Undergraduate programmes

Student's support


Universidad Complutense de Madrid maintains an unwavering commitment to Human Rights, the promotion of equity, inclusion, and coexistence in diversity, which translates into the objective of becoming a safe environment free from discrimination.

The Protocol for Prevention and Action Against Discrimination Based on Diversity at UCM is based on the following general principles of action:

  • Gender and intersectional approach: Recognition of discrimination stemming from multiple diversity factors, leading to a position of disadvantage in the effective exercise of rights and coexistence on equal terms. Acknowledgment that Discrimination Based on Diversity is not just an individual problem but a structural one.
  • Diversity approach: Empowerment of people with disabilities or functional diversity, LGBTIQ+ individuals, racialized people, migrants or refugees, and ethnic, cultural, or religious minorities, among others. Condemnation and rejection of sexism, LGTBIphobia, ableism, racism, xenophobia, aporophobia, and other violence caused by discrimination.
  • Respect and protection for all individuals: Respect, protection, and promotion of human rights, the expression of diversity, non-discrimination based on diversity, the right to mental health and personal well-being, and the right to respectful, dignified, and inclusive treatment.
  • Right to privacy, physical and moral integrity, and freedom for all individuals.
  • Diligence and urgency: Appropriate, ongoing, and prompt action for each individual in the comprehensive care process, following specific intervention pathways. Action will be taken by specialized professionals, respecting the time and needs of each person and giving credibility to their testimony.
  • Impartiality and right to contradict.
  • Prevention and prohibition of retaliation.
  • Presumption of innocence.
  • Legality.
  • Transparency.

We're at your disposal at the Office for the Inclusion of People with Diversities (OIPD):

Should you need adaptations for your university experience (extra time during exams, change in exam format, adaptation of assignments, etc.), the first thing we recommend is to schedule an appointment with our office and fill up a registration form.

How to Register with the OIPD
You can do so by providing the following documentation:

  • Registration Form (Find it below).
  • Excel sheet with the information of the subjects you are taking and teaching staff contact details (Find it below).
  • Your UCM Enrollment form.
  • An ID valid document.
  • In the case of Specific Educational Needs, you will need to submit the psycho-pedagogical report; certificate of disability (in force), medical report, psychological report, etc. (whatever applies).
  • Important: it is necessary to carry out an interview with the technical staff of the OIPD to find out your needs and establish the necessary supports. The interview by appointment can be online or in person at the OIPD headquarters located in the Student Building – Casa del Estudiante, Avda Complutense S/N, in front of the Ciudad Universitaria subway. 

    Email: oipd@ucm.es. 

    Telephone: 913 947 172 / 913 947 182

You can submit the documentation in person at the OIPD or send it via email to the following address: oipd@ucm.es.