Proyectos de Investigación

5. Women & International Trade

Together with the other four specific objectives set out in this project, the gender perspective is of fundamental importance because, having become part of the regulatory framework for international trade, it can make a significant contribution to the economic empowerment of women.

Aware of the role of women in a sustainable socioeconomic development as highlighted by various international reports and, fundamentally, the Buenos Aires Declaration on Trade and Women's Economic Empowerment of December 12, 2017, the aim is to analyze the current situation of women in the international trade environment in order to formulate proposals that promote awareness of their performance in this area and the weight it acquires for the economic and social development of peoples and, more specifically, the recognition of the gender dimension itself.

This is the direction in which the WTO's initiatives are heading, particularly those aimed at raising awareness of the relationship between trade and gender, facilitating initiatives by WTO members and providing training for operators and officials. In this regard, it should be noted that the European Union has highlighted the elements that contribute to achieving these objectives in its trade policy review (WT/TPR/G/357).