Theoretical Physics Department, Univ. of Madrid
2nd and 3rd floors, west wing of the Facultad de Ciencias Físicas

Masters in Theoretical Physics at Univ. of Madrid Complutense

Forthcoming openings in Spain.
If you are interested in any of the following,
please contact a member of the department of your research area.
- "Ramón y Cajal" national tenure-track program: Typical application window:
5 year positions 2-stage procedure: candidates apply independently, if funded then
negotiate with us at UCM
Contratos Ramón y Cajal (the department needs to apply for the position until January 24th)
Often continued by a tenure track opportunity:
- "Atracción de talento" senior postdoc program
Application window expected during December Funded by the Madrid Region
4-5 year positions.
Nontenure track:
- "Juan de la Cierva - formación" national junior postdoc program:
Contratos Juan de la Cierva-Formación