• Español



Ugena Candel T., Serrano Navarro A. y López Iglesias A. (2023). El papel del museo en el marco del proyecto de arteterapia de tres centros municipales de salud comunitaria. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 18, 51-67.

This article presents the art therapy project developed with different groups of women, between 2017 and 2018, in three municipal community health centres in Madrid, with special emphasis on the contributions that the collaboration with the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum and the Sorolla Museum could provide to the achievement of the objectives.The main objectives were to promote psychological and emotional well-being, reduce the discomforts of everyday life and support the creation of group bonds. The specific objectives were to favour the development of bonds in the triangular art-therapeutic relationship; to generate a space for personal freedom and emotional expression through group creation and reflection; to integrate body, mind and emotion in the creative processes; to reduce psychological symptoms associated with anxiety, depression and stress; to reduce feelings derived from unwanted loneliness; and to favour the sense of belonging and adhesion to the group.Based on the reality and experience of the participants, a creative process was generated based on participation-action, in which they were the protagonists of their own transformation. The analysis of the data collected through a mixed intervention-research design shows the potential of the art therapy project in partnership with museums and its impact on the well-being of all the women, helping them to become aware of their strengths and nurturing their capacity for regeneration and change, even in complicated life situations.


Gil-Gayo, M; Rey, N; Moreno, A; Claver, Mª D.; Casla, A. (2023). Estrategias artísticas para la promoción de la salud comunitaria con jóvenes adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad: caso del Universo ReiaManí. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación para inclusión social, 18, 1-12 https://doi.org/10.5209/arte.84370

Abstract: Within the “Madrid a Healthy City” (Madrid Salud) strategy, the “ReiaManí Universe” is developed, an artistic mediation initiative that was born from the Art and Health scholarship together with the Socio-educational and Pre-employment Support Program for Adolescents (ASPA). So, artistic-educational workshops are carried out with young people in a situation of social disadvantage, difficulties for the relationship between equals and emotional management. Creative workshops that promote skills for cohesion and social support as protective factors against unwanted loneliness and psychological suffering, the workshop’s objective is to build an environment of emotional well-being from art-health relationships and their processes for encounter and imagination. The methodology is proposed from action-research with flexible planning to adapt to collective needs, and it is concluded that the collective construction of the “ReiaManí Universe” has fostered group coexistence and the development of social, emotional and creative skills.

Rey, Nuria, Gil-Gayo, María, Claver, M. Dolores & Casla, Ana (2023). Mediación artística, bienestar y salud comunitaria: relatorías gráficas en tiempos de encuentro digital. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad. 35(2). 483-505. https://dx.doi.org/10.5209/aris.83793Abstract.

Abstract: report is an image for the representation and analysis of phenomena or events. It configures its production from the representation of subjectivities, encounters and interactions of a col-lective action, aiming to reflect on contextualised flows and synergies. From the project Art and Health, of Organismo Autónomo Madrid Salud (2021), three graphic reports have been developed in these meetings: 1) Abrazos Interrumpidos project, 2) the World Mental Health Day meeting and 3) Building a Compassionate community meeting. In these health settings, especially since the pandemic period that promoted a multitude of movements from physical to online processes, these strategies can emphasise the sense of community and the visibility of links between participants. This article aims, from these cases, to expand on the keys presented in previous studies on this subject, analysing how these visual strategies expand their potencies for a post-COVID art mediation. In this way, extended characteristics are found in these non-face-to-face productions, that expand the possibilities of reportage in contexts of artistic mediation and community health.

Avila Valdes, N. (2022). Arte, salud comunitaria y COVID-19: ¿qué ha pasado? ¿qué podemos hacer? Art, Community Health and COVID-19: What has happened? What can we do? Arte, individuo y sociedad, 34(3), 971-985. https://doi.org/10.5209/ARIS.72494

Abstract: Arts and health have an established path of collaboration. There are multiple evidences that have demonstrated the importance of the arts in the physical and mental well-being of people. Public health and health promotion have shown that participation in artistic activities improve individual and collective well-being.  In the scenario of  COVID-19  pandemic,  the  role  of  the  arts  is  fundamental  in  order to supporting individual, collective, political and economic challenges. In the first part of the article, it is collected what has happened in the months of the pandemic, analyzing what art has offered, and assessing the available resources. And in the second part, it is proposed ideas to continue working and offering creative and artistic solutions to the challenges of this pandemic.

