering vesicles into the apical membrane of urothelial umbrella cells.

Revista: Molecular Biology of the Cell, 23 (2012) 1354


Autores: M. A. Palacios Corvillo, M. M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Espectroscopia de emission atomica

Revista: Técnicas Espectroscópicas en Química Analítica. Volumen II: Espectrometría atómica de iones y electrons, A. Ríos, MC. Moreno y B. Simonet Eds. , Sintezis, (2012) 95-160

ISBN: 9788499589312


Autores: E. Peñas, C. Martinez-Villaluenga J. Frias, M.J. Sánchez-Martínez, M.T. Pérez-Corona, Y. Madrid, C. Cámara, C. Vidal-Valverde

Titulo: Se improves indole glucosinolate hydrolysis products content, Se-methylselenocysteine content, antioxidant capacity and potential anti-inflammatory properties of sauerkraut

Revista: Food Chemistry 132 (2012) 907–914


Publicaciones 2011


Autores: M. Luz Mena, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, I. Moraleja, B. Cañas, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Off-gel isoelectric focusing and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separation of platinum-binding proteins

Revista: J. Chromatography A, 1218 (2011)  1281-1290


Autores: M.M. Gómez-Gómez, N. Rodríguez-Fariñas, B. Cañas-Montalvo, J. Domínguez, J. Guinovart, C. Cámara-Rica

Titulo: Biospeciation of W in the serum of diabetic and healthy rats treated with the antidiabetic agent sodium tungstate

Revista: Talanta, 84 (2011) 1011-1018


Autores: M.A. Bryszewska, J. Sanz,  E. Sanz, M.E. Ortiz-Santaliestra, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara

Titulo: Arsenic biotransformation during aquatic development of Iberian green frog Rana perezi

Revista: J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 26,1 (2011) 178-186


Autores: R. Prados-Rosales, A. Baena, R. Kalscheuer, J. Luque-Garcia, L. Martinez, U. Veeraraghavan, C. Camara, J.D. Nosanchuk, G.S. Besra, A. Freedman, W.R Jacobs Jr., S.A. Porcelli and A. Casadevall

Titulo: Mycobacteria release active membrane vesicles that modulate immune responses in a TLR2-dependent manner in mice

Revista: J. Clin. Invest. 121, 4 (2011) 1471–1483


Autores: M. Sanchez, M. T Pérez-Corona, C. Cámara and Y. Madrid

Titulo: Se Biotransformation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae  and S. bayanus during white wine manufacture: Lab-scale experiments

Revista: Food Chemistry 124 (2011) 1050-1054


Autores: Z. Pedrero, S. Murillo, C. Cámara,  E. Schram, J.B. Luten, I. Feldmann, N. Jakubowski, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Selenium speciation in different organs of african catfish (claria gariepinus) enriched through a  selenized garlic based diet

Revista: J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 26 (2011) 116-122


Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, C. Giesen, A. Lázaro, D. Esteban-Fernández, B. Humanes, B. Cañas, U. Panne, A. Tejedor, N. Jakubowski and M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Elemental bioimaging in kidney by LA-ICP-MS as a tool to study nephrotoxicity and renal protective strategies in cisplatin therapies 

Revista: Analytical Chemistry, 83, 20 (2011) 7933-7940 



Autores: C. Esteve, B. Cañas, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, C. Del Río, M.C. García, M.L. Marina

Titulo: Identification of Olive (Olea europaea) Pulp Proteins by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desoption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Nano-Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Revista: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 22 (2011)  12093-12101        


Autores: R. Aguilar-Martínez, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, M.A. Palacios-Corvillo   

Titulo: Mercury And Organotin Compounds Monitoring In Fersh And Marine Waters Across Europe By Chemcatcher Passive Sampler

Revista: Int. J. Env. Anal. Chem., 91 (2011) 1100-1116 


Autores: A. López-Serrano; J. Sanz Landaluze, R. Muñoz-Olivas, J. Guinea, C. Cámara.

Titulo: ZebraFish larvae as a Model for the Evaluation of Inorganic Arsenic and Tributyltin Bioconcentration.

