Grupos de investigación


R+D+i projects 

PROMETIA-Sustainable Processing of Metallic Materials via Additive Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence (2024-2027)

Funding body: AEI-MCIN-CDTI, PLEC2023-010346, TransMisiones 2023

PROMETIA goals are summarized as follows:

(1) To promote reuse and new recycled materials in the context of additive manufacturing. This will reduce environmental impact, broaden the range of printable materials, and ultimately provide a more sustainable approach to additive manufacturing, achieving a reduction of over 90% in environmental impact for some materials.

(2) Implementation of artificial intelligence tools in the manufacturing value chain. This solution will cut production times, reduce the learning curve of hired personnel, maximize energy efficiency, enhance recycling and reuse of raw materials, streamline inspection processes, and predict mechanical performance and corrosion resistance.


SUPERCOIN-Sustainable high performance coatings for protection of metals in industrial applications  (2023-2026)

Funding body: MCIN, AEI, NextGenerationEU/PRTR, CPP2022-009764, Proyectos I+D+i en «Colaboración Público-Privada»

SUPERCOIN project offers sustainable waterborne-based products with low energy consumption and CO2-footprint compared to powder coatings and solvent-based ones among other advantages. Initially, these promising binders (already patente) were developed for mild steel reaching a technology readiness level 5 (TRL 5). Within SUPERCOIN such technology is going to be extrapolated for metals such as Zn-coated steel and Al- and Mg-based light alloys. Further, tailored waterborne binders are going to be developed for each metal and validated in relevant/operational prototypes (TRL 6-7) and complete systems (TRL 8). Although the main idea is to produce unique binders (as single laery) having outstanding corrosion resistance and adherence properties, bilayer systems and/or the formulation of paints are also going to be developed within SUPERCOIN. 

Finally, although it is expected to reach TRL 8 for structural applications in civil engineering, general industry and transportation, the idea is also to reach TRL 7-8 for other industries such as aerospace and consumer products.

Additive manufacturing and smart surface engineering of magnesium (2022-2024)

Funding body: MICINN, PID2021-124341OB-C22 (MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033)

The main objective of ADIMAG is to develop AM Mg alloys and smart environmentally friendly surface technologies specifically designed for transport and biomedical applications. The project will deliver rational use of raw materials with reduced energy losses, processing times and costs in combination with added surface functionalities such as active protection, bioactivity and smart drug release. This will contribute to the transition towards climate neutrality and digital leadership as change accelerators, thus reinforcing the strategic autonomy of the industry in regards to materials and manufacturing technologies. Therefore, ADIMAG is aligned with the Strategic Line “New materials and fabrication techniques” (Thematic Priority 4, PEICTI 2021-2023) and with Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space (Pillar II, Horizon Europe).

Active protection and additive manufacturing of light alloys (2018-2021)

Funding body: MCIU, RTI2018-096391-B-C33

The project focuses on the active protection and additive manufacturing of light alloys. Special attention is given to Cr(VI)-free surface treatments and new additive manufacturing processes particularly adapted for the transport sector. “Active” protection systems are considered as a significant step forward in comparison with traditional or “passive” systems. Active functionalization yields smart coatings with self-healing abilities on demand or triggered by specific external stimuli such as mechanical damage or physicochemical changes. Additive manufacturing, initially conceived for rapid prototyping, has emerged in the last 30 years as a versatile technology that can be applied to a wide range of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. It encompasses a group of techniques that are user friendly and require relatively little time to fabricate objects with complex geometries straight from a computer-aided design (CAD) file. This allows for a rational use of materials and reduced tooling costs when compared to forged and cast parts.

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades  - Gobierno de España

Additive manufacturing: from Material to Application (ADITIMAT) 2019-2022

Funding body: Comunidad de Madrid, S2018/NMT-4411


ADITIMAT-CM  is a R&D Programme funded by the Regional Government of Madrid (SPain) and the EU for the period January 2019 to December 2022, and constitutes an interdisciplinary and intersectorial collaborative framework to join forces, put together activities and infrastructures and boost the research in progress within the groups of the consortium. 

The consortium is formed by 6 research groups: 4 groups from four public Universities in Madrid (UC3M, UCM, UPM, URJC) and 1 group from CSIC (ICV), involving more than 50 PhDs.

The final idea is to transfer the knowledge on additive manufacturing to the society and industry, with the help of the five laboratories involved in the programme, and the participation of associated companies interested in the results. It is expected a great deal of results transferable to the industry.


Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys Green Innovative Coatings (June 2017-November 2018)

Funding body: EU-programme H2020-CS2-CFP04-2016-02 Clean Sky 2 Research & Innovation Action Grant Agreement 755515

The ALMAGIC project is focused on developing innovative alternatives to chromium (VI) coatings for aluminium and magnesium alloys. ALMAGIC will ensure the developed solutions comply with the REACH regulations, while all quality standards are met. The project is co-funded by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Technology Initiative (CS2 JTI) which is a Public-Private Partnership between the European Commission and industry.


Multifunctional coatings on novel magnesium-based materials for sustainable transport (2015-2018)

Funding body: MINECO, MAT2015-66334-C03-03-R 2016-2019

The ever-growing demand for lightweight materials in the transport industry has triggered renewed attention for magnesium alloys owing to their outstanding specific strength, high damping capacity, good castability and machinability. The goal of the project is the fabrication of new Mg-Al light materials and multifunctional coatings of high added value with potential application in sectors such as the transport industry, where there is a demand for new light materials capable of reducing vehicle weight, fuel consumption and contaminant emissions.

