Publicaciones 2001
226 Mercader, J; Garralda, MD; Pearson, OM; et ál.. (2001) Eight hundred-year-old human remains from the Ituri Tropical Forest, Democratic Republic of Congo: The rock shelter site of Matangai Turu Northwest . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 115 Número: 1 24-37.
225 Elvira, B; Almodovar, A (2001) Freshwater fish introductions in Spain: facts and figures at the beginning of the 21st century. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY 59:323-331 (DOI: 10.1006/jfbi.2001.1753).
224 Garvin, MH; Martinez, F; Jesus, JB; Gutierrez, M; Ruiz, P; Cosin, DJD (2001) Effect of Hormogaster elisae (Oligochaeta; Hormogastridae) on the stability of soil aggregates. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY 37:273-276.
223 Fernandez-Leborans, G (2001) Relative importance of protozoan functional groups in three marine sublittoral areas. JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM 81:735-750.
222 Telleria, JL; Virgos, E; Carbonell, R; Perez-Tris, J; Santos, T (2001) Behavioural responses to changing landscapes: flock structure and anti-predator strategies of tits wintering in fragmented forests. OIKOS 95:253-264.
221 Alonso, JA; Martin, CA; Alonso, JC; Morales, MB; Lane, SJ (2001) Seasonal movements of male Great Bustards in central Spain. JOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY 72:504-508.
220 Mesa, MS; Arroyo-Pardo, E; Martinez-Labarga, C; Ocana, MA; Arroyo, M; Bandres, F (2001) Variability of six STR loci in populations from Central Spain. HUMAN BIOLOGY 73:745-753.
219 Perez-Tris, J; Telleria, JL (2001) Age-related variation in wing shape of migratory and sedentary Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla. JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY 32:207-213.
218 Fuster, V; Jimenez, AM; Colantonio, SE (2001) Inbreeding in Gredos mountain range (Spain): Contribution of multiple consanguinity and intervalley variation. HUMAN BIOLOGY 73:249-270.
217 Luna, F; Polo, V; Fernandez-Santander, A; Moral, P (2001) Stillbirth pattern in an isolated Mediterranean population: La Alpujarra, Spain. HUMAN BIOLOGY 73:561-573.
216 Fernandez-Leborans, G (2001) A review of the species of protozoan epibionts on crustaceans. III. Chonotrich ciliates. CRUSTACEANA 74:581-607.
215 Telleria, JL; Perez-Tris, J; Ramirez, A; Fernandez-Juricic, E; Carbonell, R (2001) Distribution of Robins Erithacus rubecula in wintering grounds: effects of conspecific density, migratory status and age. ARDEA 89:363-373.
214 Perez-Tris, J; de la Puente, J; Pinilla, J; Bermejo, A (2001) Body moult and autumn migration in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica: is there a cost of moulting late?. ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI 38:139-148.
213 Fernandez-Leborans, G; Valganon, B; Perez, E (2001) Characterization of the protistan communities inhabiting the benthic area of an inner estuary. BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE 68:451-467.
212 Carrascal, LM; Diaz, JA; Huertas, DL; Mozetich, I (2001) Behavioral thermoregulation by treecreepers: Trade-off between saving energy and reducing crypsis. ECOLOGY 82:1642-1654.
211 Fernandez-Santander, A; Luna, F; Villegas, G; Moral, P (2001) Seventy-three nuclear DNA polymorphisms in a Spanish population and a comparison with ten other populations. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 13:212-219.
210 Huertas, DL; Diaz, JA (2001) Winter habitat selection by a montane forest bird assemblage: the effects of solar radiation. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE ZOOLOGIE 79:279-284.
209 Baquero, RA; Telleria, JL (2001) Species richness, rarity and endemicity of European mammals: a biogeographical approach. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 10:29-44.