Fernando Ramos Arenas
From 2010 to 2017 Dr. Fernando Ramos was assistant professor at Leipzig University, Germany, where he earned his Ph.D. in 2010 and directed the project Cinephilia under the dictatorship. He has been Marie Curie fellow and in 2017-18 he was Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University, Washington DC. His main fields or research are european film culture and its history, media history and theory. In recent years, his main research line has focused on a comparative analysis of the film cultures of the East German and Spanish dictatorships during the 1950s and 1960s, a comparative history of television beyond traditional (national) historiographic boundaries and on questions of media literacy and historical transmission.
The research project „Film Culture in Transition“ aims to reevaluate the cultural and social development in Spain during its Transición focusing on the film culture from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s. With its focus on film culture, this project concentrates on those aspects concerning the circulation and consumption of films as cultural artefacts (emergence of specialized magazines and film critical paradigms, constitution of alternative spaces, practices of cinema going…). In line with the latest developments in the field of digital humanities, the project seeks also to illustrate some of its general considerations on the transformation of film culture through an analysis of the history of distribution, exhibition and reception in Madrid in the heyday of the Transición from 1973-1986 and the implementation of a digital geovisualization of this evolution. In this regard, it offers a critical reevaluation of this period focusing on film cultural aspects, an analysis based on the latest methodologies and a long overdue international contextualization of these developments.