Albar, J. y Antúnez, N. (2022). Service learning in Art and Health Projects. ENCUENTROS. Revista de Ciencias Humanas, Teoría Social y Pensamiento Crítico http://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5979894 

Abstract: Since 2002, students of the subject Artist, creativity and education of the Degree in Fine Arts (UCM), can carry out their final projects in relation to art and health. In these projects, developed largely under the Service Learning Methodology, they seek to combine art, health and education to improve the lives of those who participate in them. As part of this research, we will review some of the projects carried out in the Municipal Community Health Center of Usera and the workshop-boxes designed to be used by hospitalized children and adolescents. Analyzing the projects based on the basic characteristics of the SL, we see how most of the participants consider that they have been effective in this sense, having achieved that art and mediation improve the learning of students and the community with which they develop them. 

Avila Valdes, N. (2021). Investigación en salud basada en las artes. Reflexiones desde la experiencia Madrid Salud. Arts-Based Health Research, reflections from Madrid Salud experience. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 12(2), 820-845.    https://revistas.ucatolicaluisamigo.edu.co/index.php/RCCS/article/view/3466/pdf

Abstract: This article reflects on the assumptions of Art-Based Health Research based on the experience of the Art and Health project in the public agency of health of the Madrid City Council, Madrid Salud. Research in the field of art and health has a long trajectory that allows a critical analysis of the contributions and also a reflection on the transcendence and impact of such research. The article gathers aspects of Arts-Based Health Research, which is based on Arts-Based Research, and which raise theoretical, methodological, and ethical questions and conflicts. The work developed in collaboration with Madrid Salud since 2011 allows a review from the practice of these issues and a wide field of experimentation to reflect on the challenges of this research approach.

Avila Valdes, N. (2020). Arte, Salud y Cuidados: Una apuesta por la educación artística desde Madrid Salud. Art, Health and Care: a commitment to art education from Madrid Salud. ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship, 1, 29-37. https://doi.org/10.12795/ESAMEC.2020.I01.04

Abstract: This article describes the strategy of incorporating art and artists into teams of Madrid Salud. Madrid Salud is a public body of the Madrid City Council that is responsible for preventive healthcare and health promotion. In 2011, it launched the Arte, Salud y Cuidados project, which incorporated art as a tool for this purpose. Method and procedure: Taking into account the WHO report on the evidence base for arts and health interven- tions published in 2019, and the approach of UNESCO about art education, encouraging creative, active and sustainable partnerships, this study describe the collaboration between art and health in Madrid Salud. Results and discussion: The description of this development evidences that art and art education are valid tools for opening up ways for the public to take part in preventive healthcare and health promotion.

Siles Moriana S., Higueras M. C., Cedena J. F., Vergara A. L. y Gómez C. A. (2020). Prácticas artísticas en contextos de salud comunitaria: cinco experiencias de arte y salud en los Centros Municipales de Salud Comunitaria de Madrid. Five experiences of art and health in Madrid Municipal Community Health Centres.Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 15, 135-146. https://doi.org/10.5209/arte.65388

Abstract: This article aims to describe and value the use of creative processes and artistic practices as mediation tools in community health promotion. Five concrete experiences are described, each of them within the context of a collaboration between the Madrid Salud, and the Complutense University of Madrid. This collaboration on the Art and Health project has the purpose of developing investigative processes based on the Arts in this Community Health Centers. In this way, the art and the artists form active agents in community health, providing tools and methodologies. From these experiences a series of interesting reflections have arisen concerning: the role or art as a mediator in health promotion, the contribution of different methodologies in this field, the common issues across the five experiences despite them occurring in different contexts, and the art professional’s role in the achievement of integral health promotion objectives in community health. In conclusion, this text strongly supports the integration and consolidation of art professionals into community health contexts.