Revista: Water Research, 45 (2011) 6515-652



Autores: D. A. Roman, I. Pizarro, L. Rivera, C. Cámara, M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez, C. Solar

Titulo: An Approach To The Arsenic Status In Cardiovascular Tissues Of Patients With Coronary Disease

Revista: Human and Experimental Toxicology, 30 (2011) 1150-1164      


Autores: K. Ashman, M.I. Ruppen Cañás, J.L. Luque-García, F. García Martínez

Título: Isotopic Labeling for Proteomics. Sample Preparation for Biological Mass Spectrometry

Revista: Ed. Springer (2011) 549-573


Autores: J.L. Luque-Garcia, P. Cabezas-Sanchez, C. Camara

Titulo: Proteomics as a tool for examining heavy metals toxicity

Revista: Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 30 (2011) 703- 716


Autores: R. Prados-Rosales, A. Baena, R. Kalscheuer, J.L. Luque-Garcia, L. Martinez, U. Veeraghavan, C. Camara, J.D. Nosanchuk, G.S. Besra, A. Freedman, W.R. Jacobs Jr., S.A. Porcelli, A. Casadevall

Titulo: Mycobacteria release active membrane vesicles that modulate immune responses in a TLR2-dependent manner in mice

Revista: Journal of Clinical Investigations, 121 (2011) 1471-1483


Publicaciones  2010 


Autores: I. López, S. Cuello, C. Cámara, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Approach for rapid extraction and speciation of mercury using a microtip ultrasonic probe followed by LC-ICPMS

Revista: Talanta, 82 (2010) 594–599


Autores: M.M Seppänen, J. Kontturi, I. López Heras, Y. Madrid, C. Cámara and H. Hartikainen

Titulo: Agronomic biofortification of Brassica with Se-enriched of SeMet and its identification in Brassica seeds and meal

Revista: Plant and Soil 337, 1-2 (2010) 273-283


Autores: S. Cuello, L. Goya, Y. Madrid, L. Bravo, C. Cámara, S. Ramos

Titulo: Molecular mechanisms of methylmercury on cell death in a human hepatoma cell line (hepg2)

Revista: Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48 (2010) 1405–1411


Autores: J. Sanz-Landaluze, M. Bocanegra-Salazar, D. Ortiz-Pérez, C. Cámara

Titulo: Miniaturisated Method for the Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Leaf Samples

Revista: Journal of Chromatography A 1217 (2010) 3567–3574


Autores: M. Gallego-Gallegos, M. Liva Garrido, R. Muñoz Olivas, P. Baravalle, C. Baggiani, C. Cámara

Titulo: A new application of imprinted polymers: Speciation of organotin compounds

Revista: Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010) 3400–3407


Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, B. Cañas, M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Novel insights into the bottom-up mass spectrometry proteomics approach for the characterization of Pt-binding proteins: The insulin-cisplatin case study

Revista: Analyst 135 (2010) 1288-1298


Autores: Camano S, Lazaro A, Moreno-Gordaliza E, Torres AM, de Lucas C, Humanes B, Lazaro JA, Milagros Gomez-Gomez M, Bosca L, Tejedor A.

Titulo: Cilastatin attenuates cisplatin-induced proximal tubular cell damage.

Revista: J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. , 334, 2 (2010) 419-29


Autores: D. Esteban-Fernández, E. Moreno-Gordaliza, B. Cañas, M.A. Palacios and M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Analytical methodologies for metallomics studies of antitumor Pt-containing drugs

Revista: Metallomics 2 (2010) 19-38


Autores: J.L. Luque-Garcia, J.L. Martínez-Torrecuadrada, C. Epifano, I. Babel, M. Cañamero, I. Casal

Titulo: Differential protein expression on the cell surface of colorectal cancer cells associated to tumor metastasis

Revista: Proteomics 10, 5 (2010) 940-52


Publicaciones 2009


Autores: E. Moreno-Gordaliza, B. Cañas, M. A. Palacios, M. Milagros Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Top-down mass spectrometric approach for the full characterization of insulin-cisplatin adducts

Revista: Anal. Chem. 81,9 (2009) 3507-3516


Autores: M. M. Gómez-Gómez

Título: Espectroscopia de Fluorescencia Atómica

Revista: Análisis Inorgánico mediante técnicas espectroscópicas. Serie Ponencias, Ed. M.I. Rucandio, CIEMAT, (2009), 263- 287


Autores: Z. Pedrero, Y. Madrid

Titulo: Novel approaches for selenium speciation in foodstuffs and biological specimens: A review.

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta, 634 (2009) 135-152


Autores: R. Aguilar-Martínez, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, R. Greenwood, G.A. Mills, B. Vrana, M.A. Palacios 

Titulo: Application of Chemcatcher passive sampler for monitoring levels of mercury in contaminated river water

Revista: Talanta 77 (2009) 1483-1489             


Autores: M. Gallego-Gallegos, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara

Titulo: Imprinted polymers as an analytical tool for organotin compounds speciation.

