Poyecto de investigación “Representaciones artístico-literarias intermediales como herramientas de expresión y de (de) construcción de una identidad y valores europeos en estudiantes universitarios”. El proyecto se inició en 2016 y viene teniendo sucesivas ampliaciones desde entonces. Coordinadora: Xiana Sotelo (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)
This project follows a proposal from the European Parliament to promote the implication of artists, intellectuals and people from the world of culture to help reconnect Europe with its citizens as a major step towards creating a new European public space.
In its educational dimension, the project offers ways to stimulate the European public space by opening avenues through education (bottom-up) to reconnect the Idea of Europe and its citizens.
In 2018, the project has included aspects of RRI and issues of moral and political responsibility in research and practical actions concerning the debate on Europe’s future.