Castillejo, M. (2019). Replanteando el Bulevar: Un jardín vertical como intervención artística y comunitaria. Rethinking the Boulevard: A vertical garden as an artistic and community intervention. Educación artística: revista de investigación , 10 , 82-94. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/eari.10.14246

Abstract: The following article presents "Rethinking the boulevard", an artistic intervention initiative (creative  garden) built in a collaborative way between residents of the neighborhood, students of the Master's Degree in Art Education in Social and Cultural Institutions of the Complutense University of Madrid, and professionals from the Madrid Salud, in the Community Health of Puente de Vallecas neighbourhood, for  the  main  facade  of  this  center. The objective is  to  turn  the  space  adjacent  to this Community Health Center, which is characterized by its diverse problems (cleanliness, problems of coexistence,  stigmatization,  etc.)  into a healthy  meeting  point  through  care and participation. This intervention has been developed in different phases (from November 2017 to June 2018) in which a promoting group is formed that together with the  community  is  building  and rethinking  this  space  through  activities carried  out  in  community  events.  In this  way,  we  have  resorted  to  collaborative art methodologies to design a creative proposal that would allow us to achieve an objective related to health promotion. It can be concluded that the maintenance of the garden through the care of neighbors and professionals of the Community Health Center, shows that this type of initiative can be useful to involve the community in the creation and rethinking of spaces in healthier places.

Siles, S. (2019). El arte y la creatividad como nuevas formas de bienestar. Primera fase de ARTYS La Experimental, proyecto de Arte y Salud Comunitaria en la Colonia Experimental de Villaverde Alto (Madrid). Art and creativity as a new wellbeing method. The first phase of ARTYS. La Experimental, Art and Community Health in the Colonia Experimental of Villaverde Alto (Madrid). Educación artística: revista de investigación , 10 , 150-167. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/eari.10.12608

Abstract: The purpouse of this paper is to describe the first phase of the research project ARTYS La Experimental, which is an Art & Community Health Project that took place in La Colonia Experimental, a neighborhood located in Villaverde Alto in the Madrid city. The practical proposal is designed during the process by the people involved in it. Thus, the project intends to create new opportunities for a collective group to improve their health and wellbeing across the creativity and the artistic practices as a way of increasing the neighborhood’s quality of life. The project is based on  the  community  art-based  projects,  collaborative  arts, activist art, community health promote through health assets, action-research participative method and community intervention. This phase of the research process has been developed from  May  2017  to  the  end  of  January  2018  which  includes  artistic  actions in the public space, active participation and collective decision-making as key protagonists.

Larraín, A., Avila, N., & Cortés, F. (2019). Criar en colores, nuevas experiencias: una intervención de agua y color con madres jóvenes de etnia gitana en Servicios Sociales de Fuentidueña, Villa de Vallecas. Raising in colors, new experiences: a water and color intervention with young gypsy mothers in the Social Services of Fuentidueña, Villa de Vallecas Neighborhood.  Educación artística: revista de investigación , 10 , 95-115. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/eari.10.12705

Abstract: Raising in colors, new experiences is an art and health project carried out in the Villa de Vallecas neighbourhood, of Madrid. The intervention is part of the Sexual and  Reproductive  Health  Program  and  constitutes  one  of  the  health  promotion and  prevention  programs  implemented  by  Madrid Salud . The  program was developed on a weekly basis between January and April 2018 in  the Social Services Center of Fuentidueña, Villa de Vallecas, and was carried out by an artist and educator, medical professionals from Madrid Salud and social family educators from the social services center. The workshop was oriented to a group of young gypsy mothers, called Learning to be Mothers, who are beneficiaries of the minimum insertion income. The group was formed two years ago at the center. This art program (Watercolor and water techniques) was presented, and through it women would develop, with artistic languages, experiences of well-being, enjoyment, connecting with their children and discovering new health spaces.

Larraín, A., Azcona, C., Avila, N, Claver, M. (2018). Arte como recurso de salud y bienestar: una experiencia con mujeres a partir de la exposición de Cai Guo-Qiang del Museo Nacional del Prado. Agathos, atención sociosanitaria y bienestar,3: 52-61. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6756167

Abstrac: This article presents a project about art and health developed from the temporary exposition of Cai Guo-Qiang at the National Museum of Prado (2017). The program consists of a development of a visit to the Prado Museum in Madrid, and artistic creation workshops also at the Communitary Health Center, with the objective of improve the health and generate psychosocial wellbeing with a group of women enabling their participation and implication at the cultural life of the city of Madrid. 15 users participated in the development of the program, belonged to the Communitary Health Centers of Usera and Villa de Vallecas neighborhoods.