Revista: J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom, 24, 5 (2009) 595-601                


Autores: M. Gallego-Gallegos, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara

Titulo: Different formats of imprinted polymers for determining organotin compounds in environmental samples

Revista: J. Env. Manag., 90 (2009) S69-S76                    


Autores: M.A. Bryszewska, S.E. Hannam, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Camara

Titulo: Direct Arsenic Determination in Exposed Embryos of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) with Zeeman Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

Revista: Spectroscopy Letters, 42 (2009 1-7                


Autores: Z. Pedrero, Y. Madrid, L. Wantling, H. Hayden, N. Jakubowski and C. Cámara

Titulo: Screening of selenium in the soluble protein fraction of african catfish (clarias gariepinus) by LA-ICP-MS

Revista: J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 24 (2009) 775-784


Publicaciones 2008


Autores: N Rodríguez-Fariñas, M. M. Gómez-gómez, C. Cámara-Rica

Titulo: Study of tungstate-protein interaction study in human serum by LC-ICP-MS and MALDI-TOF

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 390 (2008) 29-35


Autores: R. Ramírez-Camacho, D. Esteban-Fernández, J.M. Verdaguer, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, A. Trinidad, J.R. García-Berrocal, M.A. Palacios

Titulo: Cisplatin-induced hearing loss does not correlate with intracellular platinum concentration.

Revista: Acta Otolaryngol., 128 (2008) 505-509


Autores: Z. Pedrero, Y. Madrid-Albarrán , H. Hartikainen, C. Cámara

Titulo: Protective effect of selenium in Broccoli (Brassica olearacea) plants subjected to cadmium exposure

Revista: Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56 (2008) 266-271


Autores: H. Goenaga, R. Sturgeon, J. Turner, R. Eran, C. Cámara, A. Sanz Medel, Z. Pedrero, Y. Madrid,

Titulo: Total selenium and selemethionine in pharmaceutical yeast tablets: assessment of the state of the art of measurements capabilities though international intercomparison study CCQM-P-86

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 390 (2008) 629-642


Autores: M. Gomez-Gomez; C. Cámara, N. Rodriguez-Farinas

Titulo: Metallomic studies of wolframium as a drug for diabetes

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 390 (2008) 29-35


Autores: N. Rodríguez-Fariñas, M. M. Gómez-Gómez, C. Cámara

Titulo: Tungstate-protein interaction study in human serum by LC-ICP/MS and MALDI-TOF

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 390 (2008), 29-35


Autores: R. Aguilar-Martínez, R. Greenwood, G.A. Mills, B. Vrana, M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, 

Titulo: Assessment of chemcacher passive sampler for the monitoring of inorganic mercury and organotin compounds in water

Revista: Int. J. Env. Anal. Chem. 88 (2008) 75-90                           


Autores: D. Esteban-Fernández, J.M. Verdaguer, R. Ramírez-Camacho, M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Accumulation, fractionation and analysis of platinum in toxicologically affected tissues after cisplatin, oxaliplatin and carboplatin administration

Revista: J. Analytical Toxicology 32 (2008) 140-146                            


Autores: R. Aguilar-Martínez, R. Greenwood, G.A. Mills, B. Vrana, M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, 

Titulo: Assessment of chemcacher passive sampler for the monitoring of inorganic mercury and organotin compounds in water

Revista: Int. J. Env. Anal. Chem., 88, 2 (2008) 75 -90


Autor: D. Esteban, M. Montes-Bayón, E. Blanco, M.M. Gómez Gómez, M.A. Palacios, A. Sanz-Medel.

Titulo: Atomic (HPLC-ICP-MS) and molecular mass spectrometry (ESI-Q-TOF) to study  cis-platin interactions with serum proteins

Revista: J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 23 (2008) 378-389


Autores: R. Ramírez-Camacho, D. Esteban-Fernández, J.M. Verdaguer, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, A. Trinidad, J.R. García-Berrocal, M.A. Palacios

Titulo: Cisplatin-induced hearing loss does not correlate with intracellular platinum concentration.

