Personal websites

Research Projects

Current Projects


Institution and Constitution of Individuality: Ontological, Social and Legal Aspects (Principal Investigator)

Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain

2021-2025 (45 months)

Past Projects


The Problem of Personal Identity of Fictional Characters (Principal Investigator)

BBVA Foundation

2022-2023 (18 months)


Personal Identity and Moral Responsibility (Postdoctoral Fellowship)

Complutense University of Madrid

2017-2019 (24 months)


Narrative and Character: A Proposal for the Problem of the Identity of Literary Characters from Cognitive Poetics (Postdoctoral Fellowship)

National Autonomous University of Mexico

2015-2016 (12 months)


Narrative and Emotion: A Proposal for the Problem of Identification from Cognitive Poetics (Postdoctoral Fellowship)

National Autonomous University of Mexico

2014-2015 (12 months)