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In "A Room of One's Own," Virginia Woolf imagines what would have happened if William Shakespeare had an equally talented sister named Judith. While William's talents were nurtured and allowed to flourish, Judith's potential was stifled by the constraints of her gender. Woolf writes that Judith would have been discouraged from learning to read and write, denied formal education, and prevented from pursuing a career in the arts. Unlike her brother, Judith would not have had the freedom to travel, act, or write.Judith Shakespeare serves as a powerful symbol in Woolf's argument about the gendered inequities of her time. Through Judith, Woolf illustrates how patriarchal structures have historically suppressed women's artistic and intellectual potential. Woolf posits that many women of genius were likely lost to history because they were never given the chance to develop their talents.Judith Shakespeare is frequently invoked in feminist discourse to highlight ongoing issues of gender inequality in the arts and beyond.
Members of the juru: Prof. Azucena Barahona, Maya Caravella Castilllo, Prof. María Goicoechea, Prof. Laura de la Parra, Prof. Carmen Maíz.