Revista: Acta Oto-Laryngologica 128 (2008) 505-509


Autores: R. Aguilar-Martínez, M.A. Palacios, R. Greenwood, G.A. Mills, B. Vrana, M.M. Gómez-Gómez, 

Titulo: Calibration and use of the Chemcatcher passive sampler for monitoring organotin compounds in water

Revista: Anal. Chim. Acta, 618 (2008) 157-167  


Autores: D. Esteban-Fernández, J.M. Verdaguer, R. Ramírez-Camacho,  M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: Accumulation, fractionation and analysis of platinum in toxicologically affected tissues after cisplatin, oxaliplatin and carboplatin administration

Revista: J. Analytical Toxicology, 22 (2008) 140-146                


Publicaciones 2007


Autores: E. Sanz, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C.Dietz, J. Sanz, C. Cámara

Titulo: Alternative extraction methods for arsenic speciation in hair using ultrasound probe sonication and pressurized liquid extraction

Revista: J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 22 (2007) 131-139           


Autores: C. Dietz, E. Sanz, J. Sanz, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara

Titulo: Current perspectives in analyte extraction strategies for tin and arsenic speciation   

Revista: J. Chrom. A, 1153 (2007) 114-129                  


Autores: Z. Pedrero, J. Ruiz, Y. Madrid, C. Cámara

Titulo: Identification of selenium species in selenium-enriched Lens esculenta plants by using two-dimensional liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and oxidized [77Se]selenomethionine selenium oxide spikes

Revista: Journal of Chrom. A. 1139 (2007) 247-253


Autores: A. Cabañero, Y. Madrid C. Cámara

Titulo: Mercury-selenium species ratio in representative fish samples and their bioaccessibility by an in vitro digestion method

Revista: Biological Trace Elemental Research, 119 (2007) 195-211


Autores: E. Sanz, R. Muñoz-Olivas, C. Cámara, M. Kumar Sengupta, S. Ahamed

Titulo: Arsenic Speciation in Rice, Straw, Soil, Hair and Nails Samples from the Arsenic-affected Areas of Middle and Lower Ganga Plain”

Revista: Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A. 42 (2007) 1695-1705             


Autores: Z. Pedrero, J. Ruiz Encinar, Y. Madrid, and C. Cámara

Titulo: Application of species-specific isotope dilution análisis on the correction for selenomethionine oxidation in Se-enriched yeast sample extracts during storage

Revista: Journal of Anal. Atom. Spect., 21 (2007) 1061-1066


Autores: Z. Pedrero, D. Elvira, Y. Madrid-Albarrán , C. Cámara

Titulo: Selenium transformation studies during Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) growing process by liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LC-ICP-MS)

Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta, 54 (2007) 251- 256


Autores: R. Munoz-Olivas, A. Bouaid, M. Liva, P. Fernández, J.L Tadeo,  C. Cámara

Titulo: New perspectives for the application of diatomaceous earth to the remediation of polluted waters and soils

Revista: CENIC Ciencias Químicas, 38, 2 (2007) 281-285


Autores: S. Cuello, S. Ramos, R. Mateos, M. A. Martín, Y. Madrid, C. Cámara, L. Bravo, L. Goya

Titulo: Se-methylselenocysteine protects human hepatoma HepG2 cells against oxidative stress induced by tertbutyl hydroperoxide.

Revista: Anal. Bio. Chem., 389 (2007) 2167-2178


Autores: J.E. Azparren, E. Perucha, P. Martínez, R.  Muñoz-Olivas, G. Vallejo

Titulo: Factors affecting strontium absorption in drownings

Revista: Forensic Science International 168 (2007) 138-142                      


Autores: D. Esteban-Fernández, M. Gómez-Gómes, B. Cañas, J.M. Verdaguer, R. Ramírez, M.A. Palacios

Titulo: Speciation Analysis of Platinum Antitumoral Drugs in Impacted Tissues.

Revista: Talanta,  72 (2007) 768-773


Autores: B. Cañas, D. Esteban-Fernández, I. Pizarro, M.A. Palacios, M.M. Gómez-Gómez

Titulo: SEC-ICP-MS and ESI-MS as tools to study the interaction between cisplatin and cytosolic biomolecules.

Revista: J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 22 (2007) 1113-1121


Autores: S. Cuello , S. Ramos, R. Mateos, M.A. Martín, Y. Madrid, C. Cámara, L. Bravo,  L. Goya

Titulo: “Effect of Se-methylselenocysteine on human hepatoma HepG2 cells. Protection against oxidative stress induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide”.

Revista: Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 389 (2007) 2167-2178


Autores: R. Greenwood, G.A. Mills, B. Vrana, I. Allan,  R. Aguilar-Martínez, M.M. Gomez, G. Morrison

Titulo: Monitoring of priority pollutants in water using Chemcatcher passive sampling devices

Revista: Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Passive sampling techniques in environmental monitoring, Eds. R. Greenwood, G. Mills, B. Vrana, 48 (2007) 199-229