Multimat Challenge Multifunctional Materials for Society Challenges (2014-2018)

Funding body: Comunidad de Madrid, S2013/MIT-2862 

MultiMat-Challenge is a Programme funded by the Regional Government of Madrid for the period October 2014 to September 2018 and constitutes an interdisciplinary and intersectorial collaborative framework to join forces, put together activities and infrastructures and boost the research in progress within the groups of the consortium. The consortium is formed by 11 research groups: 6 groups of four public universities of Madrid (UC3M, UCM, UPM, URJC), 3 groups from CSIC (CENIM, ICV, ICTP) and 2 from university public hospitals in Madrid (La Paz, 12 de Octubre), involving more than 70 PhDs. The final idea is to transfer the knowledge to the society and industry, with the help of the seven laboratories involved in the programme, and the participation of more than 25 companies interested in the results. It is expected a great deal of results transferable to the industry.

Active protection of ceramic coatings (2017-2020)

Funding body: MINECO, MAT2015-73355-JIN

The objective of this project is the design, development and application of innovative active multifunctional surface treatments on light alloys with potential application in aeronautical and automotive industries. The key technology is based on the combination of tailored ceramic-like coatings using plasma electrolytic oxidation and their active functionalization.

Previous R+D+i projects

Programa de financiación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid-Banco Santander

Funding body: UCM-Santander, GR3/14 2014-2015

New Al- and Mg-based alloys and composites for transport applications prepared by semi-solid processing

Funding body: MINECO, MAT2012-38407-C03-02 2012-2015

Advanced Structural Materials

Funding body: Comunidad de Madrid S2009MAT-1585  2010-2014.

Nuevas tecnologías para convertidores de alta potencia para uso industrial

Funding body: CDTI ngeteam Technology 2010-2012

Surface treatment for corrosion and wear of magnesium alloys in transport applications

Funding body: MINECO, MAT2009-09845-C02-01 2009-2012

Chemical composition and manufacturing optimization of stainless steels: new steels and applications.

Funding body: PROFIT 2007-2008

Improvement of corrosion and wear performance of magnesium and magnesium composites by laser surface treatments.

Funding body: MCYT MAT-2006-13179-C02-02  2006-2009

Corrosion and wear resistance optimization of aluminium composites by surface modification and coating techniques.

Funding body: MCYT MAT2003-04931-C02-01. 2003-2006

Research and development of stainless steels. Evaluation of intergranular corrosion by electrochemical methods.

Funding body: PROFIT MCYT-FIT-030000-2004-266 2004-2005 

Research and development for design and fabrication of new stainless steels for special applications.

Funding body: MCYT MCYT-FIT-030000-2002-022 2002-2004

Study of the metallographic replicas from Central Termica of Andorra. 

Funding body: ECA S.A. 2001

V UE programme: network on stainless steels

Funding body: MICYT  2001-2002

CDR-ACX project.

Funding body: PROFIT 2001

Study of corrosion behaviour of aluminium metal matrix composites reinforced with SiC and graphite.

Funding body: MCYT MCYT-MAT2000-1646-C02-02 2000-2003

Influence of Cu and Sn addition on the corrosion resistance of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steels.

Funding body: PROFIT. Acerinox S.A. MCYT-FIT-030000-2001-064 2000-2003



Research contracts with companies

Aleaciones ligeras por fabricación aditiva: Desgaste y Corrosión

Funding body: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2022-2023

Evaluación de la corrosión de un banco de pruebas con fluido refrigerante

Funding body: Ingenteam Power Technology S.A. 2022-2023

Caracterización de elementos de acero balístico

Funding body: Fábrica Española de Confecciones S.A 2022-2023

Ensayos electroquímicos en fluidos anticorrosivos para radiadores de aluminio

Funding body: Carpemar, Ingenteam Power Technology S.A. 2021-2022

Ensayos electroquímicos de aleaciones de aluminio de uso arquitectónico

Funding body: Desarrollo y Control Tecnológico. 2020-2021

Evaluación de componentes metálicos sometidos a elevadas temperaturas en reactores de reformado

Funding body: Técnicas Reunidas 2017-2019

Evaluación del comportamiento a corrosión de radiadores de aluminio

Funding body: Ingeteam Technology 2017-2019

Estudio de la retirada de la resina en circuitos

Funding body: Grupo de Ingeniería Reconstrucción y Recambios JPG 2016-2017

Análisis y estudio del estado de las piezas conformantes de los reactores de combustión y reformado de la planta piloto

Funding body: Técnicas Reunidas 2016-2017

Study to ascertain the necessity of on-line corrosion monitoring in Jazan IGCC utilities

Funding body: Técnicas Reunidas 2014-2016


Estudio de problemas de corrosión en una instalación de agua de mar

Funding body: Técnicas Reunidas 2014-2015

Estudio de problemas de corrosión en partes de unidades de trenes

Funding body: Talgo 2014-2015

Estudio del fallo del intercambiador de calor en planta de NH4NO3

Funding body: Maxamcorp Holding SL 2013-2014

Estudio del fallo de un reactor en una planta de NH4NO3

Funding body: Maxamcorp Holding SL 2013-2014


Fabricación de recubrimientos resistentes a la corrosión y al desgaste en metales fundidos sobre aleaciones de Ti por oxidación con plasma electrolítico.

Funding body: Cidaut 2012-2014

Estudio sobre las posibles causas de la presencia de picaduras en los tubos ECO de la planta de cogeneración en Algeciras

Funding body: Tecnicas reunidas 2011-2012

Mecanismos de corrosión en radiadores refrigerados por agua

Funding body: Ingeteam Technology 2010-2011

Estudio sobre las posibles causas de fallo de los evaporadores 1 y 2 de la planta termosolar de Puertollano

Funding body: Tecnicas reunidas 2009-2010

Study of the corrosion in line Z-58UW-20015-AOJU16.

Funding body: Tecnicas reunidas 2008-2009