Inés De la Villa Vecilla
Actualmente disfruta de un contrato predoctoral FPU en la UCM, otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Su tesis doctoral, que trata sobre los métodos de investigación en el área de la sociolingüística cognitiva, está siendo dirigido por la Dra. Gitte Kristiansen y el Dr. Mario Serrano Losada. Sus áreas de interés incluyen la lingüística cognitiva, la sociolingüística, la lingüística de corpus y la lingüística Queer.
Inés de la Villa Vecilla has been awarded with predoctoral grant at UCM (FPU). A graduate in English Philology (English Studies) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. As a graduate student, she obtained several grants. She was awarded with the Erasmus+ Studies scholarship (2018-2019), through which she spent two semesters in Eötvös Lörand Tudomegytem (Budapest, Hungary). Moreover, she obtained the excellent grades award (2019-2020, Autonomous Community of Madrid) and the collaboration grant (2019-2020), granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional) meant for last-year graduate or masters students to develop research tasks in university departments (Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura, UCM). In 2021 she completed the MA in English Linguistics: New Applications and International Communication offered by UCM, where she was awarded with the excellent grades award (2020-2021, UCM).
Currently, she has a predoctoral contract (FPU) at UCM, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades). Her PhD thesis, which deals with research methods in the area of cognitive sociolinguistics, is being tutored by Dra. Gitte Kristiansen and Dr. Mario Serrano Losada. Her interest areas include cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, and Queer linguistics.