Grupos de investigación


El Grupo de Investigación Trazas, Especiación y Proteómica (Trep) Nº 910382, integrado en el Dpto. de Química Analítica de la Facultad de Química de la UCM, fue creado en el año 1982. En la actualidad está coordinado por las profesoras Yolanda Madrid (CU) y Mª Milagros Gómez (CU) y está integrado por más de 20 Investigadores y estudiantes de máster y pregraduados.

En conjunto son más de 30 años de investigación en el área del análisis de elementos trazas, especiación, proteómica, metabolómica y determinación de contaminantes emergentes en muestras medioambientales, alimentos y clínicas, así como la revalorización de residuos procedentes de la industria alimentaria para la obtención de compuestos bioactivos.

Actualmente tenemos varias líneas de investigación pero con objetivos cohesionados y complementarios.

Los resultados de esta investigación se han recogido en más de 460 publicaciones. Además, en el seno del grupo se han formado un importante número de estudiantes predoctorales, lo que ha permitido la defensa de 50 Tesis Doctorales codirigidas entre los miembros del equipo

Colaboramos activamente con empresas, hospitales y centros de investigación de reconocido prestigio nacionales y extranjeros. Nuestros miembros nos han representado en numerosos comités científicos, han coordinado numerosos proyectos europeos, participado en numerosos congresos internacionales (a través de conferencias invitadas) y gozan en la actualidad de un prestigio importante en la Comunidad Científica Internacional. Otro de nuestros intereses principales es la generación de resultados con posibilidad de transferencia, como queda reflejado en los diferentes proyectos de Art. 83.

Nuestros proyectos han obtenido financiación continuada de organismos nacionales e internacionales en convocatorias competitivas desde su creación.

Todo ello ha permitido que dispongamos de una infraestructura relevante constituida por grandes equipos así como 3 laboratorios adecuadamente equipados para la preparación de muestras y cultivos celulares y bacterianos.

Grupo de Trazas, especiación y proteómica  

Departamento de Química Analítica

Facultad de Ciencias Químicas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)  

Avda. Complutense S/N 28040 Madrid, España

Milagros Gomez: 913945146 (

Yolanda Madrid: 913945145 (


Trace determination, speciation and proteomics group


Trace determination, Speciation and Proteomics (TrEP) Research Group Nº 910382, integrated in the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UCM, was created in 1982 and currently is coordinated by professors Yolanda Madrid (Professor) and Mª Milagros Gómez (Professor) and is made up of more than 20 Researchers, including 3 Professors, 5 Senior Lecturers, 3 Lecturers and 8 contracted pre-doctoral students and master's and undergraduate students (for more information see here).

The components of the research group have worked together for more than 30 years in the area of trace element analysis, speciation, proteomics, metabolomics and determination of emerging contaminants in environmental, food and clinical samples, as well as the revaluation of waste from the food industry to obtain bioactive compounds. The results of this research have been collected in 460 publications. The group has several lines of research but with cohesive and complementary objectives. All this has allowed the group to have a relevant infrastructure made up of large teams (2 ICP-MS, LC-DAD-MS, GC-MS, AF4, Mercury Analyzer as well as 3 adequately equipped laboratories for the preparation of samples and cultures cells and bacteria (more details).The group has obtained continuous funding from national and international organizations in competitive calls since its creation (list).In addition, a significant number of predoctoral students have been trained within the group, which has allowed the defense of 50 doctoral theses co-supervised by the members of the team.

The research group has a double teaching and research aspect. As part of a university department, a priority objective is the training of future teachers and researchers and contributing to the generation of knowledge. In its research aspect, the Group has a marked interdisciplinary nature and focuses its research on the following lines:

  1. Analytical methodologies for the speciation of trace elements and analysis of nanoparticles in biological, food and environmental samples.
  2. Development and application of bioanalytical strategies for the identification and quantification of proteins and metabolites. Application to the biomedical, environmental and food area
  1. Evaluation of nephrotoxicity and nephroprotection in antitumor treatments through metabolomics and tissue bioimaging techniques.
  2. Bioaccumulation studies to establish the toxicity of trace elements, species, nanoparticles and emerging contaminants
  3. Analytical strategies for the determination of metals and their complexes related to neurodegenerative diseases.
  4. Analytical methodologies for obtaining bioactive compounds from agri-food residues.

The group actively collaborates with companies, hospitals and research centers of recognized national and foreign prestige. The group has been represented in numerous scientific committees, has coordinated numerous European projects, participated in numerous international congresses (through invited conferences) and currently enjoys considerable prestige in the International Scientific Community. Another of the group's interests is the generation of results with the possibility of transfer, as reflected in the different projects of Art. 83.