Avila, N., Claver, L., Larraín, C., Azcona, C., Segura, J., Martínez, M. (2019). Art, health promotion and community health: constructing the ‘Madrid Salud’ model. Journal Applied Arts and Health, Volume 10,  2-1, pp. 203-217(15). https://doi.org/10.1386/jaah.10.2.203_1

Abstract: This study breaks new ground by exploring the relationship between art and an aspect of health, health promotion and community health. Madrid Salud is a public body of the Madrid City Council that is responsible for this purpose. In 2011, it launched the ‘Art and Health’ project, which incorporated art as a tool for this. The study sets out to gather, document and highlight data on the ‘Art and Health’ project. The impact of collaboration between art and community health is not only shown by quantitative data but also through creative and artistic tools that reveal the potential of these actions. The results are organized both quantitatively and qualitatively using the numbers of participants, the social and cultural agents involved, workshops and artistic productions. The examples obtained confirm that art is a valid tool for opening up ways for the public to take part in preventive healthcare and health promotion.

Castillejo, M., Fernández-Cedena, J., Siles, S., Claver, L., Avila, N. (2018). Batas Nómadas en Madrid Salud: el arte y los artistas en equipos profesionales de salud comunitaria. Batas Nómadas in Madrid Salud: art and artists in professional community health teams. Gaceta Sanitaria, 32,5: 403-502 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85048433944&origin=resultslist

Abstract: This article describes the strategy of incorporating artists into the teams of community health centers in Madrid city, specifically in the Madrid Salud Centers. The artistic colletive, Batas Nómadas, formed by three artists expertized in visual arts, has developed performances and participatory approach to explain the incorporation of art and artists in these teams of professionals of Madrid Salud. Batas Nómadas has carried out sessions in 14 Health Teams of the Madrid Salud Centers and has collected data (in a creative way) information from the 179 professionals that have participated in these sessions. These actions have shown some needs in community health Teams and have noticed a meaningful reflection on the usefulness of the art to develop participative strategies into the Madrid Salud teams.

Avila, N., Orellana, A., G. Cano, M., Antúnez, N, Claver, L. (2014) Arte, salud y prevención: primeras colaboraciones. Art, health and prevention: initial collaborations. Gaceta Sanitaria 28: 6. 501-504. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2014.07.002

Abstract: This article presents a summary of the first 2 years of the collaboration between the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and Madrid Salud, public body of the Madrid City Council that is responsible for preventive healthcare and health promotion. This collaboration has allowed the development of joint experiences and projects among distinct professionals with highly diverse profiles: health professionals (sexologists, psychiatrists, nurses, etc.), and teachers, researchers, artists, and students in Arts Education. As a result, these experiences could be the beginning of future collaborations between the arts, health and prevention.




Siles, S. (2021). Democratic access to art and community health: The case of ARTYS, La Experimental / El acceso democrático al arte y salud comunitaria: el caso de ARTYS, La Experimental. [Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid]. Docta Complutense. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/5709  

Larraín, A. (2022). Artistic experiences with water and color techniques as a resource to generate wellbeing in women in contexts of prevention and health promotion in the Municipal Community Health Centers of Madrid Salud / Experiencias artísticas con técnicas al agua y color como recurso para generar bienestar en mujeres en contextos de prevención y promoción de la salud en los Centros Municipales de Salud Comunitaria de Madrid Salud. [Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid]. Docta Complutense.  https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/3922

Castillejo, M. (2022). Community Networks: Collaborative artistic practices, social movements and health / Experiences in Puente de Vallecas. Madrid Redes Comunitarias: Prácticas artísticas colaborativas, movimientos sociales y salud. Experiencias en Puente de Vallecas. [Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid]. Docta Complutense. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/4110



Early Career Researchers (2017)

Madrid Salud's profesionals; Complutense University of Madrid Researcher and academics and Early Career Researchersin Madrid City Council Meeting (2019)

Presentation of the project in the Expert meeting on noncommunicable disease prevention and control: learning from the arts.


Opera House Budapest, Hungary

15-16 Diciembre 2022


Relanzamiento del proyecto Cultura, Arte y Salud comunitaria de Madrid Salud.

Marzo de 2023

Final Conference CultureForHealth, Elefsina (Greece), June 2023.


High Level Meeting "Healthy Cities: Improving health, equity and sustainability from the local level." Spanish Presidency EU. Valencia, septiembre 2023