
Avilés Mariño, Estefanía

Mª Estefanía Avilés Mariño es licenciada en filología inglesa por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, con el Máster en formación del profesorado y Doctora en lingüística inglesa por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Actualmente desarrolla su carrera profesional como docente e investigadora en el departamento de Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid así como en los centros de enseñanza superior CENP y ESNE, ejerciendo su profesión docente en diferentes grados universitarios, tales como: lingüística, literatura, estudios ingleses, diseño y empresa. A su vez, es y ha sido tutora tanto de TFG como de TFM. El título de su tesis doctoral es: "Translation correspondences of verificative markers in English and Spanish: a corpus-based study" (Madrid, 2019), la cual fue calificada con un Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Por otro lado, es miembro de investigador de los grupos FUNCAP para la UCM y NARRALINCOG para la UAH. También es de reseñar su participación en 2018 en el proyecto Textlink en Toulouse. Actualmente es colaboradora de la Oficina de Software Libre de la UCM y colabora en la codirección de TFM y TFG en la facultad de informática de la UCM. Ha realizado varias publicaciones, entre las cuales hay que destacar “Investigating discourse markers in English and Spanish through translation case of elaborating connectives” 2019, donde la Doctora Julia Lavid fue la investigadora principal. Tiene varias publicaciones que verán la luz en 2022, las cuales son en colaboración con Dña. Sara Ignacio Cerrato, de la facultad de Óptica de la UCM y Don David Pacios Izquierdo de la facultad de Informática de la UCM. Ha participado de diversos seminarios y congresos de los que cabe destacar aquellos en los que la Doctora Julia Lavid actuó como investigadora principal: Using SketchEngine for investigating the meaning of discourse markers in English and Spanish 2020, Translation correspondances of 'in fact', 'indeed' and 'de hecho': a corpus based study 2020, Verificative Connectives in English and Spanish: a Corpus-based Translation Study 2018, Translation correspondeces of elaborating connectives in English and Spanish: a contrastive corpus study 2018, Bilingual annotation of elaborating connectives in English and Spanish: a corpus-based translation study 2018, Annotating Discourse Markers in the MULTINOT corpus: The case of Elaborating Connectives in English and Spanish 2018, Elaborating discourse markers in English and Spanish parallel texts: a corpus annotation study 2018, Bilingual annotation of discourse markers in English and in Spanish: a corpus-based translation study.


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Mª Estefanía Avilés has a degree in English Philology at UCM and a Master in Education, with a PhD in linguistics at UCM too. She is currently developing her career as university professor and researcher at Complutense University, CENP and ESNE; teaching English for different degrees: English studies, linguistics, literature, graphic design, interior design, advertising, business and so on. Moreover, she is both TFG and TFM. The title of her thesis dissertation is: "Translation correspondences of verificative markers in English and Spanish: a corpus-based study" (Madrid, 2019), which was awarded with a Cum Laude. Besides, she is a research member of FUNCAP group at UCM as well as NARRALINCOG at UAH, as well as her participation in Texlink project in 2018 in Toulouse. She currently collaborates with the Open-Source office at UCM as well as with several projects regarding co-supervision of final master and final degree projects at informatics faculty. Additionally, she has several publications in collaboration with Professor Julia Lavid, with Professor Julia Lavid as head researcher, namely the following: “Investigating discourse markers in English and Spanish through translation case of elaborating connectives” 2019 as well as several publications expected for 2022 in collaboration with Sara Ignacio Cerrato, from Optics faculty and David Pacios Izquierdo from informatics faculty. Besides, it is important to not her participation in several congresses and seminars in collaboration with Professor Julia Lavid, with Professor Julia Lavid as head researcher; for instance: Using SketchEngine for investigating the meaning of discourse markers in English and Spanish 2020, Translation correspondances of 'in fact', 'indeed' and 'de hecho': a corpus based study 2020, Verificative Connectives in English and Spanish: a Corpus-based Translation Study 2018, Translation correspondeces of elaborating connectives in English and Spanish: a contrastive corpus study 2018, Bilingual annotation of elaborating connectives in English and Spanish: a corpus-based translation study 2018, Annotating Discourse Markers in the MULTINOT corpus: The case of Elaborating Connectives in English and Spanish 2018, Elaborating discourse markers in English and Spanish parallel texts: a corpus annotation study 2018, Bilingual annotation of discourse markers in English and in Spanish: a corpus-based translation study.

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