Yasmina Juarranz Moratilla
I graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Alcalá in 1989 and did my PhD at the same university under the supervision of Dr Prieto Villapún and Dr Luis González Guijarro. During this pre-doctoral period at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the UAH, I focused on the study of the Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) receptors and their signalling in the male genital tract, as well as their role in prostate cancer. During this time, I spent two pre-doctoral periods at the INSERM units U178 and U239 in Paris, in the laboratory of Dr Marc Laburthe. Thanks to a Marie Curie postdoctoral contract, I spent two years at the Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique et de la Nutrition, Faculté de Medicine et de Pharmacie of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where I focused on the study of molecular interactions between ligand (VIP) and VPAC receptors, as well as with specific agonists and antagonists of VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors. In 2001, I joined the laboratory of Dr Gomariz in the Department of Cell Biology at UCM as a postdoctoral fellow. I am currently a Professor in this Department and Director of the UCM Research Group 'Molecular and Cellular Bases of Autoimmune Diseases' (910012). Over the past 25 years (UCM), my contributions have been mainly in the field of immunology, studying inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and trying to better understand the immune mechanisms and cellular responses in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other autoimmune diseases, focusing on the role of the VIP/receptor axis. Notable findings include
- VIP regulates inflammation and immune responses
- VIP modulates bone metabolism
- VIP modulates inflammation and cartilage destruction
- The VIP/receptor axis as a biomarker in rheumatic diseases.
Finally, I have also focused on scientific communication through scientific networks, patient associations and educational events.
My teaching experience started in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the UAH and since 2003 I have been teaching in the field of Cell Biology in the Bachelor of Biology, Bachelor of Biochemistry, Bachelor of Biology, Bachelor of Biochemistry, Master of Genetics and Cell Biology, Master of Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology and Master of Health Biology at the UCM. As well as the Master in Therapeutic Targets in Cell Signalling at the UAH.
My teaching and research have been complemented by academic management. I was the academic secretary of the Department of Cell Biology at UCM for 7 years, and since 2018 I have held the position of the head of the department. I am currently a member of the Governing Council and the Senate of the UCM, as well as the Board of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the same university.
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Cell biology and Histology Department
12th Floor